
17 Health Benefits of Fermented Milk

Who doesn’t love milk? It’s the most nutritious drink with the most nutrients and one of them is fermented milk, fermented with lactic acid bacteria.

Fermented milk makes it easy to digest, especially for people who are allergic to milk or lactose intolerant, and increases the shelf life of dairy products. There are 2 types of fermented milk: yogurt and kefir.

Yogurt is made entirely with bacteria such as Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, and Streptococcus thermophilus. Kefir is partly made with bacteria similar to yogurt and partly with sour yeast. Fermented milk has a variety of health benefits, including,

1.     Maintaining the digestive tract

Healthy digestion generally has a lot of good bacteria living in it. Some people often experience a disturbed balance of gut microflora so that digestion becomes unhealthy, caused by unhealthy diets and long-term consumption of drugs. This condition can be minimized by probiotics contained in foods and drinks.

2.     Preventing Diarrhea

Probiotics in fermented milk are very effective in treating diarrhea, as probiotic bacteria lactobacillus and S. boulardi are effective in the prevention and help restore the balance of good bacteria in the gut. There is also lactobacillus casei in fermented milk that helps children and newborns with diarrhea.

3.     Reduces Body Toxins

Bacteria in fermented milk produce organic acids, hydrogen peroxide, carbon dioxide and acidolin have microbial properties so that they can bind toxic compounds resulting from protein and fat metabolism and the breakdown of certain enzymes, greatly alleviating and helping the task of the liver.

4.     Boosts Immunity

Nutrients present in food when consumed can be absorbed and digested better so that the body’s immunity increases and helps maintain the health of the digestive tract. This condition can occur when harmful bacteria are reduced in the gut.

With fermented milk, which has an acidity of pH 4-6.7, it can inhibit the growth of bad bacteria or known as pathogens in the form of antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic. The reduction of pathogenic bacteria allows the gut to absorb nutrients better. The healthier the gut, the healthier the digestion.

5.     Maintain Bone Health

Multiple vitamins, protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin D in fermented milk are very good and have an important role in bone growth and prevention of osteoporosis.

Fermented milk contains probiotic bacteria that can increase nutrients and improve absorption in the intestines, making it easier for the intestines to absorb the nutrients needed, such as calcium, for bone health.

6.     Improves Memory

Drinking fermented milk containing probiotics can increase certain microorganisms in the gut and improve relational memory in healthy adults. Probiotic content has a positive impact on brain functions such as memory, there is a correlation between the gut and the brain.

The brain and gut have a way of communicating with each other and changes in the gut microbiome can affect brain modulation which results in behavioral and cognitive changes.

When the gut is in imbalance healthy gut bacteria can send signals to the brain and have a negative effect on brain health and mood. Be sure to consume probiotic and prebiotic foods to balance healthy gut bacteria to keep the gut and brain happy.

7.     Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Patients with high cholesterol are encouraged to drink fermented milk and with consuming avocado. Find here the health benefits of avocado fruit during fasting for lower cholesterol. This milk contains probiotics to lower cholesterol levels.

Probiotics are able to stop absorption by binding cholesterol in the gut. In addition, probiotics function to produce bile acids or salts that can break down fat and cholesterol.

8.     Fights Osteoporosis

Calcium, protein, potassium, and phosphorus are nutrients present in fermented milk that are very good for preventing osteoporosis or bone loss. Weak bones and low bone density is a conditions of osteoporosis. Regularly consuming fermented milk can maintain bone health and strength.

9.     Oral Health

The mouth is the first digestive organ when food and drinks enter the body. Fermented milk has good bacteria that can nourish the biome in the mouth so that oral health is better maintained and minimizes the occurrence of tartar and plaque accumulation. In addition, fermented milk can prevent gum disease and cavities.

10. Lowers High Blood Pressure

Fermented milk contains many healthy and beneficial strains of bacteria and yeast that are beneficial for reducing the risk of high blood pressure. Fermented milk can also help block enzymes correlated with increased high blood pressure.

11. Fighting Obesity and Controlling Blood Sugar

Obesity and type-2 diabetes are common factors in cardiovascular disease. To minimize avoidance of both conditions, the gut must be healthy. One way to keep your gut healthy is by consuming fermented milk.

Fermented milk contains probiotics that are beneficial for balancing the microbiome and reducing inflammation in type-2 diabetics and probiotic supplementation results in weight loss, decreased waist circumference, and decreased BMI in obese adults.

Fermented milk can prevent metabolic syndrome from the side effects of type-2 diabetes. For diabetics, consuming fermented milk with healthy strains of bacteria and yeast can reduce blood sugar levels, blood pressure, keep cholesterol levels normal, and improve insulin resistance.

12. Good for Pregnancy

What are the good things for women pregnant? It is health benefits of consuming plums during pregnancy and fermented milk contains a lot of good bacteria and is very suitable for women experiencing pregnancy and after giving birth, it can help reduce the chances of young children developing eczema.

13. Stimulates Heart Health

Fermented milk has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke in a number of health studies. Fermented milk and the the benefits of eggplant for hearth health health can have effects on healthy blood fat levels including lower total cholesterol and lower blood pressure.

14. Boosts Energy

Fermented milk contains a lot of minerals, vitamin D, and amino acids that can provide energy to get through the day and reduce fatigue. With the health benefits of Indian masala tea can be consumed to get an energy booster.

15. Reduces Cardiovascular Risk

Cardiovascular diseases include increased levels of inflammation, immune dysfunction, unbalanced gut flora, hypertension, and arrhythmia. Having healthy gut bacteria can reduce certain cardiovascular diseases. The health benefits of unsweetened carob chips and consuming fermented milk can help to reduce cardiovascular risk.

16. Improves Mental Health

Gut problems, increased levels of inflammation, and immune system dysfunction often result from anxiety and depression. Fermented milk with probiotic content can repair the gut and make vitamins and minerals including vitamin B12 and vitamin K more absorbable. Fermented milk can synthesize mood-modulating neurotransmitters such as serotonin.

17. Weight Maintenance

For those who are struggling to maintain and gain ideal weight, fermented milk can help with the condition. Fermented milk can hydrate the body and provide essential nutrients such as unsaturated fats, minerals, and beneficial bacteria. In addition, fermented milk can boost the body’s metabolism.