
Wonderful Holistic Benefits of Shaolin Qigong – Exercise

Qigong which is pronounced as chi kung known as Chinese traditional holistic practice. Qigong was developed by shaolin monks. This is also the reason why this technique is called as shaolin qigong. Different from kung fu, we can say that in qigong we are required to involve the cosmic energy and mental focus more than the physical movement.

Qigong is more likely to be a healing practice than a martial art. It is also said that the development of cosmic energy resulted by qigong is able to give mental benefits for the practitioners, just like the Psychological Benefits Of Kung Fu which involves qigong in it. The benefits of shaolin qigong are not only pursued by people in Asia. It starts to draw massive attention in western countries. So, what actually the benefits of shaolin qigong? Check this out and you may start to consider joining the training.

Brief History of Qigong

As mentioned before, this practice was originated from China as a type of traditional exercise to maintain healthy well-being. It was developed since the first Buddhist Patriarch Bodhidharma came from India to spread Buddhism in China around 500 A.D. he already taught how to meditate as an important process to train mind and balance energy flow inside the body. why is it called as Qigong?

Well, it is because we can say that this is the technique to manage our qi energy flow. Having the good qi energy flow will enable people’s mind to perceive subtle levels so that they can do their meditation better. For Buddhist, meditation can be one of the medium to do their religious ritual.

Later, there are many meditation techniques which are based on qigong practice. And it is all effective. But today, most people do Qigong in a matter of health. people are trained to maintain their Qi energy and meditate to gain the mental and physical benefits of this ancient Chinese fitness method. Besides, the recent finding also goes deep on how  shaolin qigong can improve intellectual performance.

The Benefits of Shaolin Qigong

There are many benefits of shaolin qigong either for physical and mental health. here are some of the benefits you should know. Read through and consider if you need this Chinese ancient meditation technique for your own benefit.

  1. Improve internal organs function

Qigong practice is said to be beneficial for the internal organs. It is because by practicing Qigong, people are able to maintain their energy inside the body and distribute it very well for the internal organs functioning. Qigong practice can even target the specific internal organ to focus.

  1. Aid muscular health

People who are not accustomed to have exercise may have rigid and stiff body. in this case, Qigong practice help you to open up the muscle from its movement. The movements generate better blood and oxygen flow throughout the body. this   way, Qigong enable to strengthen your muscle. It also heals the pain due to the stiff muscle. 

  1. Improve joints health

not only muscle, Qigong also deal with joints health. The sequence of Qigong movement allows our joints to have better movement to. The better circulation inside the body enable our joint to have better fluid for its flexibility and alleviate pain because of joint inflammation. Or else, you can also have herbal treatment for your joint pain such as Benefits of Green Tea for Joint Pain.

  1. Cure injuries

The relaxing benefits of shaolin qigong is indisputable. It not only relaxes our body and mind, but also our injuries. We can have better recovery from injury by applying shaolin Qigong practice. It effectively relaxes our injury and enable the better flow of energy to heal it. In the other words, we can say that Qigong practice can manage our body to not wasting the energy and focus the energy to heal the injury.

  1. Improve cardiovascular health

As mentioned before that Qigong exercise allow better blood circulation. This way, qigong also enable the better cardiovascular health. cardiovascular health doesn’t always deal with heart diseases. It also influences some other simple symptoms such as cold feet and hands. This benefit can also be obtained from Benefits of Chinese Foot Reflexology.

  1. Maintain vitality

Exercise is important to maintain vitality. However, elderly and people with serius illness may be difficult to afford physical exercises.

On the other hand, the physical exercise like Qigong is very easy to do. It doesn’t require too much strength and rely on breathing technique. This way, elderly and people with serious illness are able to practice it to maintain their vitality. The other beneficial physical exercise for vitality is Russian Sage with its Health Benefits of Russian Sage For Wellness

  1. Alleviate stress

There is no wonder that Qigong can deal with mental problem such as stress. The relaxing property of Shaolin Qigong is able to effectively alleviate stress. Besides, the other activity which is very beneficial for mental health is meditation, such as the Benefits of Zazen Meditation for Your Mental Health.

  1. Improve sleep quality

One of the problems related to our sleeping habit is stress. In stress condition, it is hard for us to sleep well. However, by managing your Qigong practice, you are able to have a better sleeping quality. It is because the relaxing property release all the mental burden and relieve stress, besides, the physical activity will also help us to have better sleep.

In addition, the other benefits of shaolin Qigong are:

  1. Improve fitness
  2. Aid longevity

Recommendation on How To Do Qigong Practice

In practicing Qigong, it is important to practice your breathing first. We can get the relaxing effect of Qigong by applying the proper diaphragmatic breathing. When you have the proper and regular breathing, it is your time to focus your mind. It is also the key to have effective meditation.

As this activity involves both physic and mental. And about the duration, it is suggested that you begin with short set of practice daily. After that, you can start to have longer and more advanced practice to gain the benefits of Qigong. Practicing Qigong is a matter of discipline and consistency. Therefore, it is better to have routine short practice than the unregular practice in longer duration.