Herbal Oil

25 Health Benefits of Red Thyme Essential Oil

Most people knows that the essential oil is very useful for human health. Medical treatment even use essential oil to treat variety of ailments. One of the famous essential oil is Red Thyme Essential Oil. It is very healthy essential oil for humans’ body.

Red thyme is also known as Thymus Vulgaris. It is one of the mint family member. The red thyme essential oil is also used for aromatherapy. In medicinal treatment, the red thyme is also used to treat many diseases. It has been known as herb with multi-benefits for human health since thousands years ago.

The red thyme essential oil is useful herb in treating the body system and also many diseases. Red thyme essential oil is well known of its antioxidant which is very useful to fight cancer. Besides, the red thyme essential oil is very useful to treat many problems relate to health. Hereby the health benefits of Red Thyme Essential Oil:

1. Treat Cough and Throat Problem

Red thyme essential oil has been known since long time ago as the remedy of cough. Nowadays it is even used as the main ingredients of syrup for cough treatment. Beside, the red thyme oil can treat the problem relates to mouth, it even effectively treat the inflammations of throat and mouth. Besides, the red thyme essential oil is very useful to treat the cramps and also pain relating to spasms. Spasms can occur while it effects the respiratory muscles and other organs. It can lead to the coughs and also cramps.

2. Treat the Rheumatism and Arthritis

Another benefits of red thyme essential oil is that it can treat the rheumatism. This essential oil can solve this common disease. The red thyme essential oil can remove even kill the toxins from the body which are growing up inside the body. The red thyme essential oil can even stimulate the circulation to activate very well. It is proved that the red thyme essential oil can effectively heal the rheumatism and also arthritis.

3. Treat the Acne Problem

Acne has been a common problem among people especially teenagers. Since this is the common problem among people the medical researches tried their best to find the effective herb to fix this problem and they found the red thyme essential oil can solve this problem well. The red thyme can kill the bacterium inside the body especially on skin. The red thyme has the antibacterial function and can kill the bacterium very fast than other antibacterial herbs.

4. Antibacterial Agent

As it is mentioned above that the red thyme is very effective to kill bacterium relates to acne problem. It is proved that the red thyme essential oil is the great antibacterial agent which can kill bacterium very fast. The red thyme essential oil can even block the growth of bacteria inside the body. This useful essential oil is very helpful to treat the infection relating to bacteria causes such as Renal Colic and B-Colitis. Besides, the red thyme essential oil can help to cure the external bacterial infections of wounds.

5. Anti-Cancer

It has been known that the red thyme essential is extremely powerful to prevent the cancer growth. According to some researches revealed that the red thyme essential oil is effective to fight the breast cancer cells. It has been stated that the red thyme essential oil can destroy 98% of breast cancer cells among people. In the other sides, the red thyme essential oil is very useful to treat the ovarian cancer and oral cancer. It is known as the effective way to protect body from colon cancers.

6. Treat the Hypertensive

Another great benefits of red thyme essential oil is that it can be anti-hypertensive agent. Based on some studies revealed that the red thyme essential oil can reduce the high blood pressure inside the body. It was stated that the red thyme essential oil can even protect the body from hypertension.

7. Antiseptic

The red thyme essential oil has been known as the effective herb to treat many diseases. It is also known as the effective antiseptic. It can treat wounds and also sores relating to infections. The agent such as caryophyllene and camphene of red thyme is very useful to treat those problems. Both is known as the antiseptic.

8. Keep the Heart Healthy

Another good news of red thyme benefits is that its essential oil can treat the heart troubles. It also keeps the valves works well. Besides, the red thyme essential oil can make the arteries and also veins relaxed. Thus, relating to hypertensive, the red thyme essential oil is very useful to reduce the blood pressure and also stress problem. In the same case, the red thyme essential oil can also strengthen the cardiac muscles and it is also good to keep the heart healthy.

9. Treat the Vaginal Infections

There are so many herbs which are useful to kill yeasts but the effective way to do is red thyme essential oil. It is useful to treat the infection caused by yeast. Using the red thyme essential oil to treat the vaginal infection is the best way since it can even kill the Candida albicans by enhancing the intracellular.

10. Boost the Immune System

Red thyme essential oil is rich in vitamin C and A. Vitamin A and C are known as the effective way to treat the cold. Having cold means that the immune system is getting weak. To strengthen and also boost the immune system, the red thyme will be the effective way. Breathing the red thyme essential oil can treat it well.

