Kidney Stones

18 Symptoms of Kidney Stones From Small – Big Stones

Kidney stone disease is one of the most painful urological disorders and prevalent in society. More than one million kidney stone cases are diagnosed each year and 10 percent of people suffering from kidney stones at some point in his life. Fortunately, the majority of kidney stones out of the body without any intervention. If you’re not so lucky, the following information will help you and your doctor to address causes, symptoms and complications that may be caused by kidney stones. We should learn about the signs and the symptoms of kidney stones, so we know when to seek the treatment.

What Is the Kidney Stone?

Kidney stones are pieces of solid material that formed when substances that are normally dissolved in the urine becomes highly concentrated. The solid material is often formed from calcium, oxalate, and phosphate. Kidney stones may be only a few millimeters in diameter, or about the size of small stones.

Kidney stones are most common in men, but statistics are now showing more cases of kidney stones in women and children. Dietary factors may play a role in increasing the number of cases of kidney stones.

Symptoms of kidney stones usually will not be felt by the sufferer if still small. Symptoms also will not be felt if the kidney stones are so small that excluded them from the body through the ureter with ease.

Symptoms of kidney stones

Symptoms of kidney stones as a result of pronounced when larger stones out of the kidney to the ureter. The ureter is a tube that connects the kidney to the bladder. The ureter is a tube-shaped organ with sensitive tissues. When kidney stones are large enough to pass through the ureter, the stone will rub against the wall of the ureter, causing irritation and even injuries. This is why sometimes the urine may contain blood. If the stone is large enough, a stone may become lodged in the ureter thus hampering the flow of urine to the kidneys. Some symptoms are:

1. Pain

1.1 Pain during urination.

The most common symptoms of kidney stone is pain during urination. The intensity of pain among people with each other of course has much variety. There are ordinary, but there is also to take place very severe pain. Frequency is in there that just occasionally but there also happens very often. The difference this pain can be affected by where the stone is located as well as large-small size stones. Pain is usually also accompanied by a burning sensation during urination. Patients with bladder stones usually have a high desire to always urinate, but urine that produced is just a little.

1.2 Low back pain.

This is a symptom of urinary stones are most important. Pain caused by kidney stones depends on the location of the stone. In general, pain that occurs is usually located at the back waist. Waist left or right depending on the location of the waist. Whether the stone in the left kidney system or right kidney system. The pain intensity was initially felt light, but within 20-60 minutes the pain can grow to be very great. I was so incredibly, people are usually could not walk and retaining the most severe pain was difficult to resist the sensation of pain.

1.3 Pain In Other Location.

Pain symptoms of bladder stones is not only can occur on the waist only. Depending on where the stone is, pain may be felt in various locations of the body. The location of the body to feel pain is in the front waist, lower front waist, groin area even in the pubic area both in men and women. Usually pain in this area begins with a history of low back pain before, although it can appear suddenly in locations that have been mentioned above.

2. The presence of blood in urine

The presence of blood in urine or often referred to as hematuria, are the traits of bladder stones caused by irritation of the urinary tract.

A stone which can be large and have a texture rather sharp when passing through the ureter, can irritate the channel and trigger bleeding on the walls.

And the blood will be mixed with urine so the urine becomes red or brown. If there is a trait like this, then you should see a doctor immediately to get further treatment.

3. Always Wanted Micturition and Frequency Ascending

Kidney stones that are in the bladder can give symptoms of bladder stones often wanted to urinate and increased frequency of urination. This happens especially when the bladder stones large enough to stimulate the bladder to always urinate.

These symptoms need to be distinguished with the symptoms of diabetes. In bladder stones, although the frequency of urination become increased, but the urine that passed is only slightly. In diabetes, urinary frequency increased with urine quite a lot.

In addition to increasing the frequency, kidney stones in the bladder can give symptoms such as the sensation of always wanted to urinate. This feeling usually comes on suddenly and had to be completed to the bathroom even if urine comes out just a bit.

