However, not all individuals are well educated and informed with the fact that there is more to walking other than just being a way of getting around. Walking can be equivalent to exercises. It may help us look good and feel good at the same time.
What are its Health Benefits?
And then, walking is proof that exercising does not have to be harsh and difficult. Walking, when you do it regularly can also provide great impacts on our health. And now, these are some of the health benefits of walking 3km a day.
1. Walking 6km a Day Helps to Trim the Waistline
First, if one starts to notice that their stomach starts to bulge or their pants feel tight on their waist, then it’s about time for them to walk every day. As a weight loss method, walking helps to flatten the stomach gradually over time.
2. Walking 6km a Day Reduces Chances of Arthritis
One of the primary reasons to why arthritis happens is because the lack of movement that our joints have. Like the health benefits of yoga for arthritis, just by walking 30 to 60 minutes daily automatically reduces the risks of joint inflammation and also joint stiffness that also happen to be associated with arthritis.
3. Walking 6km a Day Weight Loss
This is one obvious reason to why one must walk 6km a day! Benefits of walking for losing weight helps us shed excess weight that we have been carrying around, and if one pays attention, walking for 30-45 minutes every single day helps us to notice that our clothes get looser day by day. Looks like it’s a good method to look good in whatever is inside our wardrobe.
4. Walking 6km a Day Manages Type-2 Diabetes
It is said that exercise manages type-2 diabetes symptoms as good as the diet itself! Light exercises such as walking has the potential to reduce the amount of glucose inside the blood, and overall it makes controlling type-2 diabetes to be much easier.
Besides, walking for a better management of type-2 diabetes also works as an anticipation measure against other complications of diabetes.
5. Walking 6km a Day Strengthens the Bones
Osteoblasts are the cells inside the bone responsible for skeletal development, which is triggered to stress. As we walk, stress is added into osteoblasts, which also means that the bones get stronger at the same time too.
6. Walking 6km a Day Reduces Health Risks of Stress
Mental stress is a big issue for busy people at this age. The total weight of the things to think about and deal with is so overwhelming that it seems like it is best to run away from all these as far as we could. That’s why, walk every day for a much easier mind.
7. Walking 6km a Day is a Low Impact Exercise
Walking is low impact in nature, and as such it is recommended for one to walk as a start of their active lifestyle after being “relaxed” for some time.
After all, walking also requires no efforts in body-pounding, jerking, or jarring whatsoever. Its all about building and maintaining pace and rhythm.
8. Walking 6km a Day Releases Good Mood
At first, walking 6km a day looks like it’s really tiring. But then, all the tires are paid off in return of good moods, in the form of endorphins!
Endorphins send signal to our brain to make us feel good. And also, walking also help the reduction of cortisols that cause stress and bad moods. What better way to spend the day other than being positive and in good vibes!
9. Walking 6km a Day for Breathing Exercises
Walking 6km a day also helps us to train our breathing rhythm, especially for people with asthma or other respiratory conditions. Most of asthma patients already worry that walking tire themselves easily, but then that’s not the case!
Instead, walking produces more oxygen, opens up the airways to make breathing smoother. At the same time, it strengthens the lungs, and therefore reducing asthma symptoms.
10. Walking 6km a Day Minimizes Sleep Disorders
When one faces difficulties in sleeping, such as in insomnia, perhaps they should be more active outdoors. Moderate exercises like walking minimizes sleep disorders by allowing smoother transitions in between phases of sleep. For this purpose, it is best to walk in the morning or in the afternoon.
Cautions & Recommendations
How to Start Walking 6km Daily
Walking 6km should last 42 minutes in fast-walking, 60 minutes in moderate-walking, and approximately 75 minutes in easy-walking.
Before one starts to walk, make sure that they wear relaxed, light and appropriate attire for an easy movement, get hydrated sufficiently, and get all the basic things needed like mobile phone, wallet with money and identity packed inside a small bag or pocket.
In fact, if you have an application in your phone that calculates walking distance, activate it to find out the total time taken, total distance accomplished, footsteps made, up to how many calories are burned!