
12 Health Benefits of Coffee Milk

For coffee lovers, milk coffee can be included in the list of drinks. Milk coffee has amino acids and antioxidants that are very good for inflammation and joint pain.

Milk coffee has a combined flavor of sweet and slightly bitter and creamy. Milk coffee can be consumed with warm water and cold water. Milk coffee has many benefits besides inflammation, including

1. Fighting Inflammation

As is well known, coffee has polyphenol antioxidants that are very good at fighting inflammation and oxidative stress. In general, inflammation is caused by cardiovascular diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.

The presence of polyphenols in coffee further adds to the anti-inflammatory effect when mixed with milk which has high protein. The anti-inflammatory effect occurs due to certain compounds in the combination of milk and coffee.

These compounds inhibit the production of inflammatory symptoms in the body, helping to reduce pain and swelling associated with painful conditions such as arthritis and other inflammatory disorders.

2. Relax

It’s obvious that coffee contains caffeine and most people drink black coffee in the morning to get a jolt of energy for the body to do various activities.

Coffee can also be consumed at night with the addition of milk with a high protein content to provide a relaxing effect and is very good at releasing fatigue from the activities carried out.

Caffeine in coffee with the presence of protein in milk provides an increase in releasing endorphins in the body. Apart from that, with the health benefits of Irish breakfast tea can also be consumed to relax

3. Prevents Esophageal Cancer

Not many people know that drinking a cup of hot coffee increases thermal burns that risk esophageal cancer in sensitive esophageal tissue. With the addition of milk in a cup of hot coffee, it moderates the overall temperature thus preventing thermal burns due to overheating and this condition can reduce esophageal cancer.

4. Prevents Stomach Acid

The caffeine in coffee has a high PH level so this increases the concentration of acid in the urine and causes acid reflux. If you consume a cup of black coffee every day, your chances of developing acid reflux are high.

Adding milk to a cup of coffee can neutralize the acidity effect. Milk can neutralize the acidic PH of coffee so it is suitable to drink to reduce acidity and pain caused in the body, especially for people with ulcers. Consumption of fish is good for health like the benefits of snakehead fish for stomach health.

5. Helps Balance Blood Sugar

The combination of coffee and milk drinks is very good for regulating blood sugar levels. Milk contains lactose nutrients with a low glycemic index, which is a natural sugar and functions to provide energy to the body by releasing glucose slowly into the bloodstream and causing a spike in blood sugar levels.

The combination of lactose in milk and caffeine in coffee, it stimulates insulin secretion and increases insulin sensitivity so that glucose uptake by cells is better and reduces insulin resistance to regulate blood sugar balance.

6. Energizes

It goes without saying that a cup of coffee with milk energizes the body to stay active throughout the day. Similar to the health benefits of coffee with Ganoderma consumed to get an energy booster.

Coffee definitely contains caffeine and milk contains protein as well as carbohydrates, all three combinations are useful for providing energy to improve cognitive function and memory and also focus on activities that are being carried out for a long time.

7. Improves Digestive System

The content of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, and vitamin D to minerals such as calcium and zinc contained in milk can increase the pH of coffee so that the sour taste is reduced and reduce heartburn and minimize indigestion.

To get the effects of the benefits of milk, you can consider replacing whole milk with almond milk. Almond milk is alkaline and is known to further neutralize the acidity of coffee.

This milk coffee drink is suitable for anyone including coffee lovers and especially people with gastrointestinal conditions (inflammation of the walls of the intestinal and gastric digestive tract caused by viral and bacterial infections).

8. Prevents Osteoporosis

Reduced bone density is not only experienced by men and women aged over 5o years, menopausal conditions but can also be experienced by adolescents.

This condition occurs because of a lot of bowing activities such as writing, working in front of a laptop, etc. so that it makes the posture hunched over, rarely exercising, unhealthy diets such as junk food, reduced height in growth, frequent back pain due to frequent overload lifting, smoking habits, consumption of certain drugs, many more.

It is recommended to consume milk coffee that is famous for its high calcium and vitamin D 3 cups in 1 week and adopt a healthy lifestyle to increase bone density so as to minimize and prevent osteoporosis.

9. Heart Health

Have we ever heard that green chili is good for a healthy heart? Find more here about green chili benefits for heart health besides coffee and milk. Coffee is famous for its antioxidants and other bioactive compounds that function to maintain optimal heart health such as curing arrhythmia, which is an abnormal heart rhythm.

When coffee is mixed with milk, which is rich in vitamins and minerals such as high calcium, magnesium, and potassium, it prevents various cardiovascular diseases and regulates blood pressure.

Proteins and biochemicals found in milk help increase satiety, and blood fat levels and lower blood pressure in the body.

10. Maintains Eye Health

Chlorogenic acid including antioxidants in coffee can prevent eye diseases, especially retinal damage and decreased vision. If the retina is damaged, it will cause blindness.

Meanwhile, milk contains multivitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, E, and zinc which are beneficial for maintaining eye health. Vitamin A has the function of preventing night blindness and dryness of the eyes.

Lowering the risk of developing cataracts can be obtained from vitamin E while vitamin C is very good for protecting eye vision to keep it clear and sharp. Zinc content in the eyes can protect the eyes from retinal damage and macular degeneration.

11. Liver Health

Liver problems are often experienced by people who are overweight and suffer from diabetes and high cholesterol. Liver damage, also known as hepatitis C, is caused by a viral infection that leads to cirrhosis and liver cancer.

It is recommended to consume 2 cups of milk coffee every day, which is known for its antioxidant content that can reduce liver inflammation and reduce the risk of liver cirrhosis by up to 44%. Getting a healthy liver can be obtained from the health benefits of green tea for the liver

12. Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

Coffee is famous for its polyphenol antioxidants that can control sugar levels in diabetics. This condition occurs because the caffeine in coffee can inhibit the work of adenosine receptors at the level of muscle cells, liver, and fat tissue.

Caffeine in coffee reduces the formation and level of inflammation in the body’s fat tissue, reduces blood sugar production in the liver, and increases blood sugar uptake by muscles.

Polyphenols in coffee also have a role in reducing carbohydrate absorption in the intestines and the production of glucose and cholesterol in the liver, increasing glucose in the muscles and incretin the hormone in the intestines.

Milk also contains vitamins, proteins, and minerals such as B vitamins, and magnesium that convert carbohydrates into energy and reduce and control blood sugar levels.