
29 Proven Benefits of Guava for Hair and Overall Health

Guava! Here it come the most loved fruits for everyone in everywhere. Guava is a tropical fruits that well known in tropical country. Almost everyone loves it. It is found in almost every tropical countries in abundant amount such as, Indonesia, Mexico, Central America, or even north America.

Nutrition from eating strawberry juice

Guava can be served with anything as side dishes. Some of you might like its lingering bulking sweet taste when making juice of guava with milk. But, on the contrary, some of you might be like it best when guava is served as a sweet cuisines or dessert.

People commonly know that guava formed mostly by vitamin C. However, don’t you know that this kind of fruit also contains the other beneficial substances for health? In every 1 serving or about 1 fruit or 55 grams of guava contains:

  • 38 calories
  • 5 grams of fat
  • 1 gram of saturated fat
  • 2 grams of polyunsaturated fat
  • 1 mg of sodium
  • 229 mg of potassium
  • 8 grams of carbohydrate
  • 3 grams of dietary fibers
  • 9 grams of sugar
  • 4 grams of protein
  • 6% of Vitamin A
  • 1% of Calcium
  • 209% of Vitamin C
  • 5% of Vitamin B – 6
  • 3% of magnesium

Sugar percentage in your guava juice might depend on how much you put another sweet agent like when you mix it with milk or sugar blocks. You might have to cautions about your health condition in adding sweet flavor in your daily guava juice.

29 Proven Health Benefits of Eating Guava

Even it is only lived in tropical climates, nowadays, you can find guava in every conventional market around you. Guava known as the best fruit for juice which no one can withstand the delicacy of Guava. You can eat it right away, mix it with milk as juice, make pudding with guava, or even basic ingredients for cookies.

What is the different between guava and the other fruits? You might think that it is, basically, only known from it taste. But, you might do not know that guava has more advantages than the other fruit does. Also read: Health Benefits of Guava

Well, every fruit has its own benefits and cautions. Some of you might be, durians lover for instance, but it would be a bad choice for someone who have high tendency of diabetics or gastric acid. And so on.

But mostly, guava never causing severe damage for the body in some extend. It is good for everyone, if we cautious about it sour taste when it is not ripe. There are many type of guava that you might know before taking it continuously. Be careful when choosing the one that is suitable for your taste and your health condition. 

In the other word, we can say that guava is actually and basically healthy if you know how to consume it. And this time, we are going to talk about the health benefit of the mostly loved guava, including its nutrition facts, cautions and recommendation in eating guava.

Based on the fact that guava has a lot of beneficial substances in it, we should believe that it has many benefits for health. These are the benefits of guava for hair health:

1. Fight cancer

guava contains lycopene in abundant amount, which is playing a significant rules in fighting and protecting your body from prostate cancer or breast cancer. Vitamin C in guava is the biggest beneficial minerals you can found in guava. It is providing you a better therapy for free radical prevention. Also read: Health Benefits of Guava Leaves

2. Improves your Digestive system

Fibers, nothing beats fibers in promoting your digestive system. Fibers needed to clean and absorb any kind of non digestive substances inside your stomach. It clears your intestines and caught every substance that sticks in your intestine.

3. Diabetes Prevention

Guava contains much less sugar and high dietary fibers which is great for your cholesterol issues. You might keep your healthy body with amazingly easy, healthy and tasty. 

4. Promote Eyesight

Vitamin C, as an antioxidant, and improvement in eyesight, is good for your health, mostly for children who under development. Vitamin C helps you to strengthen the cornea and retina to prevent weak eyesight issues, like sightedness and cataract.

5. Stress Reliever

Niacin and pyridoxine in guava provide a better and smoothing your blood circulation in the brain. It helps your brain to work properly and furthermore, it is releasing stress along with the improvement in your cognitive ability. Also, magnesium in guava helps you to relax and treating your mood swing or anxiety. Also read: Health Benefits of Greek Mountain Tea

Guava Fruits for Body

Here are more benefits of guava for hair health:

  1. Good for Pregnancy
  2. Fight Skin Aging
  3. Treats Acne
  4. Protect your Skin from UV radiation
  5. Promote Hair Growth
  6. Good for Fertility
  7. A Perfect Diet
  8. Reduce LDL or Low – density protein
  9. Treating Upset Stomach
  10. Cure for Food Poisoning
  11. Cure your Tooth and Gum Problems
  12. Prevent hair Loss
  13. Treat Dandruff
  14. Prevent hair Damage
  15. Slow Down Sugar Absorption
  16. Cholesterol free
  17. Antibacterial Agent
  18. Flu Treatment
  19. Dengeu fever Treatment
  20. Natural Skin Toner
  21. Skin Hydration
  22. Skin Itchiness Treatment
  23. Immunity Booster
  24. Heart Treatment

To sum up, that’s all the benefits of guava for hair health, you may also read more about Benefits of Guava for Dengue Fever

Cautions in Eating Guava

Besides the health benefits of eating guava fruit including the other kinds of benefits like Health Benefits of Guava for Skin, we still need to watch our intake of guava. For pregnant mom and their fetus, you might have to check clearly for the fruit before taking it.

Some of the fruit might be contains a lot pesticide on its surface or even inside the fruit itself. Pregnant women are quiet sensitive with allergic issues from chemical hazard. They might vomit immediately after consuming fruits with high levels of pesticide. Washing the fruit before eating it will reduce the levels of pesticides in fruit skin to reduce nausea, including guava.

On the other hand, sugar contained in guava is quiet high, you might not want to exceed the maximum sugar levels in your body because it will turn out to be bad for your health. So, you have to think about your blood sugar before taking guava along with milk or another sweet food.