In some area, cherry is more famous as the name of Kersen or Talok (Muntingia calabura L). In Madura area, cherry is known as the name of Baleci. Reputedly, the tree of cherry came from Latin America. Recently the tree of cherry has spread mostly into Southeast Asian, include Malay and Indonesia.
In other countries except Indonesia, the fruit of cherry is known as different names such as :
However, cherry is not only known in Asia, in Europe countries cherry also is known with different names in each country. In Spanish, cherry is called as blanco, cacaniqua, nigua, niguito. In England ,the cherry is called as Panama berry, and Singapore cherry. While the Dutch people usually mention cherry as Japanese kers (Japanese cherry) which is then adapted by Indonesia and mention it as a cherry fruit, or many Indonesian people also call it as cherry.
The Characteristics of Tree, leaves and Fruit of Cherry
The tree, leaves and fruit of cherry have own their characteristics so that we are not difficult to recognize and find the cherry tree. The characteristics of tree and cherry fruit are stated as the following:
Cherry Fruit Contents
There are so many ingredients that we can find in cherries which the substances contain inside are very important to the human body. From the various ingredients that stored in the fruit is very reasonable, so the cherries have considerable benefits. As we need to know the content in 100 grams of cherries are:
While the energy value = 380KJ / 100 gram.
From the many substances contain in the dosage of 100 grams of cherries are very beneficial to the human body. Then it is very true if the cherry is one of the fruits that can be considered to be herbal medicine in accordance with its function.
Ancient people are used to use the cherries as uric acid, cherries proved to reduce the pain suffered by patients or people affected by gout. Besides as a drug uric acid, cherries also have a usefulness to cure diseases that occur in the body. Another benefits of cherry leaves for health is to launch a bowel movement, by consuming cherry fruit then defecate it to be smooth, it is because the cherries contain fiber. Also read: Health Benefits of Ground Cherry
In addition to cherries, the leaves of cherries also contain compounds that are quite good and quite beneficial to the human body. The content that contained in the leaves of cherries include:
Benefits of Cherry Leaves
From some content that contain in cherry leaves, the cherry leaves have the following benefits of cherry leaves for health such as
1. As Sugar Level Reducer
For diabetic people, water cherry leaves stew can lower sugar levels in the body. Making cherry leaves stew as a diabetic drug has been done since a long time ago. Cherry leaves contain saponins and flavoniods can lower sugar levels for diabetics. Its use is quite simple, just by boiling and drinking boiled water of cherry leaves. Also read: Health Benefits of Chokecherry
2. Good for lowering sugar content
3. Painkiller
Some experimental animal studies have been conducted, and the results of these experiments prove that cherry leaves are able to relieve pain. Just as the cherries are able to reduce the level of pain in people with uric acid.
4. Good for pain relief
5. Cholesterol-Lowering
Cooking water from cherry leaves is also efficacious treating cholesterol. The use of cherry leaves as a cholesterol drug is very simple. Just prepare 1 to 2 handfuls of fresh cherry leaves and prepare three glasses of clean water. Then boil and remain until the water becomes half, boiled water can be taken twice a day. Also read: Health Benefits of Cherry Blossom Tea
6. Good for lowering cholesterol
Nature has been created with all its contents so complete. Many are able to be utilized although we sometimes do not realize the benefits of it. Like the benefits of cherry leaves. Plants that grow wild sometimes even accidentally planted, they have a tremendous benefit. Starting from the tree that can bring the shade, the fruit until the leaves