
6 Health Benefits of Teas for PCOS You Need to Know

Herbal teas are becoming more popular nowadays as they have amazing medicinal properties. A cup or two of some healthy teas are made with the combination of spices, herbs, flowers and dried fruits.

This combination could be beneficial in many health conditions and helps in giving a much-needed boost to your immune system. The most famous herbal tea might be the Chinese tea. You can try reading Huangshan Maofeng Teafor benefits for health.

Some herbal teas are also effective in fighting certain hormonal disorders, like PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome). PCOS usually occurs in women of reproductive age. It could be caused by genetic factors or higher levels of male hormones. Women who are affected by PCOS may have irregular periods or no periods.

Tea contains some healthy compounds that are naturally present in tea leaves, such as polyphenols, caffeine, minerals and vitamins, and amino acids. Let’s see how beneficial tea is for your health, especially for those who suffer from PCOS.

1. Act as Antioxidants

People with POCS have been shown to have higher rates of oxidative stress as those without PCOS. Antioxidants help to neutralize the harmful free radicals that are caused by oxidative stress.

There are some studies that have shown that consuming 300 ml (2 g tea solid adding in 300 ml water) green tea or black tea improved the antioxidant activity in the participants’ blood. The antioxidant activity was 1.5 times higher after green tea was consumed to those who consumed black tea.

There are several kinds of food which are rich in antioxidant. You can try taro root and read these benefits of taro root for cancer. Taro root is a great source of antioxidant.

2. Gut Health

In PCOS, there tends to be an altered gut microbiome. There are some studies suggesting that the gut microbiome may play a role in causing PCOS.

Drinking tea might help in keeping the gut healthy. Green tea and black tea are rich in polyphenols which is shown to be able decrease the growth of “good” bacteria in the gut called microbiota.

Gut health can also be maintained by soil-based organisms. Read more about it in health benefits of soil-based organisms.

3. Decrease Stress

People with PCOS may gain more stress. Stress can have a big impact on worsening the symptoms of PCOS. You can just sit down and enjoy a cup of tea. There’s one study showed that participants who consumed tea prior had lowered cortisol levels and the difference was most significant at 50 minutes post-task.

4. Lower Androgens

Since the excess of androgens is the root cause of PCOS, consuming tea can help lowering androgens. There are some studies showing that the specific tea, such as spearmint and green tea, may help lower androgens.

5. Improved Cholesterol Level

People with PCOS tend to have lower HDL and higher level of TG and LDL. If the condition is like this, there may be an increased risk of heart disease. However, don’t worry as consuming tea may improve all of these.

There was a study found out that people who consumed tea had a reduced age-related decrease in HDL-C, and TG/HDL-C and TC/HDL-C ratios were slowly increasing

Green and black tea are considered as the most effective teas and other teas, such as herbal or flowering teas appear to have little impact on HDL-C.

6. Anti-cancer

Even though PCOS is not specific to cancer, however, there are some studies suggesting that tea may help decrease the risk of cancer.

After reading those health benefits of tea for PCOS then you may start wondering which types of tea you should drink. Let’s see best herbal teas for PCOS:

  • Spearmint – this is a great tea for PCOS, particularly for those who experience elevated testosterone levels and associated symptoms, such as unwanted hair growth on the body and hirsuitm.
  • White peony – this tea is rich in a constituent called paeoniflorin. This constituent has been shown to be able to reduce serum testosterone levels, promote the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen.
  • Cinnamon – this tea is great for lowering blood sugar level, so it will be perfect for PCOS, especially if you experience elevated blood sugar or insulin level. Blood sugar imbalances are often at the root of PCOS. Cinnamon tea can be combined with other ingredients, such as apple and ginger. Find more about it in health benefits of apple and cinnamon tea and health benefits of cinnamon and ginger tea.

Those are the types of herbal tea which are able to reduce the symptoms of PCOS. However, remember that every body is unique so that you need to determine which works the best for your body.