
6 Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Chinese Tea

Drinking tea is a famous tradition that is done by many cultures from the countries around the world. You may know that drinking tea is coming from the Chinese culture. There are a lot of types of tea around the world, such as black tea, white tea, green tea, and oolong tea.

All of these tea types come are made from the same plant, however, the process on how they are made is different. Drinking Chinese tea is known to have a lot of health benefits. Let’s discuss all the health benefits of drinking Chinese tea.

1. Reduce the risk of diabetes

One of the benefits of drinking Chinese tea regularly is it helps to increase the productivity of insulin in the body. Besides, it helps you to reduce the risk of getting diabetes too. Tea contains polyphenols which not many people are aware of.

The micronutrients in Chinese tea are filled with antioxidants. Furthermore, there are some other properties which prevent diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

It is recommended to drink 5 to 6 cups of oolong tea in a day to reduce the risk of diabetes by over 30%.

Diabetes is one of the most serious disease and its effects could be fatal. Get to know more about diabetes by reading these benefits of nutmeg for diabetes treatment.

2. Aid weight loss

If you’re planning to lose weight, you can try drinking Chinese tea. Green tea is the most popular tea used to lose weight. Why? It is because green tea helps you losing weight by speeding up the metabolism. When your metabolism speeds up, your body will turn the fat into energy at a faster rate.

Green tea is also rich in natural caffeine which is known to be able to burn fat naturally and increase the exercise performance. Rich in antioxidants, green tea is also able to boost the process of breaking down fat.

If you need to lose some weight, then you should consider consuming chia seeds and get to know these health benefits of chia seeds for weight loss.

3. Improve memory

Besides those physical benefits, drinking green tea is also able to improve your mental health by improving your memory. Green tea contains enzymes which help increase the function of the brain. Furthermore, it also helps decrease cognitive impairment in middle aged adults.

There’s a study conducted in Singapore which proved that drinking Chinese tea regularly is able to reduce cognitive impairment in older adults and combat some cognitive diseases in the future, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Alzheimer’s is a serious disease and make sure you consider doing these ways to prevent Alzheimer and dementia.

4. Rich in anti-inflammatory properties

When your body is trying to fight foreign objects, inflammation occurs. When your body gets inflammation, your immune system will be fighting toxins, injuries, or even infections. The body sometimes might confuse its own cells as a threat. This results in an autoimmune disease. Red, swollen skin are some of the symptoms of inflammation.

Green and black tea are known to have high amount of antioxidants. EGCG is the most powerful antioxidant found in these teas. EGCG can reduce inflammation in immune and vascular cells.

5. Improve teeth and gum health

Dental health can also be improved by drinking tea regularly. Drinking tea every day can give your body additional protection from some dental problems, such as gum disease, cavities and bacteria which causes bad breath.

You can try green tea as it helps controlling bacteria in your mouth. As a result, it helps you reduce the chance of getting bad breath and fight against cavities. It does that by controlling the acidity of your saliva.

Chinese tea is also known to be able to improve gum health and has been proven to be good at controlling bad breath than chewing gums, mint and other natural solutions to bad breath.

Do you like chewing gum? Read these benefits of chewing gum for oral health and beyond.

6. Fight free radicals

We are exposed to free radicals every single day and they can cause a lot of damage to our body if we don’t take them seriously. Free radicals are molecules which move throughout your body with unpaired electrons. This process can cause severe damage to your body and cells.

However, drinking Chinese tea can help your body to be able to fight those free radicals. It helps your body to balance the free radicals and antioxidants.

Chinese tea is one of the types of tea which is popular. You can check all the red dates and goji berry tea benefits. Get a cup of this tea and enjoy the benefits!