The 7 Benefits of Snakehead Fish For Caesarean Section

Snakehead fish has a high albumin content and is often used as a daily menu, especially for postpartum mothers and nursing mothers.

Albumin is a type of protein that functions to keep fluid from leaking into other tissues. Albumin also carries various substances such as hormones, enzymes, and vitamins throughout the body.

One of the biggest benefits of snakehead fish is that it accelerates wound healing after surgery and childbirth, making the mother’s body fitter and healthier also has benefits of snakehead fish for babies. Details of the benefits of snakehead fish for caesarean section are,

1.     Postoperative Wound Recovery Medicine

Caesarean section is different from normal labour. In caesarean section, the process of giving birth by cutting the abdomen. The effect of ovulation is the presence of scars or we can say stretch marks in the area.

This wound healing process lasts up to 3 months. In the postpartum period, the uterus returns to its original size, shrinks and is in the pelvic organs.

This period approximately after 6 weeks of labour is very important in the wound healing process. In this period, it is recommended for mothers to consume snakehead fish which is already famous for its very high albumin content.

The albumin content in snakehead fish greatly increases the body’s albumin levels to normal. Albumin works by restoring body cell tissue that is split and damaged and this cell is difficult to regenerate in the absence of albumin in the body. Albumin is very effective for treating caesarean section wounds and postpartum wounds.

2.     Treating Malnutrition

Nutritional needs are needed for the body to heal wounds quickly. A malnourished body cannot repair muscle tissue because it does not get enough nutrients.

Snakehead fish as a food menu is very effective for meeting the nutritional needs of mothers after cesarean section and babies. One of the roles of snakehead fish is to distribute nutrients throughout the body.

In snakehead fish there is a high content of fatty acids and omegas which are needed for fetal growth and development. What is consumed by the mother will have an impact and affect the baby who is still in the breastfeeding stage for growth.

The mother does not get enough nutrition resulting in poor quality milk and making the baby malnourished. Malnutrition is the risk of the body experiencing albumin deficiency. By consuming snakehead fish regularly can overcome malnutrition so that the baby and the mother get adequate nutrition.

3.     Nourish Digestion

Snakehead fish has tender meat compared to other fish so it is very healthy for digestion because this organ does not require very hard effort to digest food.

Snakehead fish has a very low collagen protein of about 3 to 5% total collagen protein content compared to protein in meat. Collagen protein is part of the cartilage of bones and other tissues and serves to provide elasticity as well as strength to the skin.

Snakehead fish is good for consumption for postpartum mothers as well as breastfeeding regularly. This can improve digestion so that the postoperative healing process takes place very quickly due to an optimal and smooth metabolism. Other way, the mothers also can consumption of milk and getting the health benefits of fermented milk.  

4.     Helps in Muscle Growth and Strengthening

The growth of new muscle and skin cells can eliminate the cesarean scar. The growth of new tissue in each person is different, some are fast and some are very slow.

A very large amount of protein is needed to accelerate the growth of new muscle tissue in the body. One of them is consuming snakehead fish, which has become a popular daily menu for post-cesarean section mothers and breastfeeding mothers.

Snakehead fish with its very high albumin content is very effective in its role in building muscle in the human body. In the same 100 gram mass, snakehead fish has 25.2 proteins higher than eggs which are only 12.8 chicken meat around 18, and beef which is only 18.8 proteins.

5.     Maintain Fluid Balance in the Body

We must pay attention to fluids in the body. If it is reduced, it will have an impact on the protein that enters the body to be broken and cannot function normally as its role heals wounds and forms new muscle tissue and the recovery of surgical scars becomes very slow.

A body that experiences albumin deficiency will cause hypoalbuminemia disease with symptoms of accumulation of fluid in the lining of the abdominal wall and internal organs, decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting, low blood pressure, decreased muscle mass, dry and rough skin, wounds that are very difficult to heal until the growth of children becomes very slow.

60% albumin fills the blood plasma content or as a fluid balancing agent in the body so as not to leak into other body tissues. How important it is to consume snakehead fish regularly for postpartum mothers and nursing mothers.

6.     Maintain Eye Health

Many things happen to the mother’s body after childbirth, one of which is blurry eye complaints. Postpartum often occurs hormonal changes that result in reduced tear production, making the eyes dry.

When the eyes are too dry by themselves the cornea will become thick which has an impact on blurred vision. Blurred vision can also be caused by high blood pressure due to preeclampsia in the 48 hours to 6 weeks after delivery.

Some mothers also experience tumor growth after giving birth which affects blurred vision. Postpartum blurred vision can also occur due to damage to the blood vessels of the retina, especially the light-sensitive tissue.

To avoid this condition, it is highly recommended for postpartum mothers to consume snakehead fish. Snakehead fish contains vitamin A to maintain eye health besides being high in protein. Find more about the benefits of vitamin A for the body here.

7.     Maintain Body Stamina

You are very common when the body becomes weak after giving birth. Although it sounds trivial but it is overcome, because this can interfere with our concentration to take care of the baby. This condition occurs during the recovery period and is usually caused by lack of support from people around, postpartum depression, lack of sleep, consumption of painkillers, hypothyroidism, and heavy blood loss during childbirth, postpartum hemorrhage.

The mother needs adequate rest, workout jogging like the mothers will get health benefits of jogging 30 minutes a day, consumption of nutritious food, one of which is making snakehead fish into a daily menu to restore energy and maintain stamina so that at the same time as the recovery period, she can take care of the newborn baby.

Many health benefits of snakehead fish. The nutritional content of fresh snakehead fish in 100 grams are,

NutritionUnit of Measurement
Water79,6 gram
Calorie80 kkal
Protein16,2 gram
Fat0,5 gram
Carbohydrate2,6 gram
Fiber0 gram
Calcium170 mg
Phosphorus139 mg
Iron0,1 mg
Sodium65 mg
Pottasium254 mg
Copper0,3 mg
Zinc0,4 mg
Retinol (Vitamin A)335 mcg
Thiamin (Vitamin B1)0,4 mcg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)0,2 mg
Niacin (Vitamin B3)0,1 mg
Indonesian Food Composition Data