
8 Notable Health Benefits of Vitamin E for Skin

Vitamin E is often said to be a magical substance that has many benefits, starting from treating health problems such as heart and blood circulation to beauty problems. Surely you often hear about the benefits of vitamin E which is excellent for the skin, as previously explained in the health benefits of black soybean, one of the best sources for Vitamin E. 

It is very popular to use as part of skin care because it can help overcome various skin problems. Some of the characteristics of vitamin E are that they contain antioxidant properties and are easily soluble in fat. 

Vitamin E or Alpha Tocopherol is an antioxidant found in foods such as green vegetables, nuts, grains, seafood and fruits, like the benefits of avocado.

You can use vitamin E by applying it directly on the skin or by drinking it. Vitamin E supplements are usually given by a doctor if the body cannot absorb vitamin E contained in a person’s daily diet. 

Not only in the form of capsules or supplements and creams for external use only, vitamin E can also be found in foods. Adults are recommended to consume vitamin E as much as 30 IU (International Unit) daily. 

Vitamin E deficiency can cause nerve damage and rupture of red blood cells, but this is very rare. Cases of vitamin E deficiency can occur in a person who is on a very low-fat diet, or has indigestion or suffers from cystic fibrosis (a deadly disease that damages the digestive system and lungs).

By definition, vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals that damage the body’s cells and may also be one of the causes of heart disease and cancer. The skin can benefit greatly from treatments using vitamin E. 

Health Benefits of Vitamin E for Skin

  • Makes You Skin Cleaner

Dirt, oil and any imperfections on the skin can be cleaned with one of the benefits of vitamin E that is maintaining the balance of oil cadasar on the face. The trick is to drip enough vitamin E oil on a cotton swab and apply it to the part of the skin that needs to be cleaned. 

Vitamin E has the benefit of softening the skin so that it can clean the surface of the skin very well without making it dry, and is a natural facial cleanser that can be used. Not only for skin, you can also enjoy the health benefits of vitamin E oil for nails.

  • Moisturizes the Skin

There are ways to deal with dry facial skin naturally, one of them is to use vitamin E. Vitamin E restores the condition of the skin and rejuvenates dehydrated skin. 

Combine a few drops of vitamin E into your night body lotion and apply it to the body before going to bed. Vitamin E is a liquid containing oil and therefore will be heavier in formula than liquids derived from water. 

It is very good for dry and oily skin because it can restore skin moisture. 

  • Reduces Stretch Marks

One of the health benefits of vitamin E is related to pregnancy. For postpartum care, vitamin E is a very helpful substance because it can fade stretch marks. Stretch marks arise because the skin loses its elasticity due to stretching of the skin layer. 

By using vitamin E, skin elasticity can be restored and disguise the white lines of stretch marks. Regular use of vitamin E oil in the stretch mark area while massaged slowly will be able to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

  • Overcoming Wrinkles

Vitamin E oil overcomes the causes of skin wrinkles quickly by encouraging collagen production that keeps the skin supple. In addition, it also supports the growth of new cells and accelerates the regeneration of body cells, thus the consumption of vitamin E according to the dose will be a way of eliminating wrinkles on the face.

  • Overcoming Premature Aging

Vitamin E prevents all things that can cause the skin to become dry, dull and wrinkled by encouraging collagen production. Thus, vitamin E can reduce the number of fine lines as well as signs of aging, and can be a way to prevent premature aging and overcome the causes of skin wrinkles quickly.

  • Reduces Black Stains

Black stains can be caused by varied factors such as damage from free radicals, aging, liver problems and so on. Use vitamin E to remove these black stains by consuming it from the capsules and mixed with essential oils such as olive oil. 

Rub into the black-stained area of the skin regularly until the stain disappears. Vitamin E is an excellent source of anti-free radicals and can reduce the damage caused by free radicals that cause pigmentation. Thus, vitamin E can be a way of removing black stains on the face.

  • Overcoming Rough Skin

Skin that is not smooth can look really rough. Because it is exposed to the cause of rough skin, treatment using vitamin E can be considered. Vitamin E provides the moisture the skin needs for intense healing. 

In fact, pure vitamin E is not ideal to use as a moisturizer because of its thick and sticky texture. Intense vitamin E therapy before bed is ideal for healing and skin care. How to use it is to mix vitamin E with olive oil for softer use and additional therapy.

  • Treats Sunburns

Sunburn wounds should be treated using vitamin E. Antioxidant content of vitamin E can neutralize the effects of free radicals caused by sunlight, and also to cool sunburned skin. How to use it is to apply some vitamin E oil to sunburned areas, and leave it for some minutes.

However, you can also find similarities with health benefits of almond milk for skin, so you can use it as an alternative for this problem.