11. Treat the Snoring Habit

Using the essential oil to treat the good sleeping is the good way. Using the red thyme essential oil can treat the snoring problem. It is remedy to stop snoring and it is also good to calm down the brain while sleeping. The red thyme essential oil can be rubbed in feet, apply it before going to sleep and it will surely and effectively reduce snoring habit. Moreover, the red thyme essential oil can even give the peace and healthy sleep.

12. Vanishing the Spots or Scars

The red thyme essential oil is very useful to treat the skin well including to vanish the the spots and also scars. It is proved that the red thyme essential oil can even vanish the surgical marks, scars caused by injury, wounds, acne and measles.

13. Kill the worms

The red thyme essential oil can protect the body from worms. It will even kill worms inside the body. According to the studies, it revealed that the red thyme essential oil can also kill the tape worms. In the same case it will also destroy the maggots living in sores.

14. Hypertensive

There are many kind of herbs which can be very useful to treat the hypertensive very well including the red thyme essential oil. For those who has suffered from the the low blood pressure can rise their blood pressure by the red thyme essential oil. According to some studies revealed that the red thyme essential oil normalizes the blood pressure.

15. Keep the body from Insects

Another health benefits of the red thyme essential oil is that it can keep the body from the insects and also can kill it very well. Moreover, it is effectively useful to kill the parasites inside the body.

16. Treat the Cold

According to some studies revealed that the red thyme essential oil can reduce the suffering from cold. This red thyme essential oil can even heal the infection due to cold even it will relief it effectively.

17. Treat the Painful Menstruation

For some women, menstruation might bring the painful periods. It has been the common problem among women. Therefore, there are many studies focused on how to reduce the pain during menstruation. One of the effective herb to do so is the red thyme essential oil. The red thyme essential oil works by opening the obstructed menses and it will cause the relief of abdominal pain, nausea and other problems associated with menstruation.

18. Defer the Menopause

The red thyme essential oil has been known as the effective herb to heal so many diseases including for women health. It has been stated by some studies that the red thyme essential oil can even defer the menopause among woman but it will keep the women healthy and fertile. Furthermore, the red thyme essential oil can also boost the production of estrogen hormones. Thus it is very useful for women health.

19. Prevent the Overweight and Fats

This is good news among people who wants to lower the weight. According to the studies revealed that the red thyme essential oil can rise the urination and it will kill and even block the toxins from the body. Moreover it also can reduce the salts inside the body, thus this can reduce the overweight and also fats.

20. Remove the Gases on Stomach

The red thyme essential oil has been known as the great herb to heal many diseases including removing the gases which might be very dangerous for human health. That gas will be on stomach and it will be handed by the red thyme essential oil as the antispasmodic agent and carminative agent in which it will remove the gas very well.

21. Kick the Mosquitoes out

For another benefits of red thyme essential oil is that it can be very useful to kick the mosquitoes out. It will be very useful in order to make the restful sleeping. The scent of red thyme essential oil can repel the mosquitoes very well. Thus it will bring the sleeping time more peaceful.

22. Protect Body from the Kidney Stone

Another good news of the red thyme essential oil is that it can keep the kidney clean. According to the study revealed that the red thyme essential oil contains the astringent which can be very useful to keep the kidney healthy and clean. It will keep the body from kidney stone problem.

23. Treat the Chest Infection

The red thyme has been analyzed in its effective way to heal chest problems associated to infections such as lungs, bronchi, pharynx and also larynx. Thus the red thyme essential oil is effectively treat the cough symptoms, including long-time coughing. Using the red thyme essential oil for this purpose will not risk or cause the side effects for heart, liver, stomach, kidneys or even eyes since the red thyme essential oil is very good to treat the body healthy.

24. Stimulate the Metabolism System

Red thyme essential oil has been known also as the great stimulant for metabolism system inside the body. The red thyme essential oil is very useful to stimulate the digestion system, circulation activity and also normalize the metabolism system inside the body.

25. Boost the Memory

The red thyme essential oil is very useful to keep the brain and its memory healthy. According to the studies revealed that the red thyme essential oil is effectively helpful to boos the memory system and also increase the concentration of brain. Thus will bring the odor of the body and will cause the scent of breath.

Side Effects of Red Thyme Essential Oil

Although there are many health benefits of red thyme essential oil, but there are another side effects which You have to know very well before using it as the treatment to heal some diseases. Using the red thyme essential oil may cause the side effects such as allergic reactions in the body. For some cases, using red thyme essential oil may also cause the dermatitis on skin. Therefore, for those who are allergies to mint oil such as red thyme essential oil must be very careful to use it and it will be better to consult to the doctor about using it for medical or treatment purpose.