
The 12 Health Benefits of Red Honey

Red Honey is one of the types of unique honey produced in the Himalayan Mountains of Nepal. It is used for pain reduction, cold relief, and comfort from stomach aches.

Red honey known as mad honey is produced by APIs laborious which is the biggest bee in the world and resides in the mountain of Nepal at altitudes 3000-5000 meters also found in Turkey.

It is an intriguing flavor and has multiple health benefits. Consuming red honey in a small amount can give well digestion, the highest energy, and relief from stress and insomnia.

1. Aids in Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance

Red honey contains macronutrients such as protein and carbohydrates which can give energy and help recover muscles after exercise. Therefore, it contains micronutrients to help balance the immune system and prevent diseases including vitamin B6, vitamin C also minerals like zinc, iron, and magnesium.

Take 1 tablespoon of red honey before night as a drug for quick weight loss remedies. The liver produces glucose with the help of red honey. Glucose is to keep the level of blood sugar in the brain keep high with build-up the brain gets the result molecules to burn fat.

Therefore, it can use in the recipe for weight loss such as oats, juices, salad as salad dressing, and smoothies. Although it comes with sweetness, calories, and carbohydrates. It makes it full for longer.

However, it’s vital to need to reduce body weight overall with changes in lifestyle. Otherwise, to reduce body weight better to consume red honey and work out for about 20 to 45 minutes 3 to 5 times per week.

2. Boost Immune Body System

As a result of an antioxidant, it can increase immune the body’s system and prepare to fight attacks on diseases same as children need to strengthen the body’s immune system.

Here are other health benefits of honey for children. This amazing substance which is an antioxidant is to stops everything that forms damaged cells.

It will tend for them to be susceptible to sickness as the prevention. Otherwise, it has minerals such as potassium and calcium to increase the level of fluid normal cells in the body and build up muscles due to bones.

3. Low Glycemic Index

Through the benefits of drinking agave nectar with a low glycemic index, people with diabetes can use it as a guilt-free substitute for sugar in their food.

If we like in sweetness food, need to pay attention to intake the daily sugar because of the fitness goal, then switch to red honey safely. The nutrients in this red honey are lower than common honey which can be found in the supermarket.

4. Increase Respiratory Health

Bronchitis, asthma, and coughs have been all treated with red honey in conventional medicine. In the traditional treatment, red honey can be used as a drug for respiratory issues such as bronchitis, asthma, and cough.

Since ancient times, people use red honey as a home cure for sore throat and cough. It’s said that have characteristic calming to coat the throat and quality anti-bacterial properties that can fight off infections.

5. Repair Skin Issues

Using red honey to tighten and smooth skin. Use mix turmeric powder, lemon juice, and red honey on to face before sleep if have dry skin, then cleansing face in the morning and will see the directly amazing.

It defends to attack damaged cells and is anti-aging because of vitamin C and antioxidants. Red honey is combining superb enzymes and healthy substances in the beauty industry.

Otherwise, red honey is excellent scrub for the body and lips. Therefore, mix red honey, sugar, and coffee then use them as a natural exfoliator. Besides that, it has characteristic anti-bacterial properties that can heal serious wounds quickly.

Also, it can use as a wound dressing because antioxidants will accelerate quick wound healing, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties.

6. Enhances The Gut Health

It has a probiotic component that can easily gut-digest food, decreases bloating, stops diarrhea, and digestion disorders harder. Therefore, it contains beneficial bacteria known as gut flora, which gives easy digestion.

This enzyme is unique and can be found in red honey to help digestion of sugar and carbohydrates complex. Otherwise, the health benefits of avocado in the morning also help improve gut health. Therefore, it contains substances called methylglyoxal to treat intestinal infections.

7. Increase Cardiovascular Health

Consuming red honey in a moderate amount probably give a positive impact on heart health and the level of blood pressure. Therefore, consuming the benefits of oats in a smoothie is helpful for better cardiovascular.

Antioxidants can be found inside to regulate the level of cholesterol, a decrease of damage heart, and also it is beneficial for the lungs by reducing lung congestion because of their quality anti-bacterial and antimicrobial properties.

8. Healthy Psycho-Active

Red honey isn’t only good because of its organic but also has natural psychoactive properties. The giant Nepalese bee looking for food on the stunning rhododendron flowers which contain grayanotoxin, it is a psychoactive compound in red honey that bees produced.

That’s why red honey gives effect hallucinogenic or psychoactive after consumption. Undoubtedly that red honey is one of alternative sweetness and is healthy to drink without compromising sanity or health. Like everything else, red honey should be consumed in moderation.

9. Energizing Effects

The energy is needed for people to do many activities such as work out. Eating breakfast before exercise can give energy. It can also obtain from healthy food like honey.

With about 26 amino acids and nutrient compounds such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C, calcium, and mineral, not surprising that red honey can increase metabolism.

Red honey help to get rid of fat and aids in food digestion. It converts fat into energy and doesn’t gain weight. Sweetness pleasure, who is don’t want it?

10. An Alternative Remedy to Traditional Medicine

The usage of red honey for medicine can be retraced back to 2100 BC. Honey has been used for cough, wound healing, diabetes, sexual stimulation, and hypertension in the world for centuries.

Red honey is used for multiple purposes, which is different from common honey. It is used as an alternative drug for hypertension, diabetes, flu, gastrointestinal ailments, gastric pain, and arthritis.

Red honey is believed a prominent immune booster among the Gurung Tribesman of Nepal. Nectar is used for treating wounds for various skin issues. Otherwise, it is effective against viruses and bacteria.

Raw honey is known as an effective germ killer and regeneration of skin tissue. Therefore, it is a good product to reduce acne because of its antibacterial and antifungal. Last but not least, red honey is a strong aphrodisiac.

11. Reduce Ulcer and Gastrointestinal Problems

Red honey is consumed by locals to cure peptic ulcers, abdominal or gastric pain, bowel disorders, indigestion, dyspepsia, and other issues. Red honey is rich in antioxidants to help prevent and recovery damage cells in the digestive tract and therefore, it is believed can reduce gastrointestinal.

12. Help to Prevent Cancer and Heart Disease

According to the research published by Hindawi in 2012, red honey is believed as one of the highest carriers of phenolic compounds and contributes to high antioxidant properties which in turn, help to prevent cancer as oxidants and free radicals are responsible for the growth development of cancer.