5 Benefits of Snakehead Fish For Men

Snakehead fish, which lives in freshwater, has nutritional content, especially protein, which is higher than salmon.

Many people think that snakehead fish is only taken for its benefits in healing wounds. In fact, there are still many benefits of snakehead fish for women such as the benefits of snakehead fish for caesarean section and men to get health, especially improving reproductive function and stamina.

1.     Improve Reproduction

A very important point in improving sperm quality for men. That’s why many men consume pumpkin seed. Pumpkin seed benefits for sperm. If the reproduction of male sperm quality decreases, it can make couples become separated.

When sperm quality is good it automatically increases the chances of pregnancy for women. Sperm quality is interrelated with male fertility, for example internal organ health.

The quality and health of sperm is determined by how large the number of sperm during ejaculation and if it reaches 15 million sperm cells per mm it can be said that the man is fertile, the movement of sperm in reaching the egg, the structure of sperm cells.

Male fertility can also have diseases of the testicles, age that has entered the age of 50, problems with sperm transfer, and hypothalamic problems (part of the brain as a signaling testicle to produce testosterone and sperm). Mantaining sperm health can be done in various ways,

  • Maintaining an ideal body weight is vital for sperm count and hormone balance. If you are overweight, it will have an impact on the decrease in hormonal imbalance so that the quality and quantity will indeed decrease.
  • Consumption of healthy foods, it is highly recommended to consume fruits and vegetables with antioxidant content and vitamin C and vitamin E 7 in snakehead fish. By consuming snakehead fish regularly can help men increase fertility and at the same time improve reproduction.
  • Exercise, the type of exercise that can help improve its quality is cancer loads and activities. Try to always routine with an intensity of 150 minutes per week.
  • Pay attention to the use of gadgets, playing gadgets for a very long time has an impact on reducing the number of sperm because the heat coming out of the gadget causes radiation.
  • Do not soak in hot water for too long, the sperm has an ideal temperature to survive and move. If the temperature is too hot, it will decrease the quality and become infertile.
  • Manage stress, if we cannot manage stress well, it will have an impact on anxiety and loss of sexuality because the hormone cortisol is increasing. This condition can also reduce testosterone production.
  • Avoid alcohol, drinking too much alcohol can reduce testosterone production, impotence, and decreased sperm production.

2.     Enlarge the Vital Organ

Many men consider that having a large penis is a measure of male pride so they are always looking for ways to enlarge it. Without the right way, it will have dangerous side effects on the vital organs themselves.

Enlarging male vital organs can be done naturally by consuming snakehead fish regularly and ginseng. Here is the health benefits of Korean red ginseng for man vitality. Here are other ways that men usually do to enlarge their vital organs

  • Compressing the penis, with a warm towel that can improve blood circulation so that the penis is maximally erect and prevent erectile dysfunction.
  • Consuming ginkgo biloba, can improve blood circulation to the brain so as to prevent senility. Smooth blood makes the flow to the penis smoother.
  • Lose weight, if overweight makes blood flow not smooth to the penis.
  • Jelqing, a gentle sequencing technique with the thumb. Sequencing makes the quality of erection better. If done in a rough way and too often will cause the penis to experience injury and irritation.
  • Shaving pubic hair, is one of the steps to keep intimate parts clean and make intercourse more comfortable.
  • Using a special vacuum, useful for drawing blood circulation so that it can overcome male erectile dysfunction. Avoid doing it too often because it makes the elastic skin of male vital organs damaged.
  • Surgery, the last resort in enlarging the vital organs. But remember to consult a doctor first.

3.     Maintain Bone Health

It is very important for men to maintain healthy bones as they form the structure of the body, anchor the muscles, and store calcium. When you’re young, your body is more likely to form new bone than to break down and increase bone fat.

When you are over 30 years old, bone development still occurs but more bone mass is lost than gained. This decrease in bone mass is caused by osteoporosis.

Age, gender, physical activity, the amount of calcium consumed, drinking alcohol and smoking, long-term use of medications, race and heredity, body weight, certain hormone levels in the body, and health conditions are factors that affect bone health.

To maintain bone health, it is done in many ways such as,

  • Consume the required amount of calcium according to age such as the health benefits of calcium for bones,
    • Men aged 19 to 70 years old need 1000 mg per day
    • Men over 70 years old need 1200 mg per day
    • Women aged 19 to 50 years need 1000 mg per day
    • Women over the age of 50 need 1200 mg per day
  • Consume the required amount of vitamin D according to age type
    • Adults aged 19 to 70 years old need 600 IU per day
    • Adults over 70 years of age require 800 IU per day
  • Doing physical activity every day
  • Quitting alcohol and not smoking

Vitamin D and calcium can be found in snakehead fish. Consuming snakehead fish, which is rich in nutrients and high in antioxidants, can help keep your bones strong.

4.     Preventing Venereal Disease

Genital diseases generally occur due to lack of hygiene. In addition, it can also be caused by infections, bacteria, parasitic viruses through intimate relationships. There are several types of genital diseases experienced by men,

  • Trichomoniasis, usually causes no symptoms and occurs due to a parasitic infection.
  • Chlamydia, is caused by a bacterial infection and symptoms are characterized by painful urination, itching and burning in the urethra, unusual clear, white discharge from the penis.
  • Genital warts, these are obvious warts on the genitals and are usually caused by a human infection that is transmitted directly to the patient during intercourse.
  • Gonorrhea, characterized by green, yellow, white discharge from the penis, pain and burning sensation when urinating, pain in the testicles, swelling of the foreskin of the penis. It is caused by a bacterial infection and symptoms appear two weeks after infection.
  • Genital herpes, characterized by blisters and flu-like symptoms. It is caused by the herpes virus during intercourse and kissing.
  • Syphilis, caused by a bacterial infection, is characterized by painless sores on the genitals and mouth and is spread by contact with the sores.
  • Epididymitis is caused by a bacterial infection and the sufferer will experience symptoms such as painful urination, fever, chills, redness, swelling and severe pain in the testicles up to the groin.
  • Balantis, experienced by men who do not have circumcision. Signs are usually pain or itching, redness and rash, swelling of the head of the penis due to fungi and bacteria.
  • Orchitis, caused by a bacterial infection and characterized by swelling in one or both testicles and will experience aches, fatigue, headache, nausea, palpitations, chills, fever.

How to avoid venereal disease can be done from within the body such as paying attention to the intake consumed. It is highly recommended to consume snakehead fish which is high in antioxidants and rich in nutrients regularly and consuming fig leaves.

Here is the health benefits of fig leaves. Another way is to maintain the cleanliness of the genitals and surrounding areas, avoid changing partners, routinely check the health of each partner, vaccinate against HPV and hepatitis, avoid alcohol consumption and abuse of certain drugs, routine examination of reproductive organs periodically.

5.     Cleaning the Vitals

Germs can stick to the vital organs due to the use and replacement of unclean underwear. it is no secret that men rarely clean the penis. It is not surprising that there is a lot of clogs that stick around the penis area, causing an unpleasant odor.

It is also not uncommon for daki to cause bacterial and fungal infections in the penis. By consuming snakehead fish regularly, it can reduce and even avoid germs and the like. Here’s how to clean the correct vital organs

  • Flushing the fur with clean water, can use ordinary water but strive to use warm water with lukewarm temperature.
  • Selection of soft soap ingredients on the skin, the use of any soap can trigger irritation, especially the remaining ones that are not cleaned properly. After using soap, rinse with water