Healthy Guide

Find Hidden Health Benefits of Lying on Your Left Side Here!

Do you know that the things we do daily can affect the health? For the example, if you like to run in the morning, then it will give you better stamina for sure. Also, if you always eat your healthy breakfast, then it will boost your energy. In another hand, it turns out that sleep position may be another important factor in the quest for optimum health. It is shown that lying on the left side may be the ticket to better health and better sleep, based on the theory stems from Ayurveda, a holistic approach to health and medicine that originated in India. At this point, it is good for the digestion, backs, and hearts due to the positions of different organs. Therefore, here we have listed the health benefits of lying on your left side below.

1. Promotes Digestion

The first health benefit of lying on your left side is to promote digestion. This is due to the process of allowing food waste to easily move from the large intestine into the descending colon. Besides, it is also good for the stomach and pancreas to hang naturally. As a result, it will promote the development of pancreatic enzymes and other digestive processes humming. Excellent, isn’t it? Then, you can try to lie on your left side to have the improved digestion. For the tips, it is also recommended to eat healthy and fiber foods to promote your digestive health. You can also check on Health Benefits of Purple Hull Peas

2. Promotes Healthy Heart

Surprisingly, it is known that lying on your left side is good to promote the healthy heart. It turns out that lying on the left side may help to take some pressure off the heart, as gravity can facilitate both lymph drainage toward and aortic circulation away from the heart. Besides, doctors have long recommended that pregnant women sleep on their left side in order to improve circulation to the heart. Then, are you interested to try this healthy guide? You can also check on Health Benefits of Roasted Peanuts for Healthy Heart

3. Relieves Heartburn

As the consequence, lying on your left side can help to relieve heartburn. It is based on a study published in The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology found that lying on the left side can help reduce acid reflux symptoms. More than that, it is linked to the presence of stomach lies on the left side. Then, to deal with heartburn, you can try to take a 10-minute lie-down on your left side. Such the great benefits, right?

4. Improves Circulation

One of the health benefits of lying on your left side is to improve circulation. As a matter of fact, sleeping or lying on your side takes pressure off your vena cava (largest vein in the body), which is located on the right side of your body and supplies blood to the right side of your heart. Then, from now on, you can try to lie on your left side to have such a healthier body. You can also check on Health Benefits of Foot Massage Pressure Point

5. Prevents Snoring

The unexpected benefit of lying on your left side is to prevent snoring. This is due to the position opens airways by keeping your tongue and throat muscles in a neutral position. Hence, it is suggested to lying and sleeping on your left side for your better sleep. otherwise, sleeping or lying in another form like sleeping on your back pushes these muscles towards the back of your throat and causes distinct snoring noises and you struggle to breathe.

6. Promotes Lymphatic System

Next, the health benefits of lying on your left side include the way to promote the lymphatic system. It is also linked to Ayurvedic medicine, sleeping on your left side will help your body to better filter lymph fluid and waste via the lymph nodes as the left side of our body is the dominant lymphatic side. In addition, it is known that this healthy activity can help the body process waste materials from the brain.

7. Promotes Brain Health

Another health benefit of lying on your left side is to promote brain health. It is based on a Stony Brook University study suggests that how you sleep could help lower your chances of developing cognitive concerns later in life. Besides, it is also linked to the study, published in The Journal of Neuroscience, have found that the way a person’s body is positioned while they sleep had the effect to the brain’s waste clearance system or lymphatic system. You can also check on Health Benefits of Goat Meat for Brain

8. Relieves Back Pain

For those who suffer from back pain, then it is suggested to try lying on your left side.tis will help to relieve pressure on the spine and feel more comfortable. For the tips, it will also be important to choose a mattress that’s ideal for side sleeping so it will put the right pressure on the hips and shoulders. In this case, it will increase the chances of getting a better sleep. Hence, it is your turn to apply this healthy guide!

9. Helps Pregnancy

As explained before, doctors recommend pregnant women to sleep on their left side. In this case, lying on the left side doesn’t only improve pregnant women’s circulation. It can also help to deal with pressure on the back, keep the uterus from squeezing the liver, and increase blood flow to the uterus, kidneys, and fetus. Indeed, it is a very good way for pregnant women. You can also check on Prunes Health Benefits for Pregnancy On First Semester

To summarize, lying on your left side is the healthy guide you can try. This will boost the body health such as relieving back pain and promote the lymphatic system. At this point, changing the position in your sleeping or lying habits may not very easy. But, you can try to place a body pillow on your right side to keep you from rolling over or keep a nightlight on the right side of your bed to naturally draw you towards the left. Besides, you can also try keeping a pillow on your left side and placing it in between your knees and shoulders. With this guide, then you can have a healthier body by lying on your left side. Thus, stay healthy there!