Tukmaria seeds have been used for ages in traditional recipe, particularly in Asia either as refreshing beverage or as a traditional medicine. People use it for its health benefits of tukmaria seeds for some health problems.
The Health Benefits of Tukmaria Seeds
The health benefits of tukmaria seeds are contributed by the content of fiber, vitamins, and minerals in it. It physically looks like chia seeds, which present the Benefits of Chia Seeds. Therefore, it gives many benefits for your health such as listed below.
It might be one of the favorite health benefits of tukmaria seeds. Well, tukmaria seeds can help you to lose some pounds. It is possible as tukmaria seeds provide our body with high level of dietary fiber.
As we know, fiber help us to feel fuller a little longer. This way, we can prevent cravings and able to maintain our body weight.
Drinking water with soaked tukmaria seeds may help you to relieve stomachache due to heartburn and acidity. It is because the coolant property of tukmaria seeds is able to form a protecting lining inside the stomach.
The lining is also effective to cool down and flush toxins from the body. The cooling effect can also sooth inflammation in the body.
Sometimes the unhealthy eating habit may lead you to some digestive problems such as constipation and bloating. In this case, tukmaria seeds is able to naturally detox our body=y and enable the smooth bowel movement.
So, we can use it as stomach cleanser. It is better to drink the soaked tukmaria seeds with a glass of milk with its Health Benefits of Drinking Cold Milk
Tukmaria seeds are good for diabetes, particularly for diabetes type 2 as the seeds contain good amount of dietary fiber. The fiber content let slow metabolism system. This way, the body can avoid quick blood sugar spike and control blood sugar very well.
the content of flavonoid in tukmaria seeds is also good for your heart health. It is because flavonoid is a potent antioxidant which is effective to combat heart diseases. So, take tukmaria seeds regularly in your drink to get the health benefits of tukmaria seeds for your heart.
Based on a study by a food company in US, 1 tablespoon or about 13 grams of tukmaria seeds supplies 15% daily intake of calcium and 10% daily intake of magnesium and iron with Health Benefits of Iron.
So, it is very good to fulfill our need of minerals. As we know, those e minerals are important for our bones’ health.
Tukmaria seeds are also known as effective body coolant. That’s why people love to include this black and white seeds to any fresh beverage. It is very refreshing, to drink it with cool water and the other complement such as coconut milk, sugar, honey, or syrup. The effect is just similar to the Benefits of Cucumber .
Not only present the health benefits of tukmaria seeds when we consume it, tukmaria seeds can also be applied as an external treatment for our skin and hair.
The content of protein can protect our skin and hair from damage. You can crush tukmaria seeds and add it with coconut oil. Coconut oil will give you the additional Health Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair and Skin
How to Use Tukmaria Seeds for Health
In addition, you can drink the soaking water along side your drinking. It is very good to include tukmaria seeds to your smoothies, milkshakes, lemonade, and pudding.