
18 Health Benefits of Gynura Leaves #Longevity Spinach

Still in the theme of health benefits, now we will discuss about gynura leaves. Do you know something about this gynura leaves? In Indonesia, this leaves called as “Daun Dewa” or in latin gynura divaricata. Gynura leaves is a kind of herbal plant that can grow in the high 200 until 800 mdpl. This plant include to the Compositae family. The others name of this gynura leaves that maybe we always hear are Ngokilo, sambung nyawa ( Java People), daun dewa (Jawa Tengah), San qi cao (China) and gynura procumbens.

Before we talk about health benefits of Gynura leaves, better we know about the characteristics of gynura leaves and the nutrient content of gynura leaves.

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Gynura Leaves Facts” state=”closed

Characteristics of Gynura Leaves

Before we talk about health benefits of gynura leaves, better we know about the characteristic first.

  • Has height 30 until 40 cm
  • Has standing stem
  • The stems are short, soft, and rectangular, cross-sectional, and haired on the outside
  • The leaves have a length of up to 20 cm with a width of 10 cm. Oval-shaped, fluffy, pointed leaf tip. The edges of the leaves are purplish green
  • Has a short petiole
  • Has a compound flower growing on the tip of the stem, green flower-shaped petals, with yellow needle-shaped stamens
  • Can breed by stem cuttings and tubers.

Nutrient Content of Gynura Leaves

Nutrient Content of Gynura Leaves

The nutrient content inside the gynura leaves are:

  • Saponins
  • Oil astiri
  • Flavonoids
  • Tannin
  • Vanilla
  • Polyphenols
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Acid p-kumarat
  • Acid p-hydroxy benzoate
  • Alkaloids, triterpenoids
  • Sterol
  • Vitamin K

The chemical properties in the substance, which belong to gynura leaves include:

  • Anticoagulants, is to dilute blood clots, stimulate blood circulation, and stop the occurrence of bleeding
  • Diuretics, is to can shed urine
  • Anti-toxic, which can clean toxins in the body
  • Anti-cholesterol, controlling cholesterol in the blood
  • Anti-pyretic, lowers body temperature
  • Hypotensive, lowers blood pressure
  • Hypoglycemin, lowers blood sugar levels
  • Anti-inflammatory, reduces inflammation
  • Analgesics, relieve pain
  • Antihyperlipidemia, lowering cholesterol and triglesirida
  • Anti bacteria, kills and prevents bacterial proliferation
  • Cytostatic, which slowing down the growth of cancer cells

After we talks about characteristics of gynura leaves and nutrient content of gynura leaves, let’s we talk about health benefits of gynura leaves. Do you know something about health benefits of gynura leaves? Or maybe you have heard something about the health benefits of gynura leaves from some people? Let’s we check it out.

1. Treat Stroke

Stroke is a health problems that occur due to damage to tissue in the brain as a result of arterial blood vessels in charge of blood flow to the brain. This problem has to help as soon as possible to prevent from bad things happen. The health benefits of gynura leaves can be an alternative medicine to help treat stroke, the steps:

  • Drink the herbal potion that made of blowing of crop tubers from gynura leaves that was mixed with a few of ginkgo’s seed and some honey. Or you can make the herbal that made of blowing of crop tubers from gynura leaves that was mixed with a few of ginkgo’s seed become a capsule and drink it.
  • Or you can drink the potion from the stew of gynura leaves regularly twice a day.

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2. Treat Rheumatism

Rheumatism is a health disorder that occurs in the bone joints. To prevent that disorder not happen, so we should have a diet that contain full of complex carbohydrates, protein in moderate level, and low fat. To treat rheumatism with gynura leaves you can do these steps: you can drink the potion from the stew of gynura leaves or you can drink the potion from the stew of gynura leaves mixed with red ginger and rot of Vernonia cinerea.

3. Treat Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that caused by sugar level in the blood over the limit. So, this disease need to help as soon as possible to treat. Hypoglikemin that contained inside gynura leaves can reduce the sugar level in blood. The way is you can drink the potion from the stew of gynura leaves regularly once per day.

Also read: Types of Diabetes – What Should a Diabetic Eat for Breakfast and Dinner

4. Treat Heartache

We know that heartache usually can bring an adult people to the death. This disease can be number one killer in adult people. This disease caused by the flow of blood to the heart stopped although just a few second. The factor of heartache is a smoker, alcoholic, obesity, less to take a rest, less to do a sport thing. One of the natural way to reduce the risk of this disease is with regularly drink the potion that made of mashed up crop tubers and boiling it with water. This potion can drink in the noon.

