
15 Excellent Health Benefits of Sambong Tea

Do you the like to drink a cup of tea? What kind of tea do you like to drink? Green tea, white tea, or something that is more specified like chamomile tea? In this article, we will talk about Sambong tea which is believed to have many kinds of health benefits. First of all, let’s get along with the term “sambong”. It is a plant which is mainly a weed by nature hence and it has the smell and taste like camphor. It is used by the drying process and for drinking as the tea. It is known that the tea can help to cure certain health problems. In fact, this herb has the detoxifying effect to cleanse kidney. Even, it has anti-diarrheal and anti-spasmodic properties. Moreover, it has been used in Chinese and Thai folk medicines. Great, isn’t it? Then, if you are curious what Sambong tea can help you to promote body health, then make sure you check the list of health benefits of sambong tea below.

1. Have Antibacterial Properties

Sambong tea is the herbal tea that you can count on. This tea provides essential nutrient to promote the body health. One of them is to provide the antibacterial properties. As a matter of fact, it has great components which are cyptomeridiol, ß-carotene, lutein, and icthyothereol acetate to combat bad microbes in the body. Consequently, it has shown positive effects to fight against microbes such as C. albicans, S. aureus, B. subtilis, A. niger. Thus, if you find your day dull, then you can try the sambong tea for the preference. Not only will soothe your day, but also will give the great protection against microbes. You can also check on Health Benefits of Neem Tea

2. Have Antioxidant Properties

What is even greater from sambong tea is the way this tea provides antioxidants. The leaves of the sambong plant have flavonoids that act as antioxidants. Then, you will have no doubt to drink this tea as we know that antioxidant is the great nutrient. Flavonoids as the antioxidant can protect the body against free radicals. Even, it can fight against cancer cells. Such the great benefit, right? You can also check on Health Benefits of Starfruit

3. Have Analgesic Properties

It is known that sambong tea has analgesic properties. This can help you to relieve the pain after a dental operation.

4. Treats Sore Throat

Do you know one of the benefits of sambong tea is to treat a sore throat? Indeed, this kind of tea can help you to get rid of a sore throat. It acts as an expectorant by preventing mucus and phlegm. The greater things come from sambong tea is the way it relieves common cold and fever. Then, if you suffer from a sore throat, then having the natural treatment such as sambong tea is a very good idea to try.

5. Cures Digestive Problems

The next health benefit of sambong tea is to cure digestive problems. It is linked with the anti-diarrheal properties contained in it. In this case, it provides borneol, camphor, caryophyllene oxide, α-terpineol, β-caryophyllene, and terpineol that are beneficial to soothe your gastrointestinal tract. As a result, it can help to reduce the problems of digestion including diarrhea. Thus, if you suffer from digestive problems, then having a cup of sambong tea could really help you. You can also check on Health Benefits of Essiac Tea

6. Induces Urination

As explained before, sambong tea acts as the diuretic which means it will help to induce urination. It will help your body to flush out sodium and excess fluid from the body through the urine. Indeed, as a result, it will prevent fluid retention. Then, if you want to have the great urination, then sambong tea is something that should be taken into account.

7. Prevents Cancer

As described before, sambong tea has antibacterial properties and antioxidants. This means sambong tea can help to prevent of the cancer risks. It has the anti-carcinogenic activity that can fight against hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Indeed, the methanolic effect contained in sambong tea can be the good choice for you to prevent certain health problems such as cancer. You can also check on Health Benefits of Soursop Leaves

8. Lowers Blood Pressure

Drinking sambong tea in regular basis can help you to lower blood pressure. This is related with the benefit of this tea to act as a diuretic. Moreover, it also helps to remove the sodium excess from the blood resulting in the low blood pressure. As a result, it also contributes to deal with hypertension as well.

9. Treats Hypertension

Next, it is shown that sambong tea contributes to relieves stress and treat hypertension. This is due to the presence of soothing properties and the ability to remove excess fluids. Moreover, it can help to remove the excess sodium in the body. As a result, it will help the body to treat hypertension. Then, are you ready to have a cup of sambong tea to have the happiest day?

10. Treats Kidney Problem

Sambong tea also has health benefit to treat kidney problem. It has been registered as a medicine in the Bureau of Foods and Drugs. In fact, The Department of Health in the Philippines said that sambong tea can help you to dissolve kidney stones. Moreover, it has shown that sambong can relieve kidney problems related to kidney transplant. Thus, if you have problems with kidney then having sambong tea can be a good idea. You can also check on Symptoms of Kidney Stones From Small

Also, there are other health benefits of sambong tea which is related to herbal medication as written below.

11. Treats Fever

12. Treats Headache

13. Treats Cough

14. Heals Wounds

15. Treats Menstrual Cramps

After knowing the health benefits of sambong tea, check the tips for drinking this tea below.

Tips for Consuming

  • If you want to make sambong tea, then you need to boil sambong leaves for about 10-15 minutes. Then, store it in a clean container and you can drink it 3-4 cup daily.
  • You can relieve rheumatism by drinking this tea regularly as it has antifungal, antibacterial, and act as an astringent as well.

To conclude, sambong tea can be the option for you who wants to have a herbal tea daily. This could be drunk by anyone but pregnant women should be careful and talk to the doctor first. Then, with a good and right consumption of sambong tea, you will achieve the best health benefits of it. Stay healthy there!