4. Urinary Tract Infections

The Symptoms of bladder stones is mainly arise when a kidney stone is already clogging one ureter and long enough. With the stones that block the urinary tract (think like a rock in the hose) urine will not come out smoothly. This causes the urine is in the urinary tract in a long time.

Urine is a medium of preferred bacteria so easily cause infection. Urinary tract infection have the symptoms like burning sensation during urination, feeling always wanted to urinate, frequent urination but little urine, fever, back pain, and urinating blood.

5. Fever

The characteristics of the next bladder stones that develops is a fever. Fever is a natural response of the body due to the entry of germs / microorganisms into our body.

In the febrile urinary stone disease caused due to an inflammatory process in the urinary tract which often causes the sufferer to high heat.

If there is fever, it means the infection process is going on, so you should immediately bring it to the doctor to prescribe antibiotics to fight the bacteria which causing the infection.

6. Nausea/vomiting

Usually, urinary stone disease have affected to the digestive system. It creates a Bloated or full feeling in the abdominal area that trigger nausea or vomiting. this is because the location of urinary stones adjacent to the digestive system.

7. Body fatigue

Body fatigue is also one of the characteristics of bladder stones. Sufferers will typically experience a weak, tired, lethargic, and less passionate. The Appetite and vigor to the activity may also be decreased.

8. Swelling in the feet and legs.

Legs will swelled due to the buildup of excess fluid will accumulate in your legs. In addition, the kidney disease, protein levels in the blood will be reduced so it caused the legs become swollen.

9. The skin color is getting darker

The skin color that becomes darker is one of the kidney problems that we can see. The skin will be dark and seem dull, not shiny and dim.

This is caused by the accumulation of waste products that the kidneys can not waste into the urine. By contrast, pale skin color can be a characteristic of chronic kidney disease.

This occurs due to anemia which commonly occurs in chronic renal failure. Anemia or lack of red blood cells will provide a paler shades on your skin.

Signs of kidney stones in women

The symptoms of kidney stones in women is not easy to detect circuitry easy, because of pain in the lower abdomen in women are often ignored. Signs that may indicate symptoms of crystal-shaped rock crystal is:

  1. Some women often experience nausea, vomiting, high fever and chills that causes kidney infection.
  2. Urine colour is pink or red because of the blood that is experienced by women also often pushed to urinate and a burning sensation during urination These symptoms cause kidney stones in women.
  3. The common occurrence of first symptoms of kidney stones often feel abdominal pain, pain that radiates towards the rear of the abdomen and often feel like the pain of kidney failure.
  4. Itching Excessive Sense. When your kidneys are already no longer function normally, this can lead to the dung heap of waste from the body. This will cause you to feel itchy excessively and not reasonable. Even itching can occur continuously until caused sores and bleeding from too many carded. Symptoms of kidney disease in women is usually felt on the hands, ankle or wrist, and could also be felt in other body parts. So if you feel the symptoms of excessive itching repeatedly, see your doctor immadiately.
  5. Suffer Shortness of Breath. Further symptoms you are going to feel is shortness of breath or breathing difficulties. Kidneys that not functioning normally will make a buildup of fluid in your body. Even the liquid is also possible to build up in your lungs so that your lungs as if covered and you will feel shortness of breath or breathing difficulties. A lack of supply of oxygen-carrying red blood cells also make your body will also be lack of oxygen or breathing easily exhausted.
  6. Chills. The symptoms of kidney stones in women is also characterized by coldness felt by the body over time. This is caused by kidneys disorders. Kidney disorders can cause you to suffer anemia or lack of red blood cells. And Anemia is what made you could feel the cold. In some cases of kidney disease, usually people with kidney disease will feel very cold even to shiver as from midnight. Therefore if you are very easy to freezing when the temperature is not too cold, you should also be aware of your own body condition and immediately went to the doctor.
  7. Dizziness and Hard Concentration. As discussed in the previous point, one of the symptoms of kidney disease in women is anemia that can also lead to feeling cold at midnight. Well, besides the cold, anemia can also make people’s brain who with kidney disease can not receive sufficient oxygen intake. This is exactly what makes people with kidney disease then often become dizzy and hard to concentrate while doing the activity. Even severe dizziness can make you fall for a loss of balance when walking.
  8. Feeling Sick Around Waist. Possible symptoms of kidney disease in women who have been frequently discussed and already quite well known by the public. Disorders or pain that occurs in the kidneys normally make a person feel pain in the part of waist. This condition is one of the characteristic traits or symptoms of kidney stones in woman that usually cause kidney stones trapped in the ureter. That is what causes the pain. Although initially it only feels pain occasionally, but the longer and more severe kidney disease you feel, then the pain will be more frequent and last longer.
  9. Hormone Disorders. Disorders that affecting the kidney also make the kidneys can not work optimally in producing extra hormones or hormone. And consequently, the hormone blood pressure will increase, while other hormones actually reduced their production. This is what will lead to kidney patients either women or men will feel fatigue, anemia or lack of red blood cells and osteoporosis.

