
13 Health Benefits of Hot Plain Tea

Tea, one of the favorite drinks besides coffee. Tea can be consumed cold and hot, can be innovated with various types of toppings to make it more delicious and attractive.

Hot unsalted tea is most often consumed because of its higher benefits compared to cold unsalted tea or sweet iced tea. Drinking hot fresh tea makes blood circulation healthier and avoids various types of diseases. The details are as follows:

1. Heart Health

Ever heard that tea drinkers can avoid heart disease by a percentage of 20%? One of the ingredients in green tea and black tea are polyphenols and flavonoids, which are antioxidants.

With polyphenols and flavonoids, it can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood by up to 11%. In addition, polyphenols improve blood vessel function by preventing plaque formation and narrowing of blood vessels and controlling blood clotting in the body.

If these conditions can be maintained, blood circulation is smooth and can reduce the risk of heart attack, heart failure. It is highly recommended to consume 3 cups a week of green or black tea to maintain a healthy heart.

2. Controls Blood Sugar Levels

It must be admitted that plain tea has a bitter taste but with the content of polyphenols which are already known as strong antioxidants have the benefit of being able to increase insulin sensitivity in the body so that blood sugar levels are more controlled can avoid the risk of developing diabetes.

Fresh tea also contains catechin compounds (ECGC) which are useful for increasing insulin levels in the blood and protecting pancreatic cells from inflammation as well as free radicals.

3. Prevents Cancer

Indonesian people like to eat tempeh and that’s make them become strong. Do you know that tempeh also can being alternative for cancer? Find here to know the benefits of tempeh for cancer treatment.

Antioxidants and polyphenols in green tea and black tea can prevent cancer, because the content protects cells from free radical damage.

As we know that free radicals are triggers of damage to body cells that give rise to abnormal cells and develop into cancer cells. It is recommended to regularly consume 2 – 3 cups of tea a day to get this benefit.

4. Body Relaxation

Often we see someone who is experiencing a bad mood or frantic mind consuming a cup of hot fresh tea. In addition to polyphenols and antioxidants, fresh tea also contains concentrated L-theanin which is an amino acid.

That triggers brain wave activity so as to improve brain function better in concentrating and regulating serotonin and adopamine to provide a calmer sensation as well as relaxing the body.

Antioxidants in fresh tea also play a role in preventing oxidative stress that damages healthy cells, reducing depression. By consuming fresh tea regularly, it can reduce stress levels so that the brain becomes more relaxed and makes the body relax too.

5. Overcoming Stomach Acid

Do you like consuming fish? Maybe can be considered to eat fish for restore stomach function like the benefits of snakehead fish for stomach. For people with stomach acid, it is highly recommended to drink caffeine-free herbal tea brewed with hot water.

Which functions to increase the lender layer in the esophagus so as to protect digestion from irritation caused by high stomach acid rising into the throat.

6. Helps with Diet

Tea is one drink that is very suitable to be included in the list of diet programs. Tea, especially green tea with its various nutrients such as flavonoids and polyphenols can help burn fat and prevent fat accumulation in the body and caffeine in tea can increase energy to burn calories in the body.

Polyphenols have been shown to increase calorie expenditure and reduce fat in the body. The nutrients in the tea are able to get the ideal weight. Consuming green tea and regular exercise for 12 weeks can reduce weight by 1-2kg.

7. Skin Health

Many say that free radicals are the enemy of health and beauty for women who want to stay young. Who refuses to look young, right? Free radicals occur when the amount is uncontrolled which can damage body cells with chemical reactivity.

Tea, which is known to contain antioxidants such as polyphenols, is able to maintain healthy skin by counteracting the oxidation process in the body, neutralizing free radicals and slowing down cell damage.

Polyphenols can help keep skin firm by suppressing cellular components that damage healthy tissue. It is highly recommended to drink warm fresh tea to get youthful benefits.

Such as removing wrinkles and dark spots, restoring skin brightness due to sun exposure, eliminating acne, and other symptoms of premature aging.

8. Boost Immunity

Everyone know that goat milk can strengthen bone similar as the health benefits of etawa milk. We must have seen people who have the flu recommended to drink hot fresh tea.

In hot fresh tea there is a mixture of strong antioxidants. With the content of L-theanin and amino acids can produce white blood cells that can create an immunity system in the body. By drinking hot fresh tea, especially green tea, it can make you fitter.

9. Improves Digestion

Health benefits of coffee milk for digestion. Yes, wea always drink coffee combining milk to get the benefit like healthy digestion like tea. Fresh tea can overcome digestive health such as stomach pain and calm nausea and vomiting with nutrients and antioxidants contained in fresh tea.

Generally, tea contains menthol which helps relax the intestinal tract and relieve bloating. Meanwhile, the polyphenol content can modify gut bacteria to provide a positive health effect in reducing carbohydrate absorption.

10. Protects Brain Function

Luckily for fresh tea enthusiasts and drinkers, because it has the benefit of reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, senile dementia and impaired intelligence function.

Fresh tea contains flavonoid compounds that are antioxidants that can reduce free radicals, improve focus and inflammation in the brain. The catechins or ECGC compounds in fresh tea can inhibit compounds that trigger Alzheimer’s.

Damage to brain function and senility is also caused by strokes and by consuming hot fresh tea regularly avoids these conditions by preventing blockages in blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the brain to reduce strokes.

11. Oral Health

Have you ever hear that we can get the benefits of baking soda for teeth and oral health? Also never thought before that hot tea is good for maintaining oral health. Fresh tea contains fluoride, which has antibacterial properties that increase the population of bacteria in the mouth.

This condition can reduce the risk of periodontal disease, cavities, gum disease, bad breath and oral cancer. There is nothing wrong with consuming this hot fresh tea.

12. Prevent Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s can be said to be a decline in memory and is generally experienced by the elderly. Many of us see the elderly often and like to drink hot plain tea.

Caffeine is one of the popular ingredients in tea. Caffeine is often referred to as a brain stimulant and has a role in blocking inhibitory neurotransmitters or can be called adenosine.

This condition will affect the improvement of mood, reaction time, memory, alertness in aspects of brain function. This condition is correlated with Alzheimer’s disease which is the most common neurodegenerative disease and the leading cause of dementia.

13. Bone and Joint Health

Generally, many would argue that milk is the best drink for bone health. Yes, that is absolutely true. However, hot plain tea can also be consumed to maintain bone and joint health.

In tea, there is a phytochemical content that has polyphenol content in it has a role in increasing the production of bone building cells. In addition to the phytochemical content, tea contains antioxidants which are very helpful in slowing down bone loss in both men and women.