
16 Proven Health Benefits of Hurdles (No.2 Amazing)

Hurdles is one type of running for some distances by jumping the hurdles that have been prepared. The height of the hurdles has been adjusted during the race. Hurdles is said to be the most difficult type of running since it involves the ability to generate the strength of our muscles and the knowledge of integrating the speed.

1. Gaining Height.

Health Benefits of Hurdles which very fast to get is for gaining height. Hurdles is effective in gaining our height since it combines running and jumping so that it can stimulate the growth of our bones. As a result, our height can be gained.

2. Burning Calorie.

Hurdles requires us to run faster since it comes in the form of competition. Thus, it burns amount of our calorie which eventually will our weight reduced.

3. Strengthening Muscles.

Hurdles requires every muscles in every part of our body to work cooperatively so that we can perform better during hurdles. For example, muscles in our joint, crotch, and stomach.

4. Developing Bones Flexibility.

Hurdles makes runners should smartly adjust the movement of their legs and do skipping variations. It means they have to maintain the flexibility of their bones so that they can run and skip the hurdles perfectly. This will reduce the risk of arthritis and joints pain during performing heavy physical activity.

5. Facilitating Blood Circulation. 

Poor blood circulation triggers various health problems, such as low blood pressure and heart attack. Therefore, hurdles can facilitate the flow of our blood to our body so the risk of suffering health problems because of poor  blood circulation can be minimized.

6. Increasing the Balance and Coordination of Our Body. 

Practicing hurdles regularly can help us to maintain the balance and coordination of our body so that we will not easily fell down and more active and agile. This will be more beneficial for people who mostly use their joints and put the movements of their joints at the first place.

7. Increasing Our Physical Performance. 

Since hurdles requires the strength of our muscles, we should always prepare our muscles well so that they can have a maximal contraction. As a result, the effort will increase our physical performance because our muscles are trained regularly.

8. Promoting Fitness. 

Hurdles helps us in maintaining the strength of our muscles so that they become stronger and we will not easily feel tired during heavy activity. Keeping our muscles strong, especially our joints muscles, will make them possible lifting another load.

9. Promoting Brain Function.

Health Benefits of Hurdles also could be best for promoting brain function. Hurdles promotes the performance of our brain since the blood circulates well while we are running. Perfect blood circulation will make more oxygen flow into our body tissue, including our brain. This will make us stay fit.

10. Fostering Our Way of Thinking. 

Hurdles is perfect for fostering our brain motor so that it works fast in absorbing information, compared to people who rarely do sport. Moreover, the memory of people who routinely do sport will perform better until they are old.

11. Strenghtening Our Joints and Bones.

Hurdles makes our joints and bones strong, so that the risk of osteoporosis can be avoided. Moreover, hurdles is good for the children bones, especially during their growing period.

12. Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease.

Hurdles makes our heart muscles perform maximally. Two ventricles that pump the blood become better and thicker. Moreover, their size grows 20% wider. As a result, the ventricles can pump more blood which makes the heart beat reduce 40-50 times per minute. Our heart does not work hard in distributing the blood to our body. Many researches say that runners rarely suffer from heart disease.

13. Promoting the Health of Our Knees. 

Hurdles contribute to healthy knee, even for arthritis patients. Based on the study, running can decrease the risk of arthritis in our knee and waist and improve the growth of calves.

14. Burning Fat Effectively.

Hurdles is effective in burning the fats since we are required to run in a high speed before jumping the hurdles. Based on the survey, hurdle is the most effective practice. We can reduce 2 kg of our weight within 12 weeks training.

15. Shaping the Muscles.

Running fast is the most recommended way for people who want to shape their body since they can form their muscles mass so that they will have such an ideal body. Of course, the training should be combined with aerobic, swimming to get a better result.

16. Increasing Our Brain Performance.

Hurdles should be done fast since it is a competition. By running fast, the supply of oxygen to our blood is increasing so that the blood can flow fast to our brain. As a result, our concentration, creativity and mental health is increasing.

3 Rules of Hurdles (110m, 200m, 400m for males and 100m for females):

  • Jumping the hurdles should be done streak and relax.
  • During running, we should not fly too long so that we can maintain our running speed.
  • We should maintain our body balance when we are above the hurdles.

3 Things to Consider during Running the Hurdles: 

  • When we are about to jump the hurdles, we should lift our waist to avoid the tip of our feet touch or drop the hurdles.
  • We should lift high our knee to form 90-950 angle. Meanwhile, our back knee should be straightened and our soles are lifted up.
  • When our back feet are shoved, our front knee are straightened as if we want to kick something. Meanwhile, our body is above the hurdles.

3 Positions of Our Body Above the Hurdles:

  • We should maintain our body above the hurdles as short as possible so that we still can keep up the speed when we land.  Our body is leaning forward and our knees are bent.
  • We should lift our feet high so that we can reach long distance after we land.
  • After our front foot passes the hurdles, we should put down our feet and straightened. Our arms help us to balance our body.

3 Positions of Our Body from Start Line to Finish Line. 

  1. Leaning the body forward.
  2. Step our back foot to front side as quickly as possible.
  3. Run as fast as we can until we reach the finish line with bending our body forward.

3 Conditions that make a hurdle runner disqualified:

  • A runner pull his feet outside of horizontal area above the hurdle when he passes through them.
  • A runner jumps the hurdles that are not in his running track.
  • A runner drop the hurdles in purpose using his hands or feet.

Hurdles are actively used every muscles of our body. For example, muscles in our hands, waist and feet. When we do hurdles, we use anaerob respiratory system. The physical components involve are speed, strength, explosive and the strength of our muscles.

17 Muscles in Our Hands used for Hurdles:

  • Triceps Muscles
  • Brakhii Biceps Muscles
  • Brakhialis Muscles
  • Brachioradialis Muscles
  • Pronator teres Muscles
  • Flexor Carpi Radialis Muscles
  • Palmaris Longus Muscles
  • Flexor Retinakulum Muscles
  • Fasia Palmaris Muscles
  • Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscles
  • Tendon Biceps Muscles
  • Triceps Muscles
  • Muscles in Our Shoulders
  • Trapezius Muscles
  • Klavikula
  • Deltoid Muscles
  • Biceps Muscles
  • Latisimus Dorsi Muscles

5 Muscles in Our Hip:

  • Gab tendon
  • Ingvinal circle
  • Big Vena Savena
  • Ligament inguinal
  • Krista Iliaka

3 Muscles in Our Feet:

  • Prosesus Akromion
  • Prosesus Korakoidesus
  • Long Head of a biceps
  • Short head of a biceps
  • Blunt muscles of a biceps
  • Biceps Inserso
  • Radius
  • Insersio tricep in prosesusolekranon ulna
  • Tricep
  • Humerus Head
  • Scapula

4 Muscles in Our Feet that Play Important Part While Jumping:

  • Down Retinakula
  • Extensor Tendon for fingers feet
  • Maleoulus medialis

During hurdles, there are many parts of our body involve, for example muscles, hands, feet,and hips. The combination of those body parts brings an excellent movement of hurdles without ignoring physical components that are defined by speed, strength, explosive and the strength of our muscles.