Herbal Plant

15 Super Potent List of Herbal Plants Found in the Philippines

Philippines is one of the archipelago countries part of Southeast of Asia. The tropical climate and archipelagoes condition make Philippines among the countries that are rich of flora. The list of herbal plants found in Philippines below is the proof that this country is super rich of herbal plants with medical properties that could be used as part of traditional medication or home remedy solution.

  1. Blumea balsamifera

The first herbal plant found in the Philippines is from genus Blumea with scientific name Blumea balsamifera while the locals called this flowering plant sambong. Among the Philippines, this flowering plant is one of the essential home remedy to treat external conditions like open wound and cuts due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties. However, it is also effective to treat internal conditions caused by certain bacteria, fungal and virus such as diarrhea, cold, flu and stomach pain. Moreover, some studies have been conducted to find out more about this flowering plant and those studies stated that B. blasamifera is also good for kidney, promote healthy diuretic and prevent kidney stones.

  1. Cassia alata

Cassia alata is another flowering plant in the list of herbal plants found in the Philippines and some parts of Asia region. It comes for genus Cassia but the same species also grouped in the genus of genus Senna with scientific name Senna alata but they are actually the same flowering plant. Among the locals, C. alata is well known as akapulko while the English name of this flowering plant is ringworm bush because its antifungal properties are super potent to treat some skin conditions caused by fungal including ringworm. This flowering plant is effective to treat itchy skin caused by insect bites and some skin conditions including eczema and scabies.

  1. Momordica charantia

Momordica charantia is the scientific name of bitter gourd or bitter melon. The bitter flavor of the fruit is the distinctive characteristic of this plant but behind the bitter flavor there are a lot of bitter melon benefits.  Among the health benefits of bitter melon fruit is as anti-cancer and also excellent for diabetes treatment and lowering blood pressure level. As anti-cancer there are some research studies that stated that the antioxidant properties found in bitter melon is super potent to inhibit the cancerous cells and prevent the worst effect of free radicals.

  1. Allium sativum

Among the list of herbal plants found in the Philippines, Allium sativum is probably the most popular because it is the scientific name of garlic, a type of spice commonly found in every kitchen in the world. The list of health benefits of eating fresh garlic could be endless such as health benefits of garlic to the liver, benefits of garlic for your healthy heart and garlic for weight loss.  However, among the locals, garlic which is well known as bawang is widely used to help lowering cholesterol level and as immunity booster during recovery after illness.

  1. Psidium guajava

Psidium guajava is the botanical name guava. Guava is one of the trees that are cultivated for the fruit because among the health benefits of guava is it is one of the effective treatment against dengue fever. However, for the locals the health benefits of guava leaves are considered to be potent herbal remedy to several diseases such as stomach pain and diarrhea. It is because the leaves which is well known as bayabas leaves contain potent anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, antiseptic and even anti-allergic properties. They use the leaves externally and internally by made them into herbal tea.

  1. Vitex negundo

Another folk medicine you should know found in the Philippines is Vitex negundo which is well known as lagundi by the locals. This herbal plant is not originated in Philippines but widely spreading around Asia regions from China to India but this herbal plant is very popular in Southeast Asia including Malaysia, Indonesia and Cambodia. The leaves are commonly used to treat light cold, fever and sore throat. Furthermore, due to its antibacterial properties, the leaves are also used as home remedy to treat diarrhea and reduce the symptoms of asthma.

  1. Quisqualis indica L.

Don’t mistaken it with its beautiful flower because this vine flowering plant contains some potent deworming properties to eliminate intestine parasites. The English name of this flowering plant is Chinese honeysuckle but the locals call it as niyog-niyogan. It has been well known as home remedy to diarrhea, stomach problems, painful urination and even ulcers. That’s why even the government has recommended this plant as part of traditional medicine approved by the Philippines’ Department of Health. Recent studies also stated that this flower is among the list of medicinal plants used for cancer treatment due to its potent anti-cancer properties.

