Skin Treatment

5 Health Benefits of Eating Tomatoes for Skin #1 Beauty Tips

Of course, if you heard word “tomato”, it have been familiar for you, right? Although, it is Often said a vegetable, actually it is belong to category of fruits. Yes, tomato has red orange round shape. Beside it is so delicious to be a food, there are many health benefits of tomatoes, too. It can be processed become some foods and drink as your tasty.

Tomato has a natural anti oxidant that is called Lycopene. Lycopene is the strongest of natural anti oxidant to attack free radicals that can cause the growth of cancer cells. Besides that, tomatoes also contain health nutrients for our body such as benefits of vitamin A, benefits of vitamin C, beta carotene, sugar, calories, alpha carotene, and lutein. Because of that, it is not surprising if there are many health benefits of eating tomatoes for skin.

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Nutritional Values of Tomato

  • Calorie 18
  • Water 95%
  • Protein 0.9 g
  • Carbohyrate 3.9 g
  • Sugar 2.6 g
  • Fiber 1.2 g
  • Fat 0.2 g
  • Saturated 0.03 g
  • Monounsaturated 0.03 g
  • Polyunsaturated 0.08 g
  • Omega 3 0 g
  • Omega 6 0. 08 g

Health benefits of tomatoes for beauty

Besides it is very good for body health, actually tomato is very good for face beauty. It must be a fresh air for all of you that want to have beautiful, manicured and health face. It is so natural without chemical and used very safely. Let’s know more about health benefits of eating tomatoes for skin.

  1. Take care skin

Ozone layer is getting thinner in the world atmosphere. It cause the sunlight coming without filtering again, so is dangerous ultraviolet light. Skin that is exposed ultraviolet light in long term, is not only making dry, dull and pimply your skin. But it can cause another serious health problem such as skin cancer.

High lycopene in tomato is believed to protect skin from sunlight. So it make skin younger. Besides that, tomato also contain vitamin C and collagen. They are useful as natural anti oxidant to take care skin from free radicals. And they always moisturize skin. So your skin will always be health, elastic and not dull.

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  1. Minimize Pores

Big and open pores make germs and bacterial easily to enter into your inner skin. Moreover there are many pollutions now. Besides that, open pores cause excess oil. So it can cause acne and blackheads. Tomato can help you to minimize pores.

The way is so easy to be applied in your house. You have to smoothen tomato and lemon juice. Then clean you face and apply that potion on your face. You can smear it on your face especially on your troubled skin such as acnes or oily. Let it until 15 minutes and after it is dry, you can rinse  it with clean water and dry your face with clean towel. Do it slowly, you don’t need to rub your face severely.

  1. Prevent Acnes

Although today there are many mask product that are made from tomatoes. But it will be not wrong if you made it by yourself because it will be natural and healthier. The way is so easy. You have to cut tomato become two parts and rub it on your face until tomato water enter into face pores. After that, rinse your face with cold water for closing pores. Pimples on your face can be a problem source. Because of that, you should do treatment with tomatoes regularly.

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  1. Cooling Face

Another benefits of tomato mask is cooling face. Cool face will be fresher and younger. You can add yoghurt to your tomato mask. So it can enter into your skin and moisturize it. Tomato mask with yoghurt can solve excess oil, lose acne scars and reduce negative effects of ultraviolet light.

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  1. Glowing Face

Tomato is useful to glow your face. You can make it by yourself at home because the way is so easy. You should slice tomato and avocado. Then pound or blender them until soft. After that, don’t forget to wash your face first before smearing tomato mask. This is very important for nutrient in tomato can absorb into skin well.

Smear tomato mask and avocado on your face and let it until 30 – 45 minutes. So it can clean pores with this mask. Natural nutrients in tomato are useful as antiseptic and they can hydrate skin well. So there is no problem dry skin anymore. Clean and unopened pores are one of keys to prevent oil, acnes and blackheads. So, your skin will be brighter and healthier. After finish, rinse it with cool water or ice for minimize pores and make your skin fresher. You may also read benefits of moroccan argan oil on face for glowing skin.

The ways to get health benefits of eating tomatoes for skin

To get benefits of lycopene in tomato, you can eat tomato directly. Moreover if tomato is processed (Boil) first, this benefits will be more protected. Lycopene is absorbed effectively by body if it was mixed with vegetable fat such as olive oil honey and avocado.

So How to get health benefits of this tomato? Here are its complete reviews.

  1. Rub on your face directly

The easiest and effective way take care skin is rubbing tomato on your face directly. The way are

  • Slice tomato became two parts but you have to make sure that it was washed cleanly first.
  • Then put tomato on your face or acne and blackheads part. So it will be more effective. Rub that tomato slowly until tomato water went out.
  • After contents and water tomato are out, You can do soft massage in that area. Do this for a few minutes.
  • If you have felt enough, rinse your face with cool water and ice until clean soon/ Dry it with soft and clean towel.
  • Do that regularly to get optimal result.
  1. Make tomato mask

People usually make tomato as mask to take care their skin. How to make it is very easy.

  • Smoothen tomato contents, you can add honey or benefits of olive oil or egg white according to your taste
  • After that, use mask for 30 minutes.
  • Do it regularly three or four times in a week.
  • Many skin problems such as acnes, oily skin and blackheads will be solved quickly.
  1. Make tomato paste

It s not different with tomato mask, tomato paste can be made with harder and soft texture. You can blender tomato with another ingredient according to your taste and put it on your face. Commonly, this tomato paste is used to solve skin inflammation from acnes.

Those are short review about health benefits of eating tomatoes for skin and beautify. It is not wrong, if you consume tomato regularly to get health, beautiful and young skin. Your body will be healthy too. Thank you and hope this article is very useful for you all.