Weight Loss

9 Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Weight Loss

Are you on diet? Then, Is your diet healthy? It is known that the healthy diet comes from the great food consumption. It includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Not only for that, it should also include the high-fiber foods as well. In this case, we will talk about one ingredient which is the extra virgin olive oil. This oil has been known as the good ingredient for diet. It is made by crushing olives and extracting its fresh juice. As the consequence, do you want to know the benefits of extra virgin olive oil for weight loss? Then, let’s check it out!

1. Helps to Lose Weight

As described before, consuming extra virgin olive oil can manage the body weight. At this point, it is recommended to take 2-3 tablespoons in a day. However, the benefit of this will not very effective as you do not only need the olive oil. Indeed, all you need is the healthy diet which is rich in fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Thus, keeping your diet in a balance together with the consumption of extra virgin olive oil will be the best way to go. You can also check on Health Benefits of Lipton Diet Green Tea for Weight Loss

2. A Powerful and Healthy Diet

If you want to have a healthy diet, then the secret goes to the ingredients for your diet food. The main reason behind this is the content of nutrients in the healthy ingredients. You can combine olive oil with other vegetables and fruits as well. Then, by adding two tablespoons of extra virgin oil, you will get the best health benefits of the diet. In another hand, your body will be healthy as it has the good nutrients inside. You can also check on Health Benefits of Chinese Kale

3. Have Healthy Fats

As a matter of fact, one of the benefits of extra virgin olive oil for weight loss is to have the good fats. This healthy fat will not make you gain weight, but, indeed, it is beneficial to promote the body functions. The source of omega fats in olive oil will be valuable to protect the heart health. So, are you interested to add extra virgin olive oil for your diet?

4. Prevents Hunger

The reason why extra virgin olive oil is good for diet is the ability t prevent hunger. In this case, you can control the appetite and it leads the feeling of fullness. If you are on diet, then it is recommended to consume a water that has been added with a few drops of extra virgin olive oil. As a result, it will help your weight loss program then.
After knowing the benefits of extra virgin olive oil for weight loss, then check out other benefits of extra virgin olive oil below.

5. Source of Antioxidant

It turns out that extra virgin olive oil contains the high source of antioxidant. At this point, antioxidant will help to create the strong protection for the body. Besides, it prevents the infection and the effect of free radicals damage. As a result, it will be good to prevent certain health problems including cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to add two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to the diet foods for getting the best health results for sure. You can also check on Health Benefits of Eating Jaggery

6. Promotes Heart Health

Adding two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil will not only be good for your weight loss, but it can promote the healthy heart. The presence of healthy fats and antioxidant contribute well to protect against heart problems. Not only for that, the presence of anti-inflammatory properties will reduce the level of bad cholesterol which leads to the prevention of heart diseases. Such the great benefits, right? You can also check on Health Benefits of Scallops

7. Helps Diabetes

Another benefit of extra virgin olive oil is to help diabetes. We know that diabetes is a chronic disease. Indeed, it is not an easy way to find a right way to treat and prevent this disease. But, extra virgin olive oil comes to help you. The following diet by adding olive oil will help to regulate the level of blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity as well. Therefore, extra virgin olive oil will help you to treat diabetes then.

8. Promotes Brain Health

Surprisingly, extra virgin olive oil can be good to promote the brain health. In this case, the presence of omega-3 and omega-6 in olive oil will affect the healthy brain. Not only for that, based on a study published in the Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology has shown that extra virgin olive oil takes part to protect the brain health against toxic substances which lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Amazing, isn’t it? You can also check on Health Benefits of Beets for The Brain

9. Boosts Immune System

As extra virgin olive oil has the high source of polyphenols as antioxidants, then it can prevent the oxidative stress in the body. As a result, it will strengthen the immune system and prevent the body infection as well. Thus, if you want to keep your body healthy while on diet, then add extra virgin olive oil for sure!

After knowing the benefits of extra virgin olive oil, then let’s see the tips for consuming it below

Tips for Consuming Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • You should pick the best quality of extra virgin olive oil while buying it in the supermarket to get the best health results for sure.
  • Then, keep it at room temperature in a sealed container.
  • Add extra virgin olive oil to your diet foods. It is good to add it in uncooked dishes or at low-to-medium temperatures.
  • For the recipe tips, add extra virgin olive oil to salads, pasta, and cooked vegetables. These healthy foods are just very tasty!
  • Another way that you can have is by drinking 2 tablespoons each day for getting the best benefits of extra virgin olive oil for weight loss.
  • Last, you can add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to the tea. This will help you to have the healthy drink for diet for sure.

As the summarizing, extra virgin olive oil is good for weight loss. In another hand, it is also beneficial to promote the body functions. Thus, you can add this oil for the food consumption and get the best health and diet results. Good luck!