
6 Surprising Benefits of Consuming Pure Cow’s Milk

Milk is one of the beverages that serves a lot of health benefits for people. It is widely consumed across the world. Cow’s milk is the most popular animal milk and easily available.

It features a lot of health benefits as it is a rich source of protein, vitamin D, vitamin B, various important minerals, antioxidants and organic compounds. All of these nutrients are able to stimulate human body in a number of ways.

There are two main types of cow’s milk: the pure one and the processed one. Pure cow’s milk also brings a lot of benefits to your body. Many people prefer consuming the pure ones as it is really pure, there’s no chemical or preservative added.

While there are some types of milk available in stores, such as goat, sheep, buffalo and camel milk, pure cow’s milk is still the most popular one. Let’s see what pure cow’s milk can do to your body and how it is beneficial for your health.

1. Maintain your heart health

Pure cow’s milk contains a high content of omega-3 fatty acids. The quantity of these fatty acids depend on where the animal grazes. Omega-3 fatty acids is still present in almost every variety of cow’s milk, including the pure one.

Known as the good cholesterol, omega-3 fatty acids help improving cardiac or heart health as it prevents the development of any sort of cardiac conditions, such as heart attacks or strokes.

If you wish to maintain your heart health, besides consuming pure cow’s milk, you can also consider consuming barley seeds. Read more about it in health benefits of barley seeds.

2. Aid weight loss

If you’re planning to lose some weight, then getting a glass of pure cow’s milk is a good idea. It causes fullness and thus the feeling of satiety. It is all due to its protein content.

The good news is it does not contribute much calories. Just like the other types of milk, pure cow’s milk provides more energy while preventing us from being sedentary and lazy. It also has metabolic-boosting property and high protein content which lead to effective weight loss program.

Weight loss can be done either by consuming certain types of food and doing some physical activities. If you wish to know more about weight loss, make sure you bookmark these benefits of green coffee for weight loss and health benefits of walking for weight loss.

3. Regulate blood sugar level

Pure cow’s milk is rich in vitamin B and essential minerals. Therefore, it ensures better metabolism and helps in processing food without a lot of effort.

When you consume pure cow’s milk, the levels of both insulin and glucose could be regulated. As a result, with proper regulation of insulin and glucose, your blood sugar level will be normal and you can reduce the chances of getting diabetes.

4. Strengthen your bones and muscles

This is the popular health benefit of milk that everyone knows. Milk is rich in calcium and vitamins which are beneficial to strengthen bones and muscles.

Pure cow’s milk is also rich in calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, and magnesium. Drinking pure cow’s milk regularly helps in enhancing the core strength. Furthermore, it will also prevent the risk of getting osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

5. Improve brain health

Drinking milk does not only strengthen your body, but also improve your brain health. It has an abundance of vitamin B which helps calm down your nerves as well as maintains a proper sleep cycle.

Besides, vitamin B12 is also known to be able to boost your memory power and sharpness. That’s why it is really important in enhancing the overall brain development in a growing child.

6. Enhance growth and development

Drinking pure cow’s milk is also recommended for growing children. It is because cow’s milk is rich in protein, which is one of the most important and essential nutrients in growth and development.

Pure cow’s milk contains complete proteins which produce energy and play an important role in natural growth and development, especially in growing children.

Children need a lot of nutrients for their growth and development. Baby bananas, as mentioned in health benefits of baby banana, are also great for stimulating growth and development.

Despite the fact that pure cow’s milk is a great beverage for your health, there are some people that might not be able to drink it due to some reasons.

Some people cannot tolerate cow’s milk, including the pure one, because they are unable to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products. However, don’t worry.

If you’re one of those people, there are some alternatives of milk you can consume. These types of milk are plant-based. Here are some alternatives:

  1. Almond milk – is made from almonds, has lower calories and fat than cow’s milk. Read more about it in benefits of almond milk.
  2. Coconut milk – is made from coconut flesh, has creamy texture and mild flavor
  3. Soy milk – is made from soy beans, contains similar amount of protein as cow’s milk
  4. Oat milk – is made from oats, has thicker consistency and mild flavor, is a great addition to coffee
  5. Rice milk – is made from rice, is a great option for people who are sensitive or allergic to dairy products