Diet & Fitness

5 Refreshing Health Benefits of Swimming for Seniors

Looking for information about the benefits of swimming therapy for the elderly?. You’re on the right page!

We will review some of the benefits that can be obtained from swimming, especially for the elderly. For those who have health problems, you can try swimming therapy. 

Being a senior doesn’t mean you have to sit still at home without doing any activities. Exercise is one of the positive activities that can be done by the elderly. 

The benefits of exercise, as previously mentioned in the benefits of aerobics for senior, are excellent for the health of the body. In addition to being useful to maintain stamina and endurance, exercise also serves as a therapy.

Swimming therapy itself means treatment by using water as a media. Swimming therapy is also commonly referred to as aquatic therapy or hydrotherapy.

Regular exercise, like the benefits of pickleball for seniors. is associated with several benefits such as improved overall well-being, reduced risk of heart problems, and a lower risk of death.

Staying active is very important for the elderly, but their health conditions, such as circulatory problems, joint diseases, and arthritis, often make exercise difficult.

Swimming or water therapy, it usually involves water aerobic movement, strength training, yoga, water jogging, swimming, or other water-based activities, so the seniors can be as calm as possible, while staying fit.

If you’re interested in trying this method, at least you need to know what it can give to you.

Health Benefits of Swimming for Seniors

1. Reduces Joint Pain

The first benefit of therapy for the elderly is as a pain medication. The average elderly person has problems with their joints. Pain often comes when the body is moving or active.

Hydrostatic pressure, which is the molecular strength of fluids exerted on the body when immersed in water has many benefits for the elderly who’d like to perform this therapy.

This pressure, which does not even require movement, helps reduce pain in swelling, increasing the range of motion in the elderly.

Hydrostatic pressure also has the benefit of reducing blood collection in the extremities of patients or the elderly, which can improve circulation and backflow of veins.

While at home, you can do a more calmer activity like benefits of gardening for seniors to keep your muscles in movement. 

2. Improving Heart and Lung Abilities

In addition to strengthening muscles, the benefits of swimming for the elderly can also be seen by the implications on the ability of the heart and lungs. Why is that?

Movements in the water performed by the limbs, especially the hands and feet, can facilitate blood flow to the heart and lungs. Thus, the ability of the seniors’ heart and lungs will be increased.

If the heart function is maintained properly, the elderly will be much avoided from heart attack. In addition, the smooth circulation of blood in the elderly body can also minimize the risk of high blood pressure.

3. Increase Bone Strength

Loss of mineral density in the bones will have an impact on the weakening strength of the elderly bones. It continues to happen slowly as they get older.

The condition can get worse if the elderly have a history of fractures or osteoporosis. However, the condition of the bones can be improved with regular swimming activities.

Bone strength can be maintained by other forces outside the bone, namely muscle strength. Muscle movements that constrict and loosen during swimming can increase muscle strength and will automatically strengthen the elderly bones.

At home, you can maintain them as well by doing simple stuff like benefits of walking for seniors. Though it’s simple, it’s very beneficial.

4. Lowers Bad Fat

When compared to other types of exercise, swimming is considered more effective in burning body calories (fat). The gestures that are done in the water will feel heavier. As a result, more energy is needed.

Calories in the body will burn along with the discharge of energy from the body. The more energy is expended, the more calories the body will waste.

Reduced levels of calories or fat in the elderly body can help them in losing excess weight. In other words, the elderly will avoid the dangers of obesity.

5. Reducing Mind Tension (Stress)

One of the benefits of swimming for the elderly is that it can reduce the stress that is being experienced. This recreational sport is able to make the mood and mind of the elderly become more relaxed.

You can also combine this with the benefits of having an active social interaction in order to effectively reduce your level of stress. If needed, you can also contact a psychiatrist to help you out.

Tips and Recommendations

In principle, learning to swim for the beginner seniors is divided into 4 parts. The first stage is to regulate the breath for 20 minutes. After that, float for 20 minutes which continues to the sliding motion of about 20 minutes. Lastly, coordination of force movements.

During breathing exercises, the elderly should relax and not be afraid. The correct way of breathing is without the use of a nose. 

Try putting your head in the water and the air is exhaled while in the water. After that put your head out of the water while breathing the air or saying “bah”.

In a floating exercise, you can try to face the bottom of the pool, then exhale slowly. After it, float with your face facing the sky or up while breathing the air.

As for the sliding part, it’s when you’re floating on the water with both legs kicked into the pool wall. Both hands are straight forward and fingers tight. 

After basic exercises, just enter a swimming style exercise. The elderly can choose a freestyle, back or butterfly that suits their individual conditions. During training, never be shy or compare with those who are already good at swimming. Confidence is the key in this method.