The Causes of Kidney stones

Kidney stones are often not defined by a single cause. Several factors are often combined, to causes a person susceptible to kidney stones. Kidney stones form when the urine discharge may caused the components and various minerals and acids lost it’s balance and causing your urine contained more crystallized, agglomerate to  be kidney stones.

The risk factors

The risk factors that may increase the kidney stones to occurs include:

  • The family with cases of kidney stones, men and age 40 over, although kidney stones can occurs at any age and woman, too.
  • Always consume the foods are high in protein, sodium and sugar
  • Obesity and Dehydration.
  • Other conditions, such as cystinuria and urinary tract infections
The Good thing to do by kidney stone patients

If you already is diagnosed with kidney stones, you should:

  1. Doing sports regularly. Exercise is very important for health and fitness. how to cure kidney stones naturally also be able to run this activity. sport is the most potential drug that can be done without risk. Many types of exercise that we can do to address the problem of kidney stones. Jogging or gymnastics is already more than enough.
  2. Drink plenty much of water. Water is the most important to prevent kidney stones. Patients are advised to urinate around 2.5 liters a day, so they should drink more than that amount.
  3. Eat fruits which are suitable for kidney stones. Eating fruit was indeed required in order to fill up the fibers intake in our body that can be digested properly. The fruits that consuming such as watermelon, apple, melon and cherry fruit. That’s how to cure kidney stones naturally and practical. As well as drinking water be included in kidney stones.
  4. Chocolate and milk are better reduced or avoided. Milk and chocolate are manifold oxalate foods that should be reduced to consume. Together with calcium, oxalate can form crystals that cause kidney stones. Therefore, kidney stones patients are advised to reduce or even completely avoid foods that contain oxalate. In addition to milk and chocolate, spinach, strawberries, chocolate, wheat, grain and tea also contains oxalate.
  5. Limit your intake of calcium. Usually the body will not absorb calcium than is needed. Kidney stone patients are advised to restrict calcium intake up to 800 mg / day for males and 1200 mg / day for women.
  6. Limit your intake of vitamin C. One of the metabolism of vitamin C is oxalate. Because oxalate can form crystals, so people with kidney stones should limit their intake of vitamin C.
  7. Limit salt and vegetable protein. it may reduce the amount of calcium released through the kidneys. Therefore, if the stone is formed by calcium, the sodium salt consumption should be limited to 2500-3500 mg / day.
  8. Expand insoluble fiber. In some case, the insoluble fiber found in wheat and rice could reduce the levels of calcium in the urine. The fibers bind calcium when it is in the intestines, so it is not excreted through the kidneys.
Abstinence for Kidney Stones patients

To minimize the risk of kidney stones formed again, the patient must abstinence kidney stones include food and the drinks. The food was to be in abstinence by people with kidney stones such as red meat food, sea fish which have high cholesterol, dairy, saturated oils and foods fried.

For drinks: soft drinks, drink too sweet, caffeine, and most importantly should avoid the drinks containing alcohol. if its all done then a wide range of kidney stone disease will be avoided as well.