Also read: Benefits and Uses of Honey for Your Healthy Heart

5. Treat Hypertension

Hypertension is one of the critical disease that can cause any complication. This disease caused by the blood pressure in the artery increase. Do you know that inside gynura leaves there is a substance of hypotesif to reduce the blood pressure? The way to consume gynura leaves to reduce blood pressure is you can drink the potion from the stew of gynura leaves regularly twice per day after eat or you can make it to salad and eat it.

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6. Treat Cancer

Sitotastik in gynura leaves can slowing down the growth rate of cancer in body. The way to consume it to treat cancer is you can drink the potion from the stew of gynura leaves mixed with curcuma zedoaria and common dandelion.

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7. Treat Bleeding or Swelling of the Breast

This disorder can cause pain sensation in breast. This happen with a lot of factor such as puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and others. The way to treat it with gynura leaves is simple, just you can drink the potion from the stew of gynura leaves as much as half glass once per day.

8. Treat Wounds

Mashed up from root tubers of gynura leaves mixed with some red sugar can treat wounds such as treat burns, and others. Use it and take on the right place and bandage it with clean cloth. In addition, the efficacy of this plant can also treat bruises. The steps are mashed up from leaves of gynura leaves mixed with some leaves of castorbean plants and place it on the bruises.

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9. Treat from bites of wild animals

When bitten by a wild animal, do not be too panicked. Take a few tubers of the gynura leaves, then crushed and place it on the bite wound. Do not forget to use bandages.

10. Treat warts

Warts is another term for papilloma, a type of benign tumor that exists on the skin caused by excessive thickening of the outer layer of the skin. Natural way to treat it is stacked up a few leaves of gynura leaves and attached to warts with tape. Or cut a few leaves of gynura leaves and attached to warts with tape.

11. Treating Ganglion

Anatomically a ganglion is a chunk of biological tissue formed by nerve cells in the body. Ganglion is a type of cyst that usually appears on the hands or feet. The way to treat ganglion naturally is to regularly consume the benefits of gynura leaves every day. For example, used it as salad.

12. Treating Cough and Vomiting Blood

Respiratory disorders such as cough, are usually happen and normal symptoms of some cough illness. But the cough with blood vomit should be very careful. It can signal a serious disruption to our health. To overcome this, use the efficacy of the leaves of the gynura leaves as a herb to help treatment.

The trick is to drink the potion from the stew of gynura leaves as much as 3 times a day, routinely each ½ cup. It can also stop bleeding in pregnancy.

13. Treat Seizures in Children

When a child has a high fever, especially accompanied by a seizure, will certainly make the parents are very panicked and worried. For first aid, mashed up the stem of the gynura leaves, then mix a little arrack and drink it to the child.

14. Treat Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a type of contagious disease caused by a virus called dengue. Transmission of this virus can be through bites of mosquito with kind of aedes aegypti. Often because this disease can bring the impact of death on someone. To help treat it, drink the potion from the stew of gynura leaves twice a day.

15. Treating Sprains

This right often occurs in someone who is active in exercising or a person doing a lot of physical activity. Many ways are done to overcome them, such as massage or by using drugs. In addition to these ways, there is a natural way to treat sprains that is by drinking the potion from the stew of gynura leaves mixed with curcuma aeruginosa and temulawak 2 times a day.

16. Treating Hemorrhoids

Another efficacy of the gynura leaves is to treat hemorrhoids. To treat hemorrhoids with gynura leaves, here is the steps : drinking the potion from the stew of gynura leaves mixed with aloe vera and a little honey. But if the hemorrhoids gonna be worst, take some leaves leaves of gynura leaves, then squeeze to remove the sap, and insert into the anus. Also read: Health Benefits of Fig Leaves

17. Overcoming Menstrual Disorders

Sometimes women are disturbed by irregular menstrual cycles. However, one of the benefits of gynura leaves can be a solution to this disorder. The way to treat is to drinking the potion from the stew or mashed up the leaf of gynura leaves mixed with a little arrack that has been heated.

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18. Remove Black Spots on The Face

Black spots are a skin disorder that is very disturbing appearance, especially for women. Squeezing the leaves of gynura leaves and taking the sap to be smeared on the affected part of the spots, can help overcome black spots.

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