
10 Unknown Health Benefits of Bitter Melon Tea Just Revealed Here

The health benefits of bitter melon tea is now quite known. It is an interesting fact that bitter melon tea is bring many advantages when consume frequently. Furthermore, despite the bitter taste of the fruit, the tea can be more delicious to consume. Therefore, people prefer to get the advantage of bitter melon through this kind of beverages.

A homemade bitter melon tea can be serve with several steps. Furthermore, the steps are quite easy and simple. Therefore, no need to spend much times in preparing the tea. If plan to make a homemade bitter melon tea, easily do following steps:

  • Wash the bitter melons under running water.
  • Then slice bitter melons into halves lengthwise.
  • Next scrape off the fleshy parts as well as the seeds.
  • Afterwards, slicing the deseeded bitter melons.
  • Arrange the slices of bitter melon on a large tray.
  • Dried the slices under sunrise. After a few hours, flip them over.
  • Grind the dried bitter melon.
  • Place the ground bitter melon in an airtight container and store in a dry place for longevity.

Nutrient Content of Bitter Melon Tea

There are some information about the nutrient inside the bitter melon tea. Usually in one serving cup of this tea contain below nutrients:

  • Energy 17 Kcal
  • Carbohydrates 3.70 g
  • Protein 1.00 g
  • Total Fat 0.17 g
  • Dietary Fiber 2.80 g
  • Folates 72 µg
  • Niacin 0.400 mg
  • Pantothenic acid 0.212 mg
  • Pyridoxine 0.043 mg
  • Riboflavin 0.040 mg
  • Thiamin 0.040 mg
  • Vitamin C 84 mg
  • Potassium 296 mg
  • Calcium 19 mg
  • Copper 0.034 mg
  • Iron 0.43 mg
  • Magnesium 17 mg

For further health benefits of bitter melon tea, see below lists:

1. Reduce Blood Pressure

The tea can bring benefit reducing the blood pressure. Therefore, it is good for people who has symptoms of high blood pressure. This is the same benefits of cucumber for high blood pressure that can help to reduce the blood pressure too.

2. Avoid Hypertension

As it can manage lower blood pressure, it is a good treatment for those with signs of hypertension. Therefore, it can be a natural alternative to deal with this kind of diseases.

3. Lower Blood Sugar

Another benefit of having the tea including to manage a lower blood sugar level. Therefore, it can help to control the sugar level content inside the blood. This is the same health benefits of replacing sugar with honey that can help to manage lower blood sugar level too.

4. Avoid Diabetes

As the bitter melon tea capable to lower down the blood sugar level, it can be a good natural treatment to deal with diabetic symptoms. Therefore, it is good to manage the diabetic condition to keep stable. Furthermore, it can help to avoid the possibility of experience diabetic symptoms by keep normalize the blood sugar content.

5. Better Blood Arteries

The health benefits of bitter melon tea including to manage a better blood arteries condition. It will lead to healthy blood arteries by avoid the possibility of having blood cod due to fat. Furthermore, it will bring a healthy blood circulation. This is the same health benefits of sea bird nest that can help to manage a better blood arteries system too.

6. Manage Cardiovascular

Consume the tea can be a good alternate to manage a healthy cardiovascular. Therefore, it can help to manage the fat content inside the blood flow. This can help to keep a healthy cardiovascular system and avoid cardiovascular diseases.

7. Lower Cholesterol Level

As the tea is good for cardiovascular system, it is also a good way to keep the cholesterol level inside the blood. It will help to manage the HDL and LDL level inside the blood. Therefore, it can help to avoid high cholesterol level inside the arteries. This is the same health benefits octopus for cholesterol that can help to lower down the cholesterol level too.

8. Avoid Heart Attack

Consume the bitter melon tea also a good way to avoid the possibility of heart attack. It will help to maintain a better blood circulation of the blood vessel into the heart. Therefore, it can manage a healthy heart condition.

9. Detoxification

The tea can be another alternative to get natural detoxification process. Therefore, it can bring benefit to throw out the poison from the body and manage a more cleanse blood system. This is the same health benefits of cherry blossom tea that can help to bring natural detoxification process too into the body.

10. Better Metabolic Rate

Another benefit including to bring a better body metabolic system. Therefore, it can optimize the body metabolic rate in changing the food into needed energy. This can help to bring more nutrient into the body and avoid the possibility of getting fatter.

Cautions and Recommendations

Even there are many benefits of consume the bitter melon tea, there are several side effects that needs to notify. Therefore, if plan to consume the tea daily, it is better to see below recommendations:

  • The tea may contain alkaloid substances like quinine and morodicine, resins, and saponin glycosides, which may be the cause of intolerance in some people.
  • People with allergically reactions suggest not to consume the tea, mainly for them who experience itchiness, redness skin, swollen parts of the body, nausea or dizziness.
  • Pregnant woman suggested to avoid the tea to make sure there is no harmful effect into the fetus.
  • People which under medical treatment shall consult first before consuming the tea to avoid any interfere between the tea with the medical prescription.
  • Consume the tea in proper portion to avoid any unwanted effects such as diarrhea, too low blood sugar level or too low blood pressure level. As it can lead into body unconsciousness.
  • It might cause gastrointestinal effects, therefore, make sure to avoid consume the tea with empty stomach and consult with the doctor if having gastro problems before consuming the tea.

Those all the health benefits of bitter melon tea, mainly for the human blood system health. Through frequent consume of the tea, it can manage more wellness. Furthermore, it can keep a healthy cardiovascular and help to avoid related diseases. Therefore, the blood flow will manage better and any blood circulation diseases can be avoided.