
20 Health Benefits of Drinking Red Rose Tea

Among many types of flowers in the earth, we can say that red rose is the most popular one. We can know it because it is beautiful and since a long time ago had been a symbol of love and beauty.

Maybe it is the reason why the red rose always used by many guys around the world as a special present for their lovely one. It is also can be easily found in a song lyric or even song title.


Beside its romantic and beautiful side, actually red rose also has many benefits for health, beauty, and economy such as:

  1. Increase Metabolism – Not only beautiful, red rose can also be consumed and can bring many benefits for health. One of them is to increase body’s metabolism.
  2. Remove Toxins from The Body – The food that we eat, the air that we breathe, and any other substances around us can not be guaranteed as 100% toxin free. At least there must be few toxic substances in our body that if we just let them go they will damage our health. To get rid of these toxins from our body we can use the advantage of the red rose. Also read: Benefits of Red Roselle
  3. Weight Loss – Well, there are many surprising health benefits of drinking red rose tea. Consuming a handful of red rose petals can make our stomach full so it will help us decrease our appetite. This must be very good for you who wants to lose your weight. Other than consumed directly, we can also drink the boiled water of red rose. Also read: Health Benefits of Sunflower Leaves
  4. Good for Sexual Activity – Consuming red rose petals directly can also use to increase sexual arousal and increase your energy so that you will have a good and better quality sexual activity.
  5. Overcoming Stress and Depression – The aroma of red rose essence also has a sedative effect or soothing effect so it can be used for releasing stress and depression. The easiest and funniest way is by putting some red rose petals into warm water for bathing or showering. The aroma of the red rose will come out and inhaled as you are bathing and it will help you to overcome stress and depression. Also read: Health Benefits of Thai Tea
  6. Overcoming Hemorrhoids Symptoms – Red rose has content of high fiber and water so that if we consumed it, it will help our digestive system from various kinds of a toxin. You can do it by make a potion from a handful red rose petals that mixed with 50mL of boiled water and crushed until smooth to make it become viscous. This potion should be drinking for 3 consecutive days before you eat or when your stomach is empty.
  7. Overcoming Irritation on Sensitive Skin – Sensitive skin owners are susceptible to irritation due to the use of cosmetic products. To overcome this we can take advantage of red roses water so that the irritated skin can be healthy again.
  8. Overcoming Oily Skin – Oily skin owners can also use red rose water to overcome the excess oil on the skin of the face because red rose water can balance the oil content of the facial skin. Also read: Benefits of Korean Skin Care
  9. Make Face Skin Soft and Fresh – Red rose is also known as a natural astringent so it can help refresh and soften facial skin.

  10. Decrease Pores on the Face – Facial skin with large pores really unsightly so we can easily find various beauty products that claim to shrink the pores of the face. If you want a natural medicine then you can use red rose water to shrink the pores of the face. The way by sprinkling red roses on the face that has been cleaned.
  11. Treat Acne – Red roses can also be used to treat acne on the face. The way is by making a mask of red rose water and fenugreek seeds. This seed is soaked with a little water then add red rose water. This mixture is then stirred to a paste. Use as a mask for about 20 minutes. After that use cold rose water to wash your face.
  12. Moisturize and Brighten Lips Color – To get this benefit we can make a concoction of a mixture of crushed red rose petals, a few drops of honey, and milk cream as much as a spoon. This herb is stirred into a paste. This paste is applied to the lips and allowed to stand for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then rinsed. With regular usage then your lips will be moist and bright natural. Also read: Benefits of Kissing on the Lips
  13. Treat Bad Breath – Bad mouth odor can make a person become not confident. Bad breath can be caused by several factors such as the type of food consumed and lack of maintaining oral hygiene. Red rose water can be used to solve this problem. How to gargle-rinse using red roses regularly.
  14. As A Material to Make Conditioner – Red roses especially the water can be used as a natural conditioner to nourish hair. The way by mixing red rose water with vitamin E and coconut oil. This herb can then be applied to hair like another conditioner.
  15. Maintaining Eyes Health – A variety of pollution and dust around us can cause the eyes to become irritated. To prevent and overcome eye health problems such as sore eyes or red we can take advantage of red roses water. The way by dripping a few drops of red rose water into the eyes and silenced briefly. Also read: Benefits of Tomatoes for Eyes Health
  16. Overcoming Swelling or Inflammation of The Feet – Red roses also have anti-inflammatory content that can be used to overcome inflammation. The way by boiling a red rose with 40-gram sembung leaves. This herb is then drunk regularly until the swelling on the foot healed.
  17. Overcoming A Dry Cough – Affected by a dry cough is painful because it makes the throat and chest pain. To fix this we can take advantage of red roses that have been dried and boiled with water and a little sugar stone. This herb is then drunk regularly until cough healed.
  18. Being Cut Flowers – Red roses are popularly used as gifts, ornaments, decorations, or for other purposes so that in many red roses shop is one commodity that is always available. This makes the red roses have a high enough economic value so cultivated in bulk.
  19. As An Ornamental Plant – Red rose flowers are the main choice for most people to plant a home or garden yard. Its beauty can beautify the look of the yard or garden so that makes people feel at home sitting there.
  20. As A Raw Material for Making Perfume – Red rose is also famous for its fragrant so that this flower oil is also used as raw materials in the manufacture of perfume. How to crush the leaves of the crown and then distilled and evaporated. Rose oil is what will be processed to become perfume.

So many and complete surprising health benefits of drinking red rose tea for beauty, medical, and the economy so there is no harm in cultivating this plant around your home page. It has been wonderfully useful too.