
6 Benefits of Fermented Coffee dan How To Make It

Fermented coffee or called wine coffee is a type of coffee coming from the post-harvest process through fermentation to get a unique taste resembling the aroma of the wine.

Fermentation is a process of producing chemical reactions involving microorganisms for helping decompose coffee. The microorganism process helps coffee grow out of substances, enzymes, sugar, and more. Here are the benefits of fermented coffee for health, same as benefit of coffee mixed with honey:

1. Smooth Digestion

The fermentation process transforms indigestible substances into simple molecules that the body can process efficiently. Fermented coffee is very mild on the stomach, do not worry for people who have a stomach ache or even digestion symptoms.

By drinking it, we consume most of the healthy bacteria and yeast. These microorganisms increase gut health and help digestion, easier for food absorption and assimilation.

These microorganisms are rich in prebiotics, increasing amount number of healthy bacteria in the gut even metabolism also digestion quickly.

2. Suitable for IBS Patients

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is a light disease but can cause extreme distress. This uncomfortable includes stomach ache, diarrhea, cramps, constipation, and excessive contraction of the large intestine during digestion. Fermented coffee is good for IBS patients such as health benefits of decaf coffee.

3. Richer Taste

Fermented coffee has an enhanced taste as well as a benefit of coffee mixed with coconut milk. Truly, it is often a bittersweet, mild fruity taste, cup of sourness. When we ferment coffee, allow fruity tones to surface.

In breaking down a complex starch and sugar results in sweet alcohol, ethanol, and many acids as its by-products. These acids and ethanol give a sweet, malty taste to beverages.

4. Improve Aroma

Controlling fermentation conditions can change the taste and aroma of coffee to reduce bitterness and increase the overall quality of the coffee. Fermented coffee releases many different aromas while breaking down molecules.

When that’s happened, substances, taste, and smell intensify and release themselves in a cup of coffee. As we know that fermented coffee breaks down caffeine into smaller molecules to decaf-ing caffeine in the beverages and coffee beans.

It will make coffee without caffeine close and not have a bitter taste and no burn or dark solid aromas, coffee smells fruity and chocolate without any bitterness.

5. Doesn’t Turn Teeth Yellow

Tannins are primary and secondary antioxidants such as polyphenols. It has a sour and bitter taste to regular coffee. Tannins are a major component responsible for the bitter taste of coffee.

The rest tannins give a dark chocolate taste preferred by many peoples. They turn their teeth yellow if they do every day consume it. Tannins facilitate a color compound to stick in teeth.

When teeth are exposed, color compounds stick longer and give a yellow hue to them. In fermenting coffee, tannins are gone.

6. Relieves Stress

The fermented coffee method described above has many similarities with the decaffeinated process often found on the market. According to the experiment, caffeine in coffee is reduced by 30% compared to regular coffee, helping to reduce the amount of caffeine in coffee.

how to make ferment

For any reason, some people like to sleep in the morning. It causes of sleepy in the morning (danger symptoms). That’s not good for the body’s health. That’s why they need to drink coffee such as fermented coffee. This is a step for fermenting coffee:

  • Soak

The first step is gathering water for fermentation occurs when a lot of water and sugar are together. It is called soaking the coffee beans in water. This soaking process allows being flexible for the bacteria and microorganisms.

After the coffee has been soaked, add SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast). It is confirmed there are 50 yeast and bacteria present while the coffee is being fermented.

  • Inoculate

Inoculating is introducing the yeast to a medium. In this case, the medium will be inoculating bacteria and letting the yeast inside in. We can be using a different microorganism or use a previous batch of fermented coffee as well.

Ensuring it is not more than a day. A fermented beverage has many bacteria and yeast inside of it is enough for a new process. It can always use to inoculate coffee beans.

If don’t have a previous batch, prepare a new medium of non-pathogenic, non-toxic, aromatic yeast and lacto bacterias. Aromatic yeast has been reported to add more flavor to coffee beans.

  • Process of Waiting

After the medium (culture) is prepared well and coffee beans are completely soaked also inoculated. The waiting time is an actual process begins and microorganisms start to cut down the complex sugar into smaller molecules, these are usually alcohol, acids, ethanol, etc.

We have to wait for 1 or 2 days to get coffee beans to ferment correctly. Monitoring is close because this phase is crucial.

Each of the bacteria, yeast, and medium will demand a distinct environment for growth. Some of them need a warm environment and others need a cold temperature to sustain.

Farmers recommend for temperature ideal of 20 degrees celsius for 24-44 hours. The key is slow and steady. A very famous yeast named saccharomyces cerevisiae has resulted in a very profound coffee with fruit flavors, and smooth textures.

  • Clean and Dry

Drying is crucial to remove from the coffee beans. Water can mold flavors and destroy them. Drying evenly is important to do. Too much heat or little time can ruin a batch.

Make sure to provide moderate heat for the period of the coffee beans. Drying it equally is essential for more consistent flavor and quality. Drying can be done in several ways, natural drying, and mechanical drying.

The process of mechanical drying uses big machinery to dry a bigger batch. For households at home, can be dry on raised beds under the sun. Natural drying is more completely like because it results in a flat coffee bean and high quality.

  • Roast

Roasting is the beginning step of brewing coffee. Well, It has health benefits of roasted coffee beans for morning booster. Roasting extracts natural flavors and essential oils of coffee beans hidden inside.

To get the best result roast the beans for an extended with a low flame.  High flames only burn the beans’ walls without getting inside the coffee beans. The key is to roast slowly.

Roasting includes heat is a chemical change that takes place inside the coffee beans. It starts structurally changing from soft to crunchy. You will see either roasted light, medium, medium-dark, or darkest.

Light roast isn’t extracted many coffee flavors and oil in a short period. The medium roast flavors and oils in a fast period and result in brown color and crunchy.

It’s suitable for coffee beans for an extended period. Dark medium is one of the best roasts. It extracts all the flavors and oils in the coffee beans. It has a dark chocolate brown color and is too crunchy.

Dark roast is close to burning, If monitored closely, we can prepare a robust coffee with a deep cream out of the darkest roast. It roasted for so long that oil was out on the surface of the coffee beans. They look visible and outstanding in cream.

  • Grind

Grinding is a process to break down roasted coffee beans into coarse, medium coarse, and fine ground particles. A manual grinder or a super-automatic espresso machine is a tool for it.

A manual grinder is the best tool for roasting to enjoying an espresso every morning. If you prefer multiple brewing methods, buy a grinder that supports every brewing grind size from coarse to the finest grind.

Manual grinders are affordable in price and look classy. That’s a good idea If you don’t have time, buy an electric grinder. It will offer many grind-size settings. Every different grind for each different brewing method.