
Health Benefits of The Blue Agave Syrup – Nutritional Facts

The blue agave syrup or the agave nectar is a sweetener made from a combination of several agave species. The agave syrup’s sweetening functions are sourced from fructose, which are fruit-sourced sugars as well as carbohydrates.

The blue agaves used in the making of this syrup grows in the volcanic soils of Southern Mexico. Indeed, the agave made into syrup is also the same type of agave used in the making of tequila.

In this regard, are the negative rumours about the agave syrup confirmed? Otherwise, what are the health benefits of the blue agave syrup?

About the Agave Nectar and the Agave Plant

Like what is said above, agave syrup is made using the extracts of agave plant. The two most popular agave variants used in the making of the nectar are the Agave Americana as well as A. Tequila. Agave syrup is 1.4 to 1.6 times sweeter than normal sugar, in which it is commonly used to substitute either sugar or honey. Agave syrups are available in mild, amber, as well as raw varieties.

Mild agave syrups are light in taste and are used for delicate flavoured food or beverages. Amber agave syrups have a caramel-like taste which is suitable for beverages with stronger taste. And finally, the raw or dark variety is unfiltered and therefore containing the most nutrients agave has on offer. Raw or dark agave syrups are good on pancakes, toast as well as waffles.

Meanwhile, there are three types of agave for culinary uses; agave attenuata and agave tequilana. Agave Americana’s appearance is interesting in the sense that it resembles aloe vera where in fact it is not an actual aloe vera. Agave attenuata resembles a foxtail and commonly used as a garden plant. While then, agave tequilana is most commonly made into tequila, just as its name suggests.

Nutritional Facts of the Blue Agave Syrup

These are the nutritional facts of the blue agave syrup, as sourced from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

  • Amount per Serving – 100 grams
  • Energy – 1,297 kJ (310 kCal)
  • Total Fat – 0.5 g (0% of DV)
  • Cholesterol – 0 mg (0% of DV)
  • Total Carbohydrate – 76 g (25% of DV)
    • Dietary Fibre – 0.2 g (0% of DV)
    • Sugar – 68 g
  • Protein – 0.1 g (0% of DV)
  • Fat – 0.45 g (0% of DV)
  • Vitamins and Minerals
    • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) – 0.12 mg (10% of DV)
    • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) – 0.16 mg (13% of DV)
    • Niacin (Vitamin B3) – 0.69 mg (5% of DV)
    • Vitamin B6 – 0.23 mg (18% of DV)
    • Folate (Vitamin B9) – 30 micrograms (8% of DV)
    • Vitamin C – 17 mg (20%)
    • Calcium – 1 mg (0% of DV)
    • Iron – 0.1 mg (1% of DV)
    • Magnesium – 1 mg (0% of DV)
    • Phosphorus – 1 mg (0% of DV)
    • Potassium – 4 mg (0% of DV)
    • Sodium – 4 mg (0% of DV)
    • Zinc – 0.01 g (0% of DV)

These are the health benefits of black sugar.

What are its Health Benefits?

Here are the health benefits of the blue agave syrup:  

  1. Blue Agave Syrups have Lower Glycemic Index Value

Glycemic index (GI) value is the ratio of carbohydrate in food in terms of how they directly affect blood glucose levels. Low glycemic index values rank 55 to below. They are digested slower, absorbed and metabolized in such a way that it causes slow yet low rise of blood glucose and insulin levels.

In the long run, energy release becomes more sustainable. Foods with low GI values may be safe for diabetics simultaneously. Blue agave syrup contains a GI level of 13; approximately the same GI value to that of a teaspoon of 4-gram sugar, according to Diabetes Forecast magazine.

  1. Blue Agave Syrups are Natural Sweeteners

Blue agave syrups are natural sweeteners, perfect for those who seek an alternative to benefits sugar health or health benefits of replacing sugar with honey, or simply just want an organic sweetener that are free from additives and are unrefined.

Unfortunately, a majority of agave syrup found in syrups are heavily processed, which makes organic ones a rare item. Organic blue agave syrups at least are friendly to those who are conscious about preservatives, additives or the likes on foodstuff.

  1. Blue Agave Syrups have More Intense Sweetness Levels

Blue agave syrups are intensified sweeteners, approximately 1.4-1.6 to that of sugar’s. Agave syrups may seem to be an interesting choice, but remember to take it at wise dosages. 

Health Advices on the Blue Agave Syrup

Unfortunately, there are much more health disadvantages known to the blue agave syrup as compared to its health advantages. Despite the idea of agave syrup as a replacement for sugar or honey, in fact agave isn’t any better than the two. Indeed at times, it can be worse, in which it is the largest disadvantage.

Agave contains more calories than sugar. In comparison, if agave and white sugar are served at the same portion, agave possesses 20 calories while white sugar only contains 16 calories. Agave accelerates and easily exceeds one’s daily calorie intake, which may pose the consumer to the risks of weight gain or the rise of triglyceride levels when consumed uncontrollably. In the meantime,

These are the health risks of artificial sweetener as well as the health risks of consuming too much sugar.

Those are the health benefits of the blue agave syrup. Although it may seem that its disadvantages outweigh its advantages, however consumption of blue agave syrup may not cause that much a problem should you are able to manage it well.

That said, people consume agave not purely for its health benefits, but as personal preferences instead. In conclusion, consume agave wisely so that it won’t endanger our health in any way.