
Powerful Benefits of Sage Tea for Anxiety Treatments and Overall Health

Sage tea is another classical tea remedy used for curing sore throat, coughs, flu, to even digestive issues, easing menopause symptoms or reducing anxiety. The sage tea, also known as the “thinker’s tea” is also named that way because they are able to improve one’s concentration, focus as well as mental clarity. Meanwhile, the part of sage that is used for tea is the fresh or dried leaves of the sage herb (Salvia officinalis).

Here are some interesting facts about sage, sage tea, as well as the health benefits of sage tea for anxiety treatments.

Nutritional Facts of Sage Tea

  • Serving Size – 1 teacup (6 oz)
  • Calories – 16
    • Fat Sourced Calories – 4
  • Total Fat – 500 mg (1% of DV)
    • Saturated Fat – 277 mg (1% of DV)
    • Polyunsaturated Fat – 69 mg
    • Monounsaturated Fat – 74 mg
  • Cholesterol – 0 g (0% of DV)
  • Sodium – 5 mg (0% of DV)
  • Potassium – 95 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates – 300 mg (1% of DV)
    • Dietary Fibre – 1.7 g (7% of DV)
    • Sugar – 210 g (0% of DV)
  • Protein – 590 g (1% of DV)
  • Vitamins and Minerals
    • Vitamin A – 5%
    • Vitamin C – 6%
    • Calcium – 6%
    • Iron – 6%

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What are its Health Benefits?

Here are the health benefits of sage tea:

  1. Sage Tea is an Antioxidant

Sage tea is an antioxidant beverage that cleans up the body from cancer causing free radicals and toxins through metabolism. On a related fact, it flushes out negative compound through urination, in which sage tea is also a diuretic. With that in mind, we can prevent the possibilities of serious illnesses such as heart attack or cancer.

  1. Sage Tea Works as a Remedy for Coughs

Sage tea works as a remedy for coughs because it is both an expectorant as well as an anti-inflammation. An expectorant is a medicine that persuades the secretion of phlegm through the breathing airway. To eliminate coughs, sore throat, or similar conditions using sage tea, gargle it regularly until the condition soothes.

  1. Sage Tea is Beneficial for Diabetic People

Sage tea is also wonderful for diabetic people by helping to regulate the levels of blood glucose. A study published in the Complimentary Therapies in Medicine reveal that sage may help lower the levels of fasting blood glucose in type-2 diabetes patients. Type 2 diabetes is a diabetic condition in which the body either lacks the production or resists insulin.

  1. Sage Tea Eases Menopause Related Symptoms

Sage tea eases hot flashes as well as perspiration that are associated with menopause. This claim was made after an observation involving 71 women who were given daily fresh sage leaf tablet for eight weeks. The results were a reduction in hot flashes by 50% over four weeks and 64% by the eighth week. The experiment has since been published in the Advances in Therapy journal.

  1. Sage Tea Prevents Oral Mucositis

Oral mucositis is the painful yet complication inflammation and ulceration of mucus membranes at the mouth’s lining, normally as a result of radiotherapy or chemotherapy to treat cancer. Oral mucositis causes paralysis to the mouth and also further infections. A study published in the 2016 edition of Complimentary Therapies in Medicine wrote that oral mucositis could be avoided during chemotherapy by gargling sage tea over a period of few days.

  1. Sage Tea is Good for Hair

A formula of sage tea with black tea or rosemary is believed to be able to promote hair growth or darken white or gray hair, which could possibly be healthier than using hair dye. The formula, which is applied during rinsing is able to darken hair partially due to the tannins inside the teas.

  1. Sage Tea is also Good for Cholesterol

Sage tea is also able to help the reduction of high cholesterol levels too! Research has observed that sage reduces cholesterol by reducing the amount of both triglyceride and negative cholesterol (LDL or low-density lipoprotein) while increasing the rate of good cholesterol or HDL (high-density lipoprotein).

  1. Sage Tea Calms the Mind

Sage tea calms the mind by shielding the consumer from anxiety. Anxiety is a mental health disorder characterized by overly worried or fear that is intense enough to interfere daily life. Anxiety is most common among adolescents and middle-aged citizens, and examples of anxiety symptoms include panic attacks, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Anxiety can be self-assessed and requires minimum to no medical treatment.

  1. Sage Tea Reduces Alzheimer’s Disease Symptoms

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disease that demolishes vital mental and cognitive functions, prevalent on senior citizens. One author wrote that Salvia plants have the possibility to enhance cognitive skills and protect from neurodegenerative disorders. However, more research is needed to verify this finding.

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Advices on Sage Tea Consumption 

Sage is a common cooking ingredient, or precisely a herb in this regard. Therefore, many assume that it is perfectly safe to consume sage at unlimited amount. However, that is not the case. Sage contains camphor as well as thujone, which are essential oils that may pose risks to the body when taken in large quantities. Side effects caused by excessive camphor and thujone intake include seizures plus gradual organ damage. Due to this, the EU European Medicines Agency Committee on Herbal Medicine Products set an upper limit of 6 mg thujone intake for medicinal purposes.

Pregnant women aren’t recommended to consume any dishes or beverages with sage in it, fearing that it may cause uterine contractions. Uterine contraction is the tightening and shortening of urinal muscles. In pregnant women, uterine contractions force the offspring from the uterus, similar to miscarriage.

In the meantime, other notable side effects of sage tea are mild to moderate complaints in digestion, dermatological rash, fluctuating blood pressure, as well as lowered blood sugar levels on diabetic patients. Some subspecies of sage, such as Spanish sage (Salvia lavandulaefolia) may pose estrogen-like effects, therefore troublesome for people with hormonal issues.

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