Loganberry comes from a cross between blackberries with raspberry. Instead of blackberries and raspberries, loganberries have smaller seeds. It has striking colors and sharp taste, making loganberry one of the best berries.
Loganberry can you eat right away. Another option is to make the loganberry as syrup, jam, and juice. Loganberry can also be a complementary menu of your salad.
The nutritional content of loganberry!
In 100 g, loganberries contain nutrients such as:
Not only in the list above, loganberry contains other nutrients that bring benefits to the body. See the explanation below!
Health benefits of loganberry!
Because it contains many healthy nutrients, loganberry offers benefits to your body such as:
Because it has many colors and striking colors, it shows that loganberry is rich in anthocyanin content.
Anthocyanins in loganberries act as antioxidants which are the main contents to ward off free radicals that have harmful effects on our body. So that loganberry is very useful for heart health and Prevent Cancer Naturally.
The concentrations of gallic acid and ellagic acid are found to be high in loganberries. Ellagic acid offers anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that are beneficial to our body. It helps protect the body from the growth of cancer cells and acts as a chemopreventative.
Loganberry contains high vitamin C. One of the Vitamin C Benefits For Health is to protect the health of the body by acting as an antioxidant. Vitamin C is also beneficial for boosting the immune system, thus helping the body to survive stronger from infectious attacks. In addition, vitamin C has a role in healing wounds and repairing body tissues.
Loganberry also contains vitamin K which plays a role in protein synthesis for healthy tissue and bone in your body. Vitamin K is also beneficial for blood clotting thus preventing bleeding.
In loganberry, you can also find useful folate to produce body DNA. Folate is also useful in cleaving cells and developing body tissues. If a pregnant woman is experiencing folate deficient, this can cause damage to the newborn’s neurons.
One of the health benefits of manganese in loganberry is to form bones and tissues. The nervous system and the brain can work efficiently also due to the benefits of manganese. If the body has an optimal amount of manganese it can help treat health problems like arthritis, diabetes, and premenstrual syndrome.
Loganberry contains fiber that is beneficial to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, and obesity. Read about Health Benefits of Fiber.
Diet calories? Loganberry is a fruit that is suitable to be used as a diet of calories because it has low calories but many benefits to the body.
Saturated fats and unsaturated fats are not present in loganberries. Loganberry also has a carbohydrate content that is not too high and has a protein content in sufficient quantities.
Manganese in loganberries is also beneficial in increasing your metabolism, and the benefits of fiber in loganberry are also beneficial in maintaining a feeling of satiety longer.
Loganberry also benefits your skin. Because it has vitamin C, loganberry protects your skin from harm to sunlight. Loganberry is also used to solve facial skin problems such as acne and eczema.
Because of age, the health of our eyes can decrease. With the nutrients, loganberries can keep your eyes healthy because it has Vitamin A Benefits. Loganberry will help fight macular degeneration which is the age-related disease.
Loganberry strengthens your immune system because it has vitamin C. If your immune system is strong, you will not get sick easily.
Loganberry contains high amounts of thiamine beneficial to support the health of your nervous system. Moreover, because of this content, loganberries can repair damaged nerves.
Consuming loganberry can provide a calming effect on the body so as to prevent the Health Risks of Stress. Not just for DNA, folate and manganese in loganberry is beneficial to keep our neurological system healthy.
High fiber in loganberry will help your body’s digestive system run smoothly and prevent digestive problems, such as constipation.
The content of vitamin C in loganberry is beneficial to keep your respiratory system running smoothly. Loganberry is also useful to overcome asthma. However, you still need to talk to a doctor first.
Because it has a high antioxidant, loganberry is beneficial to maintain your heart health. High antioxidants are used to fight free radicals that adversely affect the heart and other organs.
Other health benefits loganberry:
Those are some of the health benefits that loganberry offers to your body!