
10 Impressive Health Benefits Of Tazo Zen Tea

We have known about how tea is considered being healthy drink with many benefits. Tea lovers might always put green tea in the first rank of their favorite herbal tea. Green tea is also known to have many benefits such Benefits of Drinking Green Tea for Skin Whitening and Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea on An Empty Stomach for Weight Loss.

Talking about green tea for weight loss, now we can easily find green tea package with the specialty to support your weight loss diet. For example, you can grab the Health Benefits of Lipton Diet Green Tea for Weight Loss and the other brand of slimming green tea. In this article, we are going to talk about the health benefits of Tazo Zen tea.

When it comes to the specialty tea, we cannot leave Tazo. Well, Tazo is one of tea brands which offer special blend for your outstanding sense. Tazo provide many variants of green tea blends with other beneficial herb combination.

The Health Benefits of Tazo Zen Tea

The combination create such awesome blend  for a healthy herbal tea  One of these is Tazo Zen tea which put green tea along with verbena leaves,  lemongrass, and spearmint in a filter bag. Therefore, we can have the health benefits of Tazo Zen tea along with its unique taste. The mild taste of green tea, combined with the cooling effect of spearmint and lemony scent of verbena and lemongrass.

That’s awesome. In addition, the other leaves such verbena also give you the Health Benefits of Verbena Leaves  as it includes  the leaves, not only the extract.

  1. Keep up mental health

Many reviews mention that Tazo Zen tea is one of tea product with excellent ability in keeping up the mental health. Tazo Zen tea provides a sufficient amount of amino acid and caffeine which are powerful in lifting mood.

In addition, the freshness offered by spearmint, lemongrass and verbena is promising to enhance your mood. Not only improving mood, green tea with other herbal combination in Tazo Zen tea is able to improve brain function.

  1. Prevent dental cavities

Tazo Zen tea which is mainly composed by green tea contains a good amount of fluoride. As we know, fluoride is very good for dental health. In this case, the consumption of Tazo Zen tea is able to supply our need of fluoride which is able to maintain the dental health as well as prevent many dental related disease such dental cavities.

  1. Reduce headache

Most of Tazo tea product still hold its content of caffeine, unless the decaffeinated varieties. The light caffeine in Tazo Zen tea is able to give relaxing effect and further play as natural painkiller. It is effectively relieve headache.

The health benefit is mainly contributed by lemon grass, which act as natural pain killer, and also the caffeine in green tea which is able to control the hormone which suppresses the pain.

  1. Lose weight

Tazo Zen tea can be absolutely included into your weight loss diet. It is able to crush fat, while inhibiting the excessive absorption. Drinking Tazo Zen tea is also able to suppress your appetite, so that you’ll avoid emotional eating. Emotional eating is one of the main culprits of weight gain. It is when you are craving for food not because you feel hungry, but you only need to chew and taste some food. It unnoticeable makes us easily gain weight.

The habit is also influenced by the bad mental state such anxiety, insomnia, and stress. As mentioned above, drinking a cup of Tazo Zen tea is able to ease your mind. In addition, the weightless diet should also be accompanied by routine exercise. You can take the light exercise such walking to obtain the Health Benefits of Grounding Walking Barefoot

  1. Anti cancer

Each tea bag of Tazo Zen tea consists of beneficial leaves with abundant antioxidant. Therefore, the regular consumption of Tazo Zen tea will provide the good amount of anti oxidant. As we know, antioxidant is essential in fighting free radicals, the main culprit of aging and some diseases such cancer. Thus, the regular consumption of Tazo Zen tea will significantly reduce the risk of cancer.

  1. Slower aging

The antioxidant in green tea itself is very good for skin. So how if we get the other addition of antioxidant from spearmint, lemongrass, and verbena leaves? We get nothing but abundance of health benefits of Tazo Zen tea for skin. It may slower the process of aging which is signed by wrinkle, freckle, and dark circle. The antioxidant is not only good for the youthful skin, but also for hair as it slower the presence of gray hair.

  1. Reduce cholesterol

This zero calorie tea is powerful in reducing cholesterol. The ability in reducing cholesterol is contributed by the herbal leaves in Tazo Zen tea, especially lemon grass. This citrus scented grass contains high level of antioxidant which is able to crush cholesterol within the blood.

  1. Treat stomach problems

Every ingredients of Tazo Zen tea is beneficial for your tummy. Green tea is able to perform as antibacterial agent which eliminate the bad bacteria and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. Spearmint also gives hand in to treat stomach upset and some digestive problems.

  1. Relieve cold

Lemon verbena or verbena leaves in Tazo Zen tea is able to contribute its health benefits to treat cold and relieve the symptom such coughing, fever, and headache. The combination involving verbena lemon is also able to deal with respiratory problems such relieving asthma.

  1. Aid detoxification

The other health benefits of Tazo Zen tea is detoxify. Drinking Tazo Zen tea is able to flush toxins and clean fat. As the result, the regular consumption might not only trim your waistline, but also keep diseases away from your health.

The other health benefits of Tazo Zen Tea are:

  1. Improve brain function
  2. Lower blood pressure
  3. Maintain cardiovascular health
  4. Aid healthy digestion
  5. Maintain fair skin

Recommendation in Consuming Tazo Zen Tea

It doesn’t matter if you like your tea hot or iced. However, the first thing you should do is brewing the tea with boiled water. Steep the tea for some minutes. If you like your tea cool, you can add some ice cubes later on when the steeping is done. It is better to not use any sweetener to obtain the optimal health benefits of Tazo Zen tea.

In addition, the mild taste and fresh lemony scent will not bother our taste bud. In addition, you will have the Health Benefits of Tea without Milk and Sugar.

About the side effect, there is no report about the side effect of Tazo Zen tea. Yet, the tea may present some side effect for those who overreacted to caffeine. And if we talk about how to buy the mighty beneficial Tazo Zen tea, you should check the herbal store and supermarket around you. Or else, you can purchase it online from some online retailers.