
7 The Benefits of Calcium for the Skin

Calcium is one type of micronutrient called a mineral. It can be found in dairy products and helps for man and women to keep a healthy glow skin.

When we are still young, new skin cells are produced and recharged as natural cycle skin. During that cycle, these cells move to the surface of the skin and then died after reach destination.

Dead skin cells collect in the skin and are removed by cleaning and exfoliating. In getting age, the renewal process, or creating new skin will slowly. Calcium as an antiaging has a function in that condition.

It can get from the health benefits of mint for the skin too. There are some benefits of calcium for the skin such are preventing skin dryness, and wrinkles on the face, and changing dead skin.

1.     Natural Moisturizer

Calcium takes mostly large our body mass. Skin dryness, wrinkles, and itch without nutrition required. Calcium works with the epidermis to get the result sebum, a natural coating with vitamin C inside to keep the humidity of the skin.

It is the health benefits of vitamin C for the skin. The amount of inadequate calcium produces less sebum to give skin become dry and unhealthy. Probably people encounter skin disorder seriousness like eczema if skin dryness and damage. This condition can cause cancroid.

2.     Stealing from the bones and teeth

The body needs the amount of calcium and if its intake decrease, the system will start stealing calcium from teeth and bones. This condition will make the body weak and suffering serious problems.

3.     Skin Renewal

Calcium is responsible for the turnover of cells properly but it wouldn’t possible if don’t get calcium dose intake correctly. It ensures skin renewal to remove dead cells by creating protective lipid barriers.

4.     Antioxidant

Although calcium itself isn’t an antioxidant it has the function to play the main role in the production of antioxidants to prevent damage to DNA and extraordinarily protective texture of the skin.

5.     Protection Against Weather Harsh Conditions

Cold weather or frozen always give a bad effect on the skin. The body needs a correct intake and needed to protect the skin from harsh weather. Skin dryness and itch can be prevented through the magic of calcium. As we know calcium give offering epidermis system to bad dry even in harsh weather.

6.     Reduce Stress

It can give soothe the nervous system and therefore can reduce stress condition and depression. The amount enough intake from this mineral mostly decreases the risk of damage to elastin and collagen.

7.     Calcium Facial Treatment

Several luxurious facial treatments are used by beauticians commonly to give the appearance of the face more sunny bright, fresh, and glowing. A number of masks as yogurt, strawberry, banana, and honey used to give a revitalizing texture to the skin.

According to research published in Annals of Dermatology, calcium has the main role to arrange the function of the skin like protecting skin from atopic dermatitis and psoriasis conditions).

It means calcium is part of the essential of skin barriers. The skin barriers can be irritated by internal factors like stress and dehydration also external factors like pollution and harsh ingredients, can cause skin dryness and loose that’s prone to soft lines and wrinkles.

Calcium is stored in the outermost layer of skin called the epidermis, to protect sebum and maintain the skin still hydrated and free of eczema. Keeping up calcium in the epidermis helps to prevent skin from cancer by protecting it from UV rays.

Calcium can help to arrange dying cell skin lysing and the generation of new skin cells. Some human nail beds are made from calcium precipitation means the body have to enough calcium to protect it. Dairy products including descendant milk known as the main source of calcium.

Protein comes from milk-specific casein and whey is a substantial component to keep the skin healthy. One example is collagen, the richest protein inside, and stead. It is the health benefits of collagen for the skin.

Casein indirectly helps through enhancement absorb minerals as well as calcium ingested. 80% of casein is from milk protein but is often isolated and sold as a single protein. Whey protein is helpful for skin care through food intake due to anti-inflammation and anti-oxidative effects.

Joanie Zhang, technical support for Agropur represents that “Whey protein containing the highest amount of amino acid cysteine which is the body anti-oxidant precursor glutathione.

The level of glutathione is higher to help the body reduce oxidative stress and next to even out of the skin.” Whey protein can release inflammation and bioactive peptides preventing oxidative stress post-digestion.

After the age of 60, wrinkles keep staying. However, skin aging doesn’t stop it but will slacken, the forming of the face changes, the epidermis will thin and microcirculation will slow down.

Gradually skin will become smooth, lose the shiny natural rosy glowing, and the color of the skin looks pale. Skin will be seen as dull and tired. Hydration will be priority number one for mature skin to get its comfort and softness.

It’s important to help the skin to get back shining bright and glowing. Exfoliating the face gently once a week can help to start microcirculation and treatment of the skincare to sink in. The tiny skin and smoothness need to be repaired and strengthened to affect the limit of aging.

The main function of calcium for the body is to caring humidity and balance. The most important to always drink water every day for healthy skin and body.

On the whole, it is the health benefits of drinking water for the skin and overall health. Calcium helps re-activate cohesion among cells, reconstruct the epidermis thoroughly, protect the upper layer of skin, and push lipid synthesis well hydration.

After passing the age of 60, the body can’t arrange calcium as well as previously. As the result, the system of bone will weaken, and the function of the skin protector impaired.

Foods containing calcium for the skin

This condition needs help epidermis to get back its power and create a strong barrier resistant. A source of calcium can get from food and beverages. The popular drink is green tea with the myriad convenience as health benefits of green tea oil for the skin. The source of calcium from food is below,

  • Benih adalah nutrisi kecil yang kaya kalsium; seperti poppy, wijen, seledri, dan biji chia.
  • Cheese, mostly has high calcium. Parmesan cheese contains 242 mg per ounce or around 19% of the daily requirement (28 grams) as in research.
  • Yogurt, is a fantastic source of calcium. Probiotics are a type of bacteria has useful for immune, heart health, and nutrition absorption.
  • Tinned sardines and salmon, because their bone can be eaten. Thin sardines and salmon contain high calcium.
  • Lentils with beans, fiber, protein, and minerals such as iron, zinc, folate, magnesium, and potassium are abundant.
  • Almond nuts, help to lower reduce blood pressure, fatty bodies, and other risk factors for metabolic disease.
  • Greens with bunches of leaves (leafy green vegetables), are spinach, mustard, and kale healthful and rich in calcium.
  • Rhubarb, is high in fiber, vitamin K, calcium, and other vitamins also minerals at a low level including prebiotics for push development of bacteria useful in the stomach.
  • Drinks with added vitamins, it is helpful when not consuming milk.