Various food items commonly served on zakuski are cuts of cold meat, preserved fish, mixed salads, pirozhki, various pickled vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, pickled mushrooms, as well as caviar and bread. Much nutritional content in it, some of them:
So much of the ingredients and nutrients in the opening menu Zakuski, some we present to you the health benefits if you consume it.
The high content of potassium and magnesium in one of zakuski ingredients, namely caviar has the function of maintaining the health of the blood circulation to and from the heart.
Vitamin D found in zakuski dish has long been believed to have the ability to maintain bone health and tooth density from the initial stage of the formation to maintain it.
The postoperative body requires a sufficient hemoglobin intake so that the circulation of oxygen in the blood can flow smoothly. This compound is found in caviar which is part of zakuski.
Zakuski dishes are rich in proteins that have extraordinary functions for the body. Overall, proteins play an important role in helping to increase body metabolism.
Proteins contained in some materials zakuski has a function as a body-shaped cell. Protein will ensure the existence of new cells replacement damaged so that our body is maintained health.
In addition to carbohydrates, protein in health benefits of black chicken is also a source of practical energy. By consuming zakuski dish, we will have extra energy besides enjoying delicious zakuski dish.
Vitamin A found in zakuski dishes is known as a nutrient that maintains eyes health and eye function.
Hormones in the body have different functions and use. The thyroid gland is the organ that regulates the production of these hormones. Iodine content in zakuski dish will maintain the function of the thyroid gland.
Iodine in zakuski also has a function to help maintain healthy skin in the list fruits healthy skin.
You do not have to worry when the menu is offered very variant zakuski and looks pretty much fat there. The rich iodine-rich fish will help prevent the health problems caused by the piles of nasty fats.
You need to be aware of the subject matter of fish used in the dish of health benefits of zakuski. Used fish are usually sea fish. The process of these fish before it is served to note that worms in the sea still exist in the body of fish and we consume.