
12 Incredible Health Benefits of Honeycrisp Apples

There are a lot of delicious and tasty fruits you could find but apples are probably among the most favorite fruits. However, not everyone knows that apples are available in many varieties and one that is very tasty and delicious is honeycrisp apples. Furthermore, the health benefits of honeycrisp apples are not something you could take for granted as well.

What Is Honeycrisp Apples?

As mentioned above there are a lot of varieties of apples and honeycrips is one variety of apples developed by Minnesota Agriculture Experiment. Compared to the common apple with beautiful and mouthwatering dark red skin, honeycrips apples have distinctive characteristics which are the yellow background of the skin with mottled red color. This variety of apple is very tasty because it is the hybrid of apples from variety of Macoun and Honeygold but you don’t need to worry, honeycrips apples are not GMO but hybrid. They are completely two different things. So, this variety of apple is as natural as any apples you have consumed.

Nutritional Values of Honeycrisp Apples

When talking about the health benefits of apples and then honeycrisp apples are not really different. However, compared to regular apples, the tart flavor of this variety is a strong indication that this apple is super low in calories, so it is excellent weight loss foods especially for breakfast. To get more information about the health benefits of honeycrisp apples, the list below will tell you in details.

  1. Super Low in Calories

Do you know that high quality life is always associated with low calories diet? It is because based on some research studies, those who are currently doing low calories diet are likely to have longer live with better physical condition than those who don’t. Foods that are low in calories are able to lower the rates of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and aged related degeneration conditions.

  1. Excellent Energy Booster

There is a good reason why apple is good for breakfast because it is an excellent energy booster. Eating apple is not going to boost your energy like when you are drinking coffee but since apple contains carbohydrate and enough calories to give you the stamina you need in the morning.

  1. Packed with Soluble Fiber

There are a lot of health benefits of eating apple skin because fiber in apple is found in the skin. That is why for the health benefits of fiber, you should eat apples along with its skin. Though some people prefer to peel it off and they still could get all the essential vitamins and minerals but less fiber content.

  1. Aids Digestion

As mentioned above, consuming honeycrisp apples along with the skin will boost your daily intake of fiber. The health benefits of fiber are essential for digestion because fiber has prominent function to aid digestion because fiber could bind all the unnecessary content inside the intestine to be washed off. The result is your metabolism will move smoothly.

  1. Fat and Cholesterol Free Type of Fruit

It is not easy to find foods that lower cholesterol level but there are some fruits that are completely fat and cholesterol free and honeycrisp apples are among those fruits. Not only that, as it is rich of fiber, the soluble fiber will help eliminating the excessive amount of cholesterol.

  1. Snack Solution during Weight Loss Program

If you are currently in a weight loss program, the hardest thing to control is your appetite. Consuming apples whenever you feel hungry could help you controlling your craving of snacking because the fiber content in apples will make you feel full longer and as fat free, it won’t cause you any weight gain.

  1. Prevents Obesity

The antioxidant content found in honeycrips apples will help preventing the oxidative stress in body metabolism. The effect is the reduction of fat cell formulation that in excessive amount could lead to obesity. Polyphenols are one of the potent antioxidants found in apples along with vitamin C benefits, vitamin A and beta-carotene.

  1. Excellent Immunity Booster

Apples are excellent choice of snack during recovery condition because honeycrisp apples are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that could act as excellent immunity booster. They will accelerate the recovery process while preventing your body from further infection.

  1. Great for Diabetic Patients

There is no easy way to find food for patients who have been diagnosed with certain types of diabetes. However, a lot of studies have stated that consuming apples as snack for diabetic patients are considered safe.

  1. Prevents the Development of Cancerous Cells

The only potent way of how to prevent cancer is by making sure your body has enough antioxidants. As mentioned in some previous points, honeycrisp apples are packed with potent antioxidants that could help preventing the developments of cancerous cells.

  1. Good for Cardiovascular Health

Fiber found in honeycrisp apples is great for cardiovascular health. Moreover, honeycrisp apples also contain potassium that could help balancing the excessive amount of sodium in the blood stream to help controlling the symptoms of high blood pressure that could lead to more fatal condition such as stroke and heart attack.

  1. Promotes Healthy Skin

If you want to have healthy and young skin, consuming fruits and vegetables in daily basis is highly recommended and apple is among fruits that you should add to your daily diet because apples are super tasty and nutritious.

Cautions of Honeycrisp Apples

Due to its firmness appearance, honeycrisp apples are easy to be transported or exported. That is why as customers you should know well from where your apples come from. It is better to get fresh apples but if you are living in countries where the only option to get apples are by exporting it, there are some cautions you should aware of.

  • Some suppliers are applying wax to keep apples from getting rotten. That is why washing and brushing your apples with running water before consuming it is highly recommended because apples are best to consumed with their skin since the skin contains all the fiber you need.
  • Honeycrisp apples are best to be consumed during breakfast because they are excellent energy booster. However, those who have sensitive stomach should avoid consuming it in empty stomach because it could cause bloating.

Well, adding honeycrisp apples to your daily diet is highly recommended because this fruit is not only tasty but also healthy. Moreover, honeycrisp apples are variety of apples that is easy to find not only in America but also around the world.