  1. Ehretia microphylla

Ehretia microphylla is not originated from Philippines but history stated this plant is originated from China and has been part of Chinese folk medicines for over centuries. However, among the locals this flowering plant which is well known as tsaang gubat with English name scorpion bush. The gem of this flowering plant is the leaves which are super effective to treat several skin conditions such as eczema, scabies and even the itchiness caused by skin allergy. This plant comes from genus Ehretia which has more than 50 species that spread around the world.

  1. Peperomia pellucida

Do you have problem with gout and arthritis? Well, learn from the Philippines by using peperomia pellucida which is well known by the locals as pansit-pansitan. The Philippines have been using this herbal plant to treat gout and arthritis made into vegetables mix or salad due to its potent analgesic properties as pain killer. Some studies have been conducted to proof that the antibiotic properties found in this plant is potential enough against some bacteria including E. coli.

  1. Clinopodium douglasii

Clinopodium douglasii is among the famous mint leaves commonly found in Philippines and widely used as pain reliever. Though it comes from different genus of peppermint but they both come from the same family Lamiaceae. So, its health benefits are similar to the health benefits of mint leaves which are as potent pain and stress reliever. As pain reliever, the leaves of this herbal plant is effective to treat rheumatism, arthritis and even toothaches while as stress reliever, it is effective to treat headache, nausea and even fainting.

  1. Moringa oleifera

When talking about herbal leaves that are packed with nutritious and potent medical properties, moringa is among the top list. It is because the health benefits of moringa leaves are not limited to external used only but also internally. As external use, the health benefits of moringa leaves on skin are such as acne solution, scalp treatment up to premature aging prevention. However, as leaves that are rich of anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, vitamin and minerals, moringa leaves also effective to treat asthma and excellent for lactating women during breastfeeding.

  1. Euphorbia hirta

The English name of Euphorbia hirta is asthma plant because even among the locals of the Philippines that call this plant as tawa-tawa, this plant has been well known to treat asthma. However, among the amazing list of the health benefits of tawa-tawa plant, this herbal plant is best well known as herbal treatment against dengue fever. The locals prefer to consume the leaves in the form of herbal tea and as dengue fever treatment, the leaves are believed to help increasing the blood palate count though further studies are strongly required but this herbal plant has been proven to be effective immunity booster.

  1. Lagerstroemia speciosa

The locals of Philippines are using the word banaba leaves as reference to Legerstroemia speciosa. The main health benefits of banaba leaves are as potent diabetes treatment due to its insulin properties called plastinol. Furthermore, the leaves are also rich of polyphenols and flavonoids which are potent antioxidants that beneficial for diabetic patients. As part of diabetic treatment, these leaves are effective in lowering the blood sugar level. Besides for diabetic treatment, banaba leaves are also used traditionally as home remedy to fever, constipation and diarrhea.

  1. Zingiber officinale

Surely you have been familiar with Zingiber officinale because it is the scientific name of ginger. Just like garlic, ginger is very common spices found in every cuisine in the world including the Philippines which is using the word luya for this herb. The list benefits of ginger are including anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiseptic properties. Recent studies also found that this rhizome plant also contains potent antibiotic to treat conditions like diuretic. Furthermore, ginger is potent immunity booster to accelerate recovery after illness.

  1. Origanium vulgare

Origanium vulgare is the botanical name of oregano, so this herbal plant is not native to Philippines but from Western region. However, even the Philippines are using the word oregano for this herb and the health benefits of oregano leaves used as home remedy to treat several diseases like asthma, stomach pains and arthritis. This herb is well known to be packed with some potent medical properties such as antimicrobial and antioxidants.

Though some plants from the list of herbal plants found in the Philippines are not originated from the Philippines but they are the herbal plants commonly used as home remedy or traditional medication to treat some common diseases. However, there are also some plants that are used to treat even more serious diseases like dengue fever, diabetes and even cancer.