
Dangers of Fluoride in Water & Toothpaste

Before we talk about the dangers of fluoride, it’s good if we’ll talk about fluoride and it’s usefulness first? This article about:

  • Facts About Florida;
  • The Use Of Fluoride In The Drinking Water: benefits, dangers and avoid the risks;
  • The Use of Fluoride In Toothpaste: benefits, dangers and avoid the risks;
  • The Limitation of Fluoride and side effects and;
  • Fluoride deficiency.

a. Facts About Florida

Fluoride compound is a fluoride salt which is abundant in nature, may be in the form of calcium fluoride, ammonium fluoride, sodium fluoride, aluminium fluoride, ammonium fluorosilicates, magnesium fluoride, ammonium fluorophosphates, hexadecyl ammonium fluoride, and other salts.

Fluoride is a substance that is still controversial. The experts have debated about the fluoride adding benefits to the drinking water and toothpaste. The one hand, there are experts said the fluoride adding is very helpful, but do not ignore the possible consequences. While others said that it is a mineral who harmful to the body. There is also controversy about the safe levels. How many levels are safe to put in the drinking water and toothpaste, you know, no answer certainty.

Fluoride known as a mineral that helps strengthen teeth and bones. This mineral is believed to reduce the tooth decay risk. As a result, many products that add fluoride to toothpaste as an active ingredient.

On the teeth, the fluoride function is to improve the teeth ability. Acid in the tooth enamel can create erosion. Long term effects is the cavities occurrence. Acid in the mouth also increases the bacteria concentration that can be harmful. Fluoride when brushing teeth, help teeth more resistant to the acid attack. Generally, fluoride used in the water and toothpaste, then our discussion also about two issues.

b. The Use Of Fluoride In The Drinking Water

Fluoride is found in nature as Sellaite (MgF2), Fluorspar (CaF2), Cryolite (Na3AlF6) and fluoroapatite [3Ca3 (PO 4) 2Ca (F, Cl 2)]. It existence in the water from the mineral degradation of fluoride compounds and in groundwater.

The Flouride ion levels in ground water depends on biological, chemical, physical and the area climate. Generally, spring and well water contains fluoride ion concentrations higher than surface water such as lakes and rivers. The content of fluoride ions in water can be increased by human activities such as fluoridation, waste disposal, and the industrial activities impact.

The use of ground water as drinking water, besides used for household directly, there are packed and distribution to the public. The water consumption level in the tropics is very high, the minimum consumption is 2.5 liters every day. It is associated with an exacerbation or as high humidity so that people in the tropics requires a very high drinking water to overcome the thirst, so it can cause very high levels of minerals consumption, including the fluoride.

Fluoride can enter the body, systemically and locally. Systemically, such as through drinking water fluoridation and fluoride tablets, salt and milk that contains fluoride, while locally, through the topical application of fluoride and health products, like as toothpaste, fluoride mouthwash and others.

Fluoride Benefits In The Drinking Water

Fluoride in drinking water has an effect on teeth and bones. Fluoride ion will displace the hydroxide ions on hydroxyapatite CA5 (PO 4) 3OH an essential mineral that make the tooth enamel and bone. The existence of ion fluoride in tooth enamel make it more powerful but fragile.

Clinically, the inclusion of fluoride to the body can Strengthen teeth and bones. fluoride to protect teeth from decay. Dentists often prescribe fluoride to keep teeth stay healthy, especially for children. Minerals are helped on the bone remineralization process. It is a mineral recovery due to reduced the use or release of certain minerals in bone. Related to the bone, fluoride Also helps Prevent the loss of minerals. So, bones Became healthy. Therefore, fluoride helps protect the bones from thinning or osteoporosis.

The Dangers of Excessively Fluoride in drinking water

Sources claim that fluoride is a chemical key in producing an atomic bomb. Fluoride is essential for producing bomb, with Uranium and plutonium to make nuclear weapons during the Cold War. According by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1985 that fluoride ions have a beneficial effect when the level is about 0.7 mg/L, but it is dangerous when more than 1.5 mg/L. Then, how about the drinking water?

Based on research by Widana, Astawa and Supartana from Ganesha university, shows that Fluoride in the water springs about 0.222 to 0.460 mg/L, the Drinking Water Company about 0.101 to 0.383 mg/L, drinking water refill packaging about 0.01 to 0.498 mg/L, and in-branded bottled water about 0.012 to 0.396 mg/L. So, what will happen if you drinking about 3L of fluoridated water?

  1. Fluoride Is Carcinogenic

Carcinogens are trigger the growth of cancer cells. New Jersey Department of Health revealed that an increase  case of 6.9% curved bone cases from bone cancer, a 5% increase in all cancers in young children who use fluoride. while the head of the Chemistry Division, National Cancer Institute that there are at least 40,000 cancer deaths in 1981 were related to fluoride and that is the cause of the fastest growth of cancer cells than other chemicals.

