
Benefits of Jump Roping for Athletes – Body Endurance and Speed

Jump roping uses jump ropes, which are the tools used for jumping as the rope swings so that it passes under the feet and above the heads to make a full loop. Jump roping, aside from being used as a recreation is also used as a professional sport.

Professional jump rope events are separated by age, gender, and also subsets. In addition, there are also different techniques on how jump roping can be done, along with the fact that jump roping can also be counted as an actual sport. And finally, these are the health benefits of jump roping for athletes.

Jump Roping Subsets

These are the main subsets in jumping rope;

  • Single Freestyle
  • Single Speed
  • Pairs
  • Double Dutch – Three-person speed
  • Double Dutch Freestyle – Three-person freestyle

Jump Roping Techniques

There are many techniques to how jump roping can be done. For solo participants alone, these are the techniques;

  • Basic Jump/Easy Jump – Basic jump jumps with both feet spaced over the rope. This is considered a simple technique and beginners normally master this one first before advancing into the more-tricky techniques.
  • Alternate Foot Jump – Each foot jumps alternately above the ground. Alternate foot jump is also suitable for speedy events.
  • Criss-cross – It is similar to the basic jump however with the arms being crossed in front of the body to make an X.
  • Side Swing – Here the rope goes on the side of the player’s body without jumping.
  • Front-back Cross/Sailor – It combines the criss-cross with one arm located behind the back.
  • Double Under – This is a basic but rather high jump; thus, it lets the loop of rope go twice under the feet.
  • Triple Under – Similar to double under, however the main difference is at triple under, the rope loops go thrice instead of twice.
  • Toad – Similar to criss-cross, however with one arm crossing the leg on the opposite side from inside.
  • Leg Over/Crougar – At this basic jump, one arm is hooked under an adjacent leg.
  • Awesome Annie – Also known as the “swish”, it alternates between a leg and a toad without jumping in between the two movements.
  • Inverse Toad – It is the opposite of the Toad with one arm crossing the adjacent leg from outside.
  • Elephant – A cross technique in between the toad plus the inverse toad. At this technique, both arms go under one leg.
  • Frog/Donkey Kick – The player handstands, flips to return to their feet and turns the rope underneath them. There is also a more advanced version that turns the rope upon flipping.
  • TJ – A triple under combination in which the first jump is a side swing, to be followed by a toad and ended in an open.

What are its Health Benefits?

  1. Jumping Rope Improves Coordination

Jump ropes improve coordination by making us focus mainly on our feet. When done repeatedly, it makes movement and coordination in between the brain and the feet lighter and easier.

  1. Jumping Rope Minimizes Ankle and Foot Injuries

Many are afraid that jump roping is prone to ankle and foot injuries, however the opposite is true instead. This is so because jump roping improves the foot coordination, increases the strength of muscles of that area and finally minimize injuries to that area as well. Preventing foot injuries are essential in sports like tennis, badminton, soccer or basketball. 

  1. Jumping Rope Significantly Burns Calories

It is a known fact that compared to health benefits of walking 60 minutes a day or benefits of running for cardiovascular health or jogging, jump roping actually burns more calories than the two. Jump roping can burn a total of 1300 calories per hour, and ten minutes of jump roping can be considered equivalent to running for eight minutes in terms of calories being released.

  1. Jumping Rope is Absolutely Portable yet Fun

Jump ropes are very portable, and jump roping can be done almost anywhere given that there is sufficient space around. In addition, jump ropes are also fun due to the number of techniques and subsets above, in which one can vary whenever they feel like to. At this way, the player will barely get bored of the sport!

  1. Jumping Rope Increases Bone Density

An assistant professor of medicine at Denver’s University of Colorado found out that the best exercise to improve bone density and health is by jumping up and down, which is none other than the basic keys of jump roping and health benefits of box jumps. The assistant professor stated this after studying the bones of elderly as well as athletes.

  1. Jumping Rope Supports Cardiovascular Health

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, skipping ropes are highly recommended for aerobics and cardiovascular functions similar to benefits of running of 20 minutes a day. To increase cardiovascular health, skip 5 times a week with each session lasting 12 to 20 minutes.  

  1. Jumping Rope Practices Breathing

Aside from heart health and stamina, jumping rope practices breathing by making it more efficient. The intensity of each loop requires rapid breathing, as such it is important for one to manage his or her breath well so that he or she will not wear out easily.

  1. Jumping Rope Makes the Participants Smart

Here is one unique fact to jumping rope. According to the Jump Rope Institution, jumping helps aid the development of both the left and right brains, which enhanced skills in awareness, reading and critical skills, memory as well as alertness.

  1. Jumping Rope Helps Us to Stay Calm

Jumping rope helps us to stay calm because coordination in between the brain and the body is being utilized at every loop. An improved ability to jump rope, improved synchronization in between the mind, body and rope can train us to stay calm in critical situations. It is somewhat similar to the benefits of exercise for emotional health.

  1. Jumping Rope Qualifies as a Sport on its Own

Finally, the great news about jumping rope is that it qualifies as a sport on its own, because otherwise why jumping rope competitions could be so popular in the world? Indeed, one can also lose weight through jumping rope by doing 100 to 200 loops per day.