
15 Health Benefits of Drinking 3 Cups of Green Tea A Day

You must have known that green tea is the great and healthy tea. This kind of tea has been known worldwide. It is very popular and comes in various servings. As a matter of fact, green tea is derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. It is shown that green tea has powerful antioxidants content in it. However, you may think about how much green tea should you drink to achieve the best health benefits, don’t you? Then, in this article, we will talk about the recommendation of taking 3 cups of green tea daily. Thus, check the health benefits of drinking 3 cups of green tea a day below.

1. Have Antioxidant properties

The first health benefits of drinking 3 cups of green tea a day are to provide the good amount of antioxidants. As we know that antioxidants powerful nutrient to protect the body against free radicals. Moreover, the antioxidant can prevent certain health problems as well. In this case, green tea has the greatest concentration of antioxidants called polyphenols. Drinking 3 cups of green tea daily can help you to achieve the best health benefits of antioxidants. Also, polyphenols as the antioxidant can help to lower blood sugar levels. Then, are you interested to take 3 cups of green tea for getting the healthier body?

2. Promotes Heart Health

Surprisingly, one of the health benefits of drinking 3 cups of green tea a day is to promote heart health. It is based on studies which showed that people who consumed one to three cups of green tea daily reduced the risks of heart attack and stroke. This is such a good news for those who want to have healthier health. You can train yourself by drinking green tea on the regular basis. As a result, you will prevent certain heart disease and live in healthy ways for sure. You can also check on Health Benefits of Barley Seeds

3. Prevents Cancer

As described before, green tea contains antioxidants which means it can help to prevent cancer. At this point, it is catching which have a role to protect the body against cancer. It is also has shown that green tea can help to fight prostate and breast cancer. Oral cancer is one of cancer type that its risk could be reduced if you drink green tea three to four cups daily. There are also studies that show women who drank more than three cups of green tea daily can reduce the risk of breast cancer. You can also check on Health Benefits of Essiac Tea

4. Prevents Stroke

As explained before, green tea provides the benefit to promote heart health. In this case, green tea also has a role to prevent stroke. Based on a study published in the American Heart Association’s journal “Stroke” in 2009 shown that people who drink 3 or more cups of green tea can lower the risk of having the stroke. Therefore, if you want to protect the body against stroke, then having 3 cups of green tea a day may really help you.

5. Helps to Lose Weight

As green tea possesses the great nutrients, then this kind of beverage can give you the benefit to lose weight. Based on studies, it has shown that flavonoids and caffeine in green tea can promote fat oxidation and helps to manage the body weight. It is also based on the 12-week study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that green tea can reduce obesity and diabetes. Then, it is not only because the nutrients that will help to lose weight, but the sweet taste of green tea also can give you the best of diet. Hence, make sure you add green tea to your diet drink diet option! You can also check on Benefits of Pineapple Fruit for Diet Treatments

6. Boosts Energy

Next, do you know that green tea can help to boost your energy? It is based on a research published in the American Journal of Physiology shown that caffeine in green tea can boost energy as well as lowering the headaches, shakiness, and nausea. In fact, one cup of green tea contains 24 to 45 milligrams of caffeine. As a result, if you have to do many daily activities, then drinking 3 cups of green tea a day can give you more energy for sure. You can also check on Health Benefits of Sago Rice

7. Promote Healthy Bones

According to a study published in the journal Nutrition Research, women who drank up to three cups of tea per day can reduce the risk of osteoporosis by 30 percent. This is a good thing for those who want to prevent bone loss and fractures caused by osteoporosis. Then, it is suggested to drink 3-4 cups of green tea daily as well as dairy milk for having the healthiest bone ever.

8. Promotes Healthy Gums

There is a way for you to keep the gums healthy. It turns out that green tea takes part to prevent gum-tissue loss and bleeding. Based on this study, then you can count on green tea to improve the oral health. Excellent, isn’t it?

9. Treats Depression

We all know that people have their own problems. To deal with that, we can count on natural ingredients that have soothing and calming effect. In this case, green tea can be the good option for sure. It has caffeine and excellent antioxidants to regulate mood and cure depression. Moreover, it is believed that drinking a few cups of green tea daily can give you the better mood. Thus, if you suffer from stress and depression, don’t forget to drink green tea daily! You can also check on Health Benefits of Asian Ginseng

Also, there are other health benefits of drinking 3 cups of green tea a day as written below.

10. Prevent Atherosclerosis

11. Prevents Diabetes

12. Reduces Arthritis Risk

13. Reduces Alzheimer’s Risk

14. Improves Brain Function

15. Boosts Metabolism

After knowing the health benefits of drinking 3 cups of green tea a day, then check the tips for drinking green tea below.

Tips for Consuming

  • You can make green tea by boiling hot water into dried green leaves and steep it in 10 minutes. Otherwise, you can buy green tea products in an herbal store.
  • It is suggested to be careful of caffeine content in green tea. The excess caffeine can lead to the risk of birth defects and miscarriage in pregnant women.

As the conclusion, green tea is the perfect beverage for someone who needs to have the healthy drink. It offers you great benefits you may have never expected before. Then, make sure to drink it in moderation and be ready to have the healthier body for sure.