According to The National Toxicology Program (NTP) and various studies from Harvard University in animals and humans, Fluoride allegedly raising the likelihood of osteosarcoma (malignant bone cancer is very deadly). noted that

This risk is greatest in aged round 10-20 years. When exposed Osteosarcoma, more than half of the patients only survive for a few years.

  1. Increase The Risk Of Fractures

Drinking water containing fluoride may increase the risk of fractures, this is according to the research from The National Research Council (NRC), fluoride in bone may increase the risk of fractures due to lower bone mass.

  1. Damage The Hormone System

According to the US National Research Council, Fluoride is a substance destroyer hormone system. Fluoride consumption leads to decreased function of the thyroid gland that regulates the body’s metabolism. This leads to a state of hypothyroidism or thyroid hormone deficiency with symptoms of decline in intelligence, depression and weight gain.

while According to the National Toxicology Program, Fluoride is a mutagenic compound. Mutagenic compounds are damaging compounds the body gene. When the defective gene for Fluoride, will arise new abnormal cells. This abnormal cells that can cause cancer, genetic diseases and disorders such as lupus body’s defenses.

How to avoid the risks:

Understand that all drinking water contains fluoride, but the numbers are different, choose one that is able to meet your needs but do not take too much fluoride.

c. The Use of Fluoride in The Toothpaste

Almost all toothpastes contain fluoride. But most people assessing fluoride in toothpaste is causing harm. is that true, fluoride and the extent of their influence  good for dental health?

Fluoride Benefits in the toothpaste

The addition, fluoride is basically to restore the minerals in teeth lost due to acid derived from bacterial plaque and sugar. Without the addition of mineral (remineralization) teeth will be easy to shake. When we brush our teeth with toothpaste containing fluoride, the teeth will absorb the fluoride. In addition, it will also eliminate the fluoride-containing bacterial plaque on the teeth. As is known bacteria will produce acids that damage the teeth.

In children younger than 6 years old, fluoride is also necessary for the growth of permanent teeth by helping speed up the remineralization process. In addition to the toothpaste, we can also get fluoride in drinking water and food are added to this mineral. Fluoride can also be applied directly to the teeth by a dentist in the form of a gel, foam or varnish. In some conditions, such as those who suffer from dry mouth, gum disease, often suffer from tooth decay, and the use of braces, using fluoride in toothpaste or mouthwash is highly recommended.

The Dangers of fluoride in toothpaste

While fluoride was still in the womb reasonable in toothpaste, it is beneficial for teeth fluoride. When the content of fluoride in toothpaste redundant will actually make flurisis on the teeth. Dental fluorosis causing teeth to become hard and friable (cracking). The lightest form of fluorosis is the stain of white spots or small that is not too visible, while the moderate and severe damage will reveal brown or black stains, holes and cracks in the teeth. In Indonesia itself has been assigned the fluoride content that may be contained in the toothpaste should not be more than 0.15% from total content.

How to avoid the risks:

The Fluoride Dental Research Community states both on special gear for external use without being swallowed. This is because Fluoride can kill bacteria in the mouth, this is why fluoride used in toothpaste. So a variety of fluoride above Hazards ONLY occurs when fluoride is ingested/swallowed. and when brushing with fluoride toothpaste, gargle and frequent, never let the toothpaste left in the mouth. Also make sure when brushing teeth, gargle strong minimum of 5 times.

Children aged 6 years and below it, use a pea-sized (diameter 6 mm) to brush teeth with supervised. This is to minimize the possibility of swallowing.

d. The Limitation of Fluoride and side effects if excessive

According to restrictions issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1985 that fluoride ions have a beneficial effect when the level is about 0.7 mg/L, but it is dangerous when more than 1.5 mg/L. In the fluoride content range of 1-1.5 mg/L will be sufficient to strengthen the tooth enamel. In the range of 1.5 to 4 mg/L can cause dental fluorosis, and when exposed to levels of fluoride in the range of 4-10 mg/mL in the long term in addition caused dental fluorosis can occur skeletal fluorosis or bone. Skeletal fluorosis conditions will cause bones to become brittle body buffer.

The effects of fluoride in drinking water to prevent dental caries significantly in the permitted levels. The entry of fluoride into the body through it to excess in the short term and long may cause the occurrence of acute and chronic poisoning. Chronic poisoning is more common than acute poisoning.

e. Fluoride deficiency.

Suggested fluoride in the body according to the daily recommendations. But if you fluoride deficiency can be resulted in the some symptoms. These symptoms are due to brittle bone demineralization in that section, making it easier for fractures. In teeth, the fluoride deficiency make of that emergence of caries due to the erosion of enamel by acids.