
8 The Benefits of Espresso Coffee for Health

Espresso is the core of all coffee. At least once in a lifetime, try to drink. It is a foundation basic other varieties of coffee. For Italians, espresso is the most sacred to starting the day.

Not only Italian but also American loves too. People like to drink espresso to get an energy boost from the caffeine and it is delicious. It is processed by brewing coffee at temperatures and high pressure. The best part of drinking espresso is its health benefits.

1. Weight Loss

The health experts at explain that caffeine in the espresso triggers epinephrine and norepinephrine, two hormones alerting cells that is time to break down fat for energy.

They explain normal doses of caffeine found in a glass of espresso increase metabolism and keep it long higher after drinking it. Continue according to Mayo Clinic, when caffeine is inside our body, it acts as a natural appetite suppressant which means having less to eat, and weight loss.

It looks the same as the benefit coffee mixed with honey and the benefit of coffee mixed with coconut milk.  

2. Increase a Better Mood

Most espresso drinkers will be feeling positive and motivated after drinking in the morning.  This mental benefit is supported by extensive research. Psychology Today explains that caffeine inside espresso can help fight depression and increase mood boosters.

Caffeine molecules bind to dopamine receptors in the brain, making it more effective. Good feelings and rewards are related to dopamine. Caffeine naturally gives positivity and motivates. A source goes so far as to say that caffeine fights the depression because of these same effects.

3.  Boots Focus and Attention

If you are an espresso drinker, probably notice feel more awake and aware. This is due to caffeine interacting with the body and affecting hormone levels. Caffeine is a stimulant means increasing the brain’s activity to a certain degree.

This research article was published in the Wiley Online the Library of scientific research, describing coffee affecting our awake of us and giving more attention.

A building-up neurotransmitter, adenosine inside the body often being one of the triggers of drowsiness and sleepiness, and naturally, caffeine can block up this effect. This inhabitation leads to the feeling that can increase knowledge to more focus, and concentration making more get attention.

4.  Reduce Diabetes

Health benefits of coconut oil for diabetes. Among the many benefits, one of the most interesting is the ability to reduce the risk of major diseases which as type-2 diabetes.

A research study published in the medical journal, Diabetologia notes that consuming caffeine every day is up to 40% less for those diagnosed with type-2 diabetes.

The reason is unclear but a correlation is strong enough to make a connection between caffeine consumption and reducing the risk of this disease. It is good enough for us.  

5.  Healthy Antioxidants

Antioxidants have been keywords in the health community for years, remembering to relate the health benefits of decaf coffee. The espresso drinker can enjoy a large dose of these compounds with each shot.

Health authorities at Mayo Clinic explain that as a part of diet especially as a part of a standard western diet and daily metabolism process, free radicals are built naturally in the body.

They note that free radicals are related strongly to health problems including cancer. They explain antioxidants help to lose free radicals, enjoy espresso even drinking it daily can help reduce the risk associated with these compounds.

6.  Extend Life

It is true to drink espresso can extend life. Probably it can be suppressed, especially in some claims health was made some decades ago about caffeine can increase blood pressure and cholesterol, but new research shows that espresso drinkers often long lifetimes than those who don’t consume caffeine at all.

In point of fact, the article from shows drinking espresso on daily basis can extend by 12-15% a long lifetime. Probably some of the effects of any positive health caffeine has, whatever the reason, be ready to drink once or two a day to add years to our life.

7.  Benefit Physical Performance

You’ve noticed the positive mental effects espresso has but, what about the physical effects? There are reasons why athletes drink black coffee before exercise to increase safety performance.

This research article found in the National Library of Medicine reinforces the fact that caffeine boots adrenalin and noradrenaline in the body, both of these hormone-related increased endurance, increased heart rate, and increased awareness which both help physical activities.

8.  Reduce Risk Mental Disease

There is no doubt now that caffeine has some positive effect level to mental well-being in short term, it can boost mood, motivation feeling, positively and focus also concentration.

A lot of effects in long term too. Study research over a long time period shows a people who drink espresso regularly and caffeine in other drinks have a less risk such as Alzheimer, Dementia, and Parkinson’s disease.

Another way to reduce mental disease is recreation. Mental health benefits of recreation for the elderly with tips.   Espresso is served in a small cup size of 29 ml. Drinking espresso depends on each lover.

But, if you want to drink a cup of espresso in Italian classic, this is the way,

  • When you order espresso in a coffee shop, firstly drink water to neutralize the sense of taste to get enjoy every taste of espresso coffee
  • Get rid of crema from coffee to enjoy the taste of it
  • Stirring espresso coffee with a spoon to ensure getting aroma and taste in balance
  • Last is to enjoy the aromas then taste one up two spoons before taking a gulp it all on own