Skin Treatment

7 Amazing Benefits of Lard and Lye Soap – Good for Sensitive Skin

Every bathroom need soap. That is an unspoken rule of human’s hygiene. Some people even feel panic when they realize there are no soap in either private or public bathroom. It proves how important soap to a human’s life is.

Because soap helps clean the dirtiness in the body, that washing it only with water cannot do. Soap also helps eliminate bacteria, fungi, virus, and other pathogenic microorganism that reside in the outer part of the body (skin). In conclusion, soap is an important personal care product and has became a part of humanity.

But, what if there is a soap that is quite different from common soaps that use coconut or olive oil as their main ingredient? Will you still use this soap? Well, indeed this kind of soap may sounds strange to you, because it is literally composed of lard and lye.

You might be wondering, “what are they?” Well, if you’ve never heard of them, let us explain it a bit. Lard is a animal fat obtained from pig (you can refer as “pig fat” although sometimes it is traditionally called “pig oil”), and lye is a metal hydroxide often produced in the form of pellets. Both are material needed to make soap. OK, for the benefits of lard and lye soap, you can see below.

Chemical Compositions of Lard and Lye Soap

Lard and Lye Soap are mostly made of organic and natural ingredients, although small portion of it is still non-organic and chemicals. Based on recent studies, for the most part, lard is mainly fats. Fats in lard commonly referred as triglycerides in chemistry subjects. Lard also has varied value of iodine, and is reported to has similar composition to tallow. Meanwhile, lye is metal hydroxide as a whole, and can be acquired from leaching ashes.

Well, it’s the time for benefits of lard and lye soap. (You may want to read : Benefits of Body Pump for Weight Loss) Check it out :

1. Lard and lye soap is more environment friendly, require less chemicals, and has less production cost

According to ecologists’ comments, using lard and lye soap is proven to contributes to protection of environment and less likely contributes to pollution, due to its organic and natural ingredients. Lard and lye soap also contains less chemical objects, thereby making it less dangerous to living organisms. From the producer’s point of view, lard and lye soap could save a bit production’s budget, because it costs less than regular soap.

2. It doesn’t involve animal cruelty

Another good benefits of lard and lye soap. The good side of using natural or organic soap such as lard and lye soap is that before being marketed it doesn’t tested on animals. So, that means using this soap is not against law that address animal violence. (Recommended : Health Benefits of Storytelling for Mental Health Stress Reliever)

3. It has been tested dermatologically and verified by lab tester

Lard and lye soap is a safe product to use, according to soap examiner. It has been tested on human’s skin, and it is found that it doesn’t have negative on people with sensitive or allergic skin. Each brand of soaps may affect a person’s skin differently, depend on the person’s sensitivity. But, with lard and lye soap, consumers do not have to worry about it, because it’s been accepted universally this soap is suitable for any type of skin.

4. It doesn’t affect sensitive skin negatively

One of many benefits of lard and lye soap. For those who have sensitive or allergic skin to certain objects, this soap can be used as substitute to regular soap sold in public, in which some products may not suitable for sensitive skin. When using lard and lye soap, consumer would not experience the same effects that regular soap will do to sensitive skin. (Recommended : Benefits of THC Free CBD Oil)

5. Lard and lye have been a valuable commodity in soap manufacturing

Apparently, lard and lye has been used as materials in soap making since ancient times. Even to this day, lard and lye still made it to commercial soap manufacturer. This is a undeniable proof that lard and lye indeed is valuable commodity.

Traditional and natural products such as lard and lye soap most of the time are healthier, cheaper, and overall better than regular soap that produced chemically. (Recommended : Benefits of Coconut Oil for Breast Massage

6. Lard and lye soap kills bacteria found in the skin after an unsanitary activity

One of the best benefits of lard and lye soap. In some occasions, people unwillingly have to do the “dirty” work, such as lifting unwashed shoes, playing sports in a low hygiene place, having a mud party, cleaning a messy abandoned room, washing car manually, etc.

These kind of activities may give the person bacteria. According to microbiologist’s comment, bacteria may cause some diseases if the person is unaware or not taking a good care of his/her body. Do not act recklessly after you have had unsanitary activities. Make sure you immediately take a shower and use soap, especially lard and lye soap. Because this soap is comparable to anti-septic soap in killing bacteria residing on the skin.

7. It is good againts fungal infection

For people live in a low hygiene area (such as near polluted river, garbage disposal, etc) or people who actively engaged in a outdoor activities, skin problems are more likely occur than people who live in a sterilized, high hygiene area.

This may cause serious inconvenience if not treated well. Knowing most skin problems are caused by fungal infection, it is better to prevent these by taking care of yourself with right personal care products. Using soap in every bath time is already a good idea, but using more natural soap such as lard and lye soap is actually better. According to scientific studies, organic soap such as this are more efficient in killing fungi and other skin-infecting microorganisms.

Cautions in Using Lard and Lye Soap

Similar with other toilet soap, lard and lye soap is not to be consumed by mouth, and furthermore avoid area around the eye, and other inappropriate areas that are not supposed to be soaped.