
6 The Benefits of Calcium Lactate for Body

The calcium lactate is one type of mineral that has a function to prevent and treat people who don’t get enough calcium and have low blood calcium levels called hypocalcemia.

The calcium lactate is a food additive added to various food to enhance texture, flavor, and taste. It is used as a medication and a calcium supplement.

Calcium lactate has the color white or cream, is odorless, made from cells naturally to get energy in conditions of low oxygen. Calcium lactate is one of the minerals the richest in the body.

It is used to medicate and avoid low blood calcium levels called hypocalcemia for people who don’t have get enough calcium from food. Calcium lactate is used for medication in conditions like osteoporosis, parathyroid disorders even certain muscle problems.

1.     Heart Health

A study examined the effect of supplementation of calcium lactate on 43 people with hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) and previous inflammation of the liver.

Participants were divided into 2 groups which are a test as the first group and the second group is a control called the placebo group. The test is starting by given of calcium lactate and vitamin C 3 times during 4 weeks..

After finishing, found the first group had decreased levels of total cholesterol by 4%.  Supplements don’t cause side effects. However, there is no significant statistical of changing other signs of cholesterol.

This study shows supplements are good for a healthy heart, but it is a small opportunity and uses a dose lower of calcium lactate. A study in addition is required to validate the role of calcium lactate in connection with heart health.

Calcium lactate can be obtained from eggplants. Find out the best benefits of eggplant for heart health.

2.     Oral Health

A study seeing that adding calcium lactate to xylitol chewing gum can help re-mineralization lesions on tooth enamel. Lesion made on enamel human tooth extracted and used by 10 volunteers.

Another 10 participants were used as control and stored in a humidifier. The study participants have worn enamel slabs in one of these ways; the first is without chewing gum.

The second is chewing gum conceives xylitol as well as calcium lactate. Last is chewing gum only conceives xylitol. They did it 4 times a day for two weeks.

Re-mineralization was found bigger after chewing xylitol and calcium lactate more than in other groups. This led researchers to the conclusion that might be increasing re-mineralization of the tooth enamel surface.

Research in 2014 demonstrated the ability of calcium lactate pre-rinse to intensify fluoride protection against tooth enamel erosion. The researchers found that pre-rinse followed by a fluoride rinse significantly decreased surface loss of enamel if used before the erosive challenge.

However, the researcher from the previous study about pre-rinse of calcium lactate found that didn’t significantly affect the concentration of plaque fluoride in anything condition.

Further research is still needed before ensuring calcium lactate can be recommended for oral health. Find out the benefits of chewing gum oral health and beyond.

3.     Maintaining Healthy Bone Density

Bone remodeling (bone turnover) is a breakdown cycle of bone continued by osteoclasts in the body’s area which bone doesn’t need, and bone re-building by osteoblasts.

In other words, its bone self undergoes re-modeling continuously with resorption and deposition constantly of calcium into new bone. The balance between resorption and deposition of bone is important to healthy bone, and that is changing over age.

Nutritional intake of calcium and magnesium is very important for bone health. The amount of calcium of 99% stored in the bones and teeth of the body is support normal and healthy bone structure and function.

Taking additional calcium supplements can help to increase the body’s supply of calcium. Magnesium can contribute to the developing bone’s structure with 50% up to 60% presenting in the bone.

Particularly, magnesium involves in developing bone and affecting the activities of osteoblasts (bone re-building) and osteoclasts (bone breakdown). Here is more about the health benefits of calcium for bones.

4.     Preventing Low Blood Calcium Levels (Hypocalcemia)

It occurs while the body is in a condition of calcium deficiency or doesn’t enough absorb calcium from its food. Lacking vitamin D, low the body’s immune system, medical conditions such as pancreatitis, kidney, liver even celiac disease, and certain medicines are causes of hypocalcemia.

It can be treated by giving calcium to bring back the levels to normal. It could be calcium forming as a pill or IV. Beside add calcium, the body needs vitamin D to prevent bone loss.

Earlier symptoms of this disease are tickled hands, feet even lips, feeling weakness, loss of body control, slow heartbeat, anxiety, depression even anger, and seizures.

These symptoms can be managed in these ways by eating food with rich calcium like milk, yogurt, cereals, and cheese. Get enough of amount sunlight safely but if the body lack of vitamin D so needs more sunlight.

Do not smoke, smoking can increase the amount of calcium leaving the body through urine. Find more about hypocalcemia in health benefits of calcium gluconate.

5.     Exercise Performance

The researchers studied the effect of calcium lactate on high intense performance repeatedly. They measure the blood pH and bicarbonate of a young man in physically active many times after consuming calcium lactate called a placebo.

This study found that supplementation of calcium lactate within low doses and high increases blood pH and bicarbonate. However, isn’t enough to increase exercise performance at high intensity many times.

Another study double-blind in 2017 in placebo-controlled examined the effect of supplementation of calcium lactate in long term on blood pH, bicarbonate, and high-intensity intermittent exercise performance.

Calcium lactate, sodium bicarbonate even a placebo were given to 18 athletes 4 times in 5 days. The researchers give a conclusion that supplementation of calcium lactate doesn’t increase high-intensity intermittent exercise performance.

These studies show that calcium lactate probably isn’t useful to exercise performance. The additional study can help the researcher to understand mixed results from previous studies.

Eating healthy food not only helps the body in exercise performance well but also in emotional too. Many benefits when emotion is healthy. Here are the benefits of exercise for emotional health.

6.     Cardiovascular Health

Calcium plays a role to protect the heart’s health and blood vessels. Calcium enough intake can help lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of heart disease.

The cardiovascular system uses calcium lactate to expand and contract the heart also blood vessels repeatedly and quickly. In older patients with hypertension, calcium lactate probably blood vessels to contract and